Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Talking about a 16 year old is a waste of time. Especially in the context of other players who have either debuted, or will in the next year. He’s so far down the track, if at all at that age.

There is countless examples of players making debuts at 18. Discussion around the trajectory of future players with talent, particularly when they factor into the long-term planning of the club is not only appropriate, it's important.

There is countless examples of players making debuts at 18. Discussion around the trajectory of future players with talent, particularly when they factor into the long-term planning of the club is not only appropriate, it's important.
You’re talking about someone who might not debut till 2028. If he even does.
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If you're married try going home tonight and telling the wife that you could've pulled in an extra 600k a year but you knocked it back because you wanted to hang around with your mates, see how many frying pans to the head you take.

Too many of you blokes get sucked in by the "getting less to play for a good club" rubbish. These blokes all have mangers getting their cut. They're not taking less. They go for money every time, sometimes the money just isn't on show.
We will find out sooner or later if you're right. I'm happy to be wrong
The fact of the matter is we have to make a big play on Luai, it will be between us the dogs and staying at Penrith. We simply can't be going in for these marquee types and missing them, between the 3 clubs likely to be involved we'd have to shell out the most. Two time spooners staring down the barrel of a 3peat with a rookie coach.

We need a big signing to shift the narrative and stigma of coming to the club, we make a couple of big spine signings( Luai and Api ) we have a young gun fullback and an apparent superstar kid 5/8. That one spine signing makes things a whole lot better we have a competitive pack lots of good juniors coming through.

Im not a huge fan of Luai purely because of his attitude in general but a signing of his caliber arguably brings other better signings to the conversation and make retention of our youngsters a tad easier imo.
Would you take luai or Moses if you were to pick one?

I'd take luai. Seems more consistent and less errors and a cooler head. Even if it's choosing one to play halfback. Spending massive dollars on either player worries me, but less so with luai. And he's younger too so a 5 year contract, if that's what is wanted, isn't so concerning.
I would Take Moses.

He is an organising Half back.

I wonder how much better Luai looks being impacted by Cleary @ #7

Massive coo in terms of the Narrative, equally large financial gamble
No as many examples as there is of Teenage rep player or superstars not even making grade there isn't....
Go back and look through old SG Ball Team Lists....
Sometimes there's half a dozen players (Both Sides) in a game that go on to be anyone remotely recognisable.

Alternatively, The game is also littered with Players who don't come on for debut until they're well past 20...
And Superstar kids who get injury, After Injury.... Just to wind up a reserve grader at best.

He's right, Discussing it here - Now, Is absolutely pointless....
And if you're suggesting we bank on it (Them), That's just stupidly reckless....
I never claimed it was the norm, nor am I implying that we bank on any 16 year olds.

I'm reiterate there is nothing wrong with discussing the possible pathways for the top members of our junior pathways programs.

Whether or not it comes to fruition is irrelevant. This is a discussion.

He's incorrect.

As are you when you state that it is 'absolutely pointless'.
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It was reported the Panthers have told him they can only offer him 800k per season which would make him the 2nd highest paid player at the Panthers if he accepted. That doesn’t sound like a club that want him gone. He asked the club to talk to other clubs whilst not having a manager.

If we come in at $1.3m per season as per rumored, 500k more a year whilst not paying agent fees & wouldn’t have to relocate I doubt many would say no to that payday it’s probably double (after manager cuts) than he is on a season now to put it into perspective.
Actually i believe JFH is on 850k, as is Edwards with his new contract. Yeo on 750k.

So he would only be the 3rd-4th highest paid player there, i don't think he'd stay at penny for less than 900k.
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If you're married try going home tonight and telling the wife that you could've pulled in an extra 600k a year but you knocked it back because you wanted to hang around with your mates, see how many frying pans to the head you take.

Too many of you blokes get sucked in by the "getting less to play for a good club" rubbish. These blokes all have mangers getting their cut. They're not taking less. They go for money every time, sometimes the money just isn't on show.
Sometimes it's via a POKER MACHINE
If Luai comes, he will play 7.

I think Sullivan will be the most likely to drop off. Sullivan was only signed to cover the halfback role in the event that we don't land a big fish over the span of his contract. We land a Luai type? He'll be down the pecking order quickly. Fortunately, he still has utility value at 14. The flip side to that is that he explodes and he very quickly realise we don't need to land a big halves fish.

Latu will be the 5/8th, if not next year at some point, then definitely in 2025. He's here for the long haul.

Galvin will be next on the card and, as many have said, I'd say he'd be given a soft entry into either centre or backrow. His versatility and frame actually make him more likely to fill a spot in the 17 in the future as he could foreseeably gain valuable bench minutes for a year or so, then move to anywhere from centre, second row or lock as needed. He then also provides good 5/8th cover in the meantime. This is 2025/26 and beyond I think.

Large is probably the final consideration there, but he is 16. He may play first grade at 19 if his current trajectory is anything to go by. So still 3 years away from even a taste in my opinion, we're talking 2026/27. Once again, as with Galvin, his versatility may allow him to enter as a centre or even winger at first.

Long story short, there's a few scenarios that could play out, but personally, I think if a Luai-type is nabbed, it'll be Bud that slides down the pecking order unless he develops out of his skin, which, given his junior pedigree as well, is entirely possible.
I too think Sullivan is the most likely to become our NSW Cup halfback.

Latu and Galvin have had absolute standout junior careers, the highest rated prospects of their respective years. Sure Sullivan was highly rated as a junior too, but that was several years ago now. Injuries, form and competition has limited his impact to date. A clean slate might be the tonic he needs. But he's got bench utility or NSW Cup half all over him in my view.

If we sign Luai before the season even starts it will also place a weird gloomy cloud over our current halves, knowing that one of their replacements has been signed before they even get a chance to show what they can do. Wouldn't be great for their morale...

I'd also add that the hype around Large will also grow exponentially in the coming year. IMO it will surpass the Suaalii hype. He's a much better prospect that Suaalii who was a pure athlete. Onitoni is an equivalent athlete to Joseph, with the added benefit of the skills of a playmaker. Part Suaalii, part Benji, that's one heck of a combo. He'll debut as an 18 year old in my view. Obviously a bit of time to pass between now and then but i'd expect him to pop into preseason a bit this summer and get increasing exposure over the next 12-18 months and will then make a debut off the bench all things going well, obviously depending on fitness, what month his birthday is in, any school exams etc
I too think Sullivan is the most likely to become our NSW Cup halfback.

Latu and Galvin have had absolute standout junior careers, the highest rated prospects of their respective years. Sure Sullivan was highly rated as a junior too, but that was several years ago now. Injuries, form and competition has limited his impact to date. A clean slate might be the tonic he needs. But he's got bench utility or NSW Cup half all over him in my view.

If we sign Luai before the season even starts it will also place a weird gloomy cloud over our current halves, knowing that one of their replacements has been signed before they even get a chance to show what they can do. Wouldn't be great for their morale...

I'd also add that the hype around Large will also grow exponentially in the coming year. IMO it will surpass the Suaalii hype. He's a much better prospect that Suaalii who was a pure athlete. Onitoni is an equivalent athlete to Joseph, with the added benefit of the skills of a playmaker. Part Suaalii, part Benji, that's one heck of a combo. He'll debut as an 18 year old in my view. Obviously a bit of time to pass between now and then but i'd expect him to pop into preseason a bit this summer and get increasing exposure over the next 12-18 months and will then make a debut off the bench all things going well, obviously depending on fitness, what month his birthday is in, any school exams etc
Sullivan could be a handy 14 long term

Electric and some X-factor off the bench
I would Take Moses.

He is an organising Half back.

I wonder how much better Luai looks being impacted by Cleary @ #7

Massive coo in terms of the Narrative, equally large financial gamble
Watch Penrith games where luai is there and Cleary isn’t plus the World Cup Cleary may help luais game but luai is still a great player with or without him
Not a big fan of Luai but would not say no to him as he would add a lot to us and help with recruitment.
IMO though if he leaves it will be to Dogs with the rest of his mates, but I think we would be a better with us as.
Watch Penrith games where luai is there and Cleary isn’t plus the World Cup Cleary may help luais game but luai is still a great player with or without him
That game Luai played SOS without Cleary there were questions marks if he would look out of place. Arguably NSW’s best player that game - he has proved he can do it without Cleary.

Penrith seem to be worse without Luai then they are without Cleary….. am I by no stretch hinting Luai is the better player but it does give you an indication of the impact he has.

The only question mark is whether he’s the type of halve we need.

We have enough X-factor halves coming up, you could make the argument we have the two most electric young junior halves in the game with Fainu and Sullivan. Luai is similar but has the toughness as well…..

However, we need a general who can help provide the balance of X-factor yet efficient at the same time.

With every Benji, you need a Prince
With every Munster, you need a Hughes
With every Brown, you need a Moses
With every Mam, you need a Reynolds
With every Luai, you need a Cleary.

Can Luai provide the same polish at the end of our sets as an established 7 to allow one of either Fainu/Sullivan to play their natural game. If the club feel like he can do that throw the $1.2 million at him….. if not then maybe money spent elsewhere for someone who can provide that.

You can have as much talent as you want but if you don’t have a 7 who can polish off your sets and provide that balance - well you’ll just end up like the South Sydney Rabbitohs this year.

Go ask Cody Walker how important it is to have a 7 to rely on to end your sets to allow your 6 to be creative.

Just my thoughts.