This forum...

@king sirro said:
I think a lot of arguments start because people cant get over having a previous disagreement with a user. Instead of taking each post on its merits, its the merit of the "poster" that gets judged rather than the actual comment. Its difficult to do anything about this behaviour and if the mods try to do something about it, im sure the vilified will scream blue murder as it would have to be a judgmenet call by mods which leaves them open to critisism.

Many people have a problem with Ron, now i dont like or dislike the guy but one thing i know for sure is that he can cop some very unfair crap on here sometimes (and sometimes it is fair). He can post something quite normal and get attacked and i have no doubt if another user wrote the same thing they wouldnt be criticised. I think we should all try to get into the habit of reading the post before u look at who posted it, that way it may give us all a bit more perspective.

Most users on here are great and we can disagree, even argue, but then move on and agree on another subject. But there a few who just dont let go of personal feuds. Its funny, becaue WE ALL have this trait in us, its just human nature, but the forum is losing a little bit of appeal over it so i think we should all try a little harder.

A simple rule : _**Attack the post, not the poster.**_
lol, maybe a better way to put it is "respond to the post, not the poster" rather than "attack"
@king sirro said:
"respond to the post, not the poster"

Totally agree. Some people get slayed on here no matter what they say.

Unfortunately in life there are always people you just don't get on with, but if you can't post on here without getting personal then don't post at all.
@king sirro said:
lol, maybe a better way to put it is "respond to the post, not the poster" rather than "attack"

My point was instead of getting personal - as george is prone to do - just stick to the post. debate, reply respond attack the post….not the author
@king sirro said:
I think a lot of arguments start because people cant get over having a previous disagreement with a user. Instead of taking each post on its merits, its the merit of the "poster" that gets judged rather than the actual comment. Its difficult to do anything about this behaviour and if the mods try to do something about it, im sure the vilified will scream blue murder as it would have to be a judgmenet call by mods which leaves them open to critisism.

Many people have a problem with Ron, now i dont like or dislike the guy but one thing i know for sure is that he can cop some very unfair crap on here sometimes (and sometimes it is fair). He can post something quite normal and get attacked and i have no doubt if another user wrote the same thing they wouldnt be criticised. I think we should all try to get into the habit of reading the post before u look at who posted it, that way it may give us all a bit more perspective.

Most users on here are great and we can disagree, even argue, but then move on and agree on another subject. But there a few who just dont let go of personal feuds. Its funny, becaue WE ALL have this trait in us, its just human nature, but the forum is losing a little bit of appeal over it so i think we should all try a little harder.

X 2 - Well Said Sirro…

This is a community with a common cause/agenda. You might not like your neighbour, but you always wish him a Merry Xmas every year & call him a Pr#^k under your breath as you walk away...

We should all show the same respect for each other...
Hi Kaiser, I wasn't so much offended by the Souths Scum title - sure, some league fans would think nothing of calling a team scum - and probably plenty would think it at times!

But as title, right there in big bold type it did have a big cringe factor and I just felt it was unnecessary, and lacked respect. Sure we have a strong rivalry with Souths which we enjoy, but is calling them 'scum' a healthy rivalry? I also see this site is as a representation of the active forum members - a bit of a window into our world - and I didn't think having a title like that did 'us' justice.

For the record, Souths are a team I don't like - but I don't think Sam Burgess or their other players are scum, and the club has a lot of good tradition. I only brought it up because I read a previous post that mentioned respect and feed-back was being asked for.

Definitely no harm done mate - but thanks for removing it, I certainly find it easier to look at now! And keep up the great work moderators!
@Kaiser said:
Well I was the person who posted the title of the next game thread… seriously though... why does that worry people? I am curious? We have a strong rivalry going on with the Rabbits... I also apologise to anyone who was offended, but I'm bewildered into why it is considered childish by some.

None-the-less... sorry to those offended.

this is my last post
I wasn't offended by the "scum" suffix to the Wests Tigers v Souths thread but it did make me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed for the supporters that participate in this forum.
Souths have just as proud a tradition as the joint venture club that we support does.
Calling them scum is just as childish as any lame primary school term of abuse their supporters might level at the Wests Tigers.
I don't understand this Forum at all.
Apart from the plagiarized news articles and Twitter based rumours the Forum is a gutter for self-authorized experts to bag the coach and players.
I am a supporter of the Wests Tigers. This Forum is not for me. Bye
@Cat&Fiddle said:
@Kaiser said:
Well I was the person who posted the title of the next game thread… seriously though... why does that worry people? I am curious? We have a strong rivalry going on with the Rabbits... I also apologise to anyone who was offended, but I'm bewildered into why it is considered childish by some.

None-the-less... sorry to those offended.

this is my last post
I wasn't offended by the "scum" suffix to the Wests Tigers v Souths thread but it did make me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed for the supporters that participate in this forum.
Souths have just as proud a tradition as the joint venture club that we support does.
Calling them scum is just as childish as any lame primary school term of abuse their supporters might level at the Wests Tigers.
I don't understand this Forum at all.
Apart from the plagiarized news articles and Twitter based rumours the Forum is a gutter for self-authorized experts to bag the coach and players.
I am a supporter of the Wests Tigers. This Forum is not for me. Bye

Dont let the door hit your backside on the way out….you wont be missed.
@Cat&Fiddle said:
Apart from the plagiarized news articles and Twitter based rumours the Forum is a gutter for self-authorized experts to bag the coach and players.

Any material that is posted from another source is always highlighted….. we don't claim any of it as our own...
This site is primarily a forum... we do not endorse anything another users says.....
@stryker said:
@Cat&Fiddle said:
@Kaiser said:
Well I was the person who posted the title of the next game thread… seriously though... why does that worry people? I am curious? We have a strong rivalry going on with the Rabbits... I also apologise to anyone who was offended, but I'm bewildered into why it is considered childish by some.

None-the-less... sorry to those offended.

this is my last post
I wasn't offended by the "scum" suffix to the Wests Tigers v Souths thread but it did make me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed for the supporters that participate in this forum.
Souths have just as proud a tradition as the joint venture club that we support does.
Calling them scum is just as childish as any lame primary school term of abuse their supporters might level at the Wests Tigers.
I don't understand this Forum at all.
Apart from the plagiarized news articles and Twitter based rumours the Forum is a gutter for self-authorized experts to bag the coach and players.
I am a supporter of the Wests Tigers. This Forum is not for me. Bye

Dont let the door hit your backside on the way out….you wont be missed.

Why dont you join him??…....Im sure you wont be missed.

@simonthetiger said:
Why dont you join him??…....Im sure you wont be missed.


I knew you'd show your true colours…what are you in here whining for?

That bloke did nothing but come on here and say that anyone who didn't play footy at the same level he did had no right commenting on the team or the games. He was always looking for a fight and now comes in here to give everyone the finger one last time before leaving forever.....

The blokes a hypocrite for coming on this thread are a few others, the top of the list being you.
I just dont like you,and therefore I felt the need to disagree with you.

I ile playing the man,or puss in ur case.


And just for the record….....I posted in this thread cos Glennb has been around for years.Has been a top poster,very fair.

While Ron is a dead set nutbag troll who just enjoys destroying every thread he can.........

I just wanted to support Glenn.
Look Simon I dont believe anything you say, you have zero credibility as far as I'm concerned, the difference between us is that I dont chase you all over the forum bad mouthing you and this is one of the complaints from users above.

Your every bit the troll that you claim Ron is.
@simonthetiger said:
I just dont like you,and therefore I felt the need to disagree with you.

I ile playing the man,or puss in ur case.


And just for the record….....I posted in this thread cos Glennb has been around for years.Has been a top poster,very fair.

While Ron is a dead set nutbag troll who just enjoys destroying every thread he can.........

I just wanted to support Glenn.

U say u wantd to support Glenn, well guess wat? U did, but in a way he wouldnt have wanted. U say Glenn has been fair, so it seems as though u admire that qaulity yes? Well maybe u should start trying to be fair. Your post here is exactly the type of post that has causedthis thread to be started in the first place. Certain posters need to take this thread on board and change a little, you are one of those but clearly it aint gonna happen.

I await a very childish and unproductive reply.
Yeah…..Im hijacking every thread with my pro Sheens and pro player propaganda.

Im a dead set book burning Nazi.

I must admit I do like to stand up for those that cant stand up for themselves,like the players,and the coach.

If that puts me at odds with the likes of Stryker and your good self then so be it.At least you have the right of reply,unlike those that you are putting the boot into.

And I hope the original poster,and others like him dont give up opn the forum cos of the rampant negativity......its killed LU and old forums and Id hate to see it happen here as well.

Be a real shame.
@simonthetiger said:
Yeah…..Im hijacking every thread with my pro Sheens and pro player propaganda.

Im a dead set book burning Nazi.

I must admit I do like to stand up for those that cant stand up for themselves,like the players,and the coach.

If that puts me at odds with the likes of Stryker and your good self then so be it.At least you have the right of reply,unlike those that you are putting the boot into.

And I hope the original poster,and others like him dont give up opn the forum cos of the rampant negativity......its killed LU and old forums and Id hate to see it happen here as well.

Be a real shame.

Simon, the good people like Kul, Kaiser, Willow, Smeg, Geo (yep, even Geo :smiley: ) & a few others wont let that happen… I'm sure this forum will work hard to ensure it remains a positive influence and productive towards everyones common goal... The Wests Tigers.

Lets get back on the Footy hey!!!
I have been guilty of the odd tussle over the last 6 months ( :wink: ) so I guess Im not the best person to criticise this behaviour (I have been guilty at carrying on at times) but in the last 12 months this forum has become too much about ego and people wanting to prove that they were right.

The constant negativity does get to me and hence why I am rarely here now. Other silly criticisms of me (the fact that I wasnt entitled to a view because I was living in China, for not agreeing that Tim Moltzen is Sterling/Johns in one) devalued the forum as an experience for me.

Its a shame because I really support what Willow, Kul etc have done with this place. It was (and to some degree remains) a great resource. I will still come in and out every now and then. But I dont have the time to be criticised by the likes of Stryker for every post I submit (and have old views rehashed as why I supposedly know nothing about football).

Its funny that some of the people criticising Simon are actually the worst offenders and do exactly what they criticise Simon of.