I think the issue is Sheens

What a circus this place is.
5 hit ups and a kick serves up the worst 4 years since 1908 and the clowns are happy with the job he did.
The new coaches are given 2 games, that's right 2 games.
You can't make this stuff up.

I’m think anyone calling any coaches to be sacked thats dumb right now. The issue I have is Sheens did come out and continuously talk about attack winning games.

Both games so far we were had more than ample opportunities to score points with field position and possession mixed with on field events but our attack is shocking / borderline non existing. We aren’t a threat at all. It’s all individual play.

Unfortunately all the good work in getting the better field positioning and having the majority possession is all being undone by a lack of resilience, patience and clearly very bad execution.

Sheens mentions they are training well, given we have zero shape or line running how is he gauging that? Ball handling is one thing but lack of any structure is something that is my largest concern atm. Players look lost and we don’t look like a team we look like a bunch of individuals.
It's typical Sheens verbal diarrhea. We look really really poorly coached. Surely you have some plays to go to especially at the start of the season.
We put on all our plays in the Raiders trial - now the cupboard is bare and Old Mother Hubbard is devastated.
What a circus this place is.
5 hit ups and a kick serves up the worst 4 years since 1908 and the clowns are happy with the job he did.
The new coaches are given 2 games, that's right 2 games.
You can't make this stuff up.
That performance on Sunday was an absolute disgrace & inexcusable. Whether it was the Coaches 2nd game or 200th game to not be able to beat a side who lost their starting lock before the game, lost their best player 1 minute into the game, lost their hooker shortly after that, lost their best forward early in the 2nd half & played 25 minutes with 12 men is just pathetic.

We were outplayed by a spine of Miller, Gamble, Hastings & Crossland… how is that not a coaching issue?
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Righto, here's my two cents.
On field, the common denominator is a lack of leadership and has been for years. This mob plays like a rabble. You can put a name to an individual, or not, but one way or another the team needs a footy brain leading them on the field.
Most of the players are fine, at least adequate. Players from this team always seem to do OK at other clubs with different coaching.
Playing heads up footy is great, but you need structure behind it. Your opposition has to anticipate structured play which you then work around with heads up play. Ok, Maguire was too rigid, but these guys are all over the place.
Im not convinced by the idea of Marshall/Sheens coaching.
I should point out - the most common criticisms I've seen from Tigers fans over the last couple of weeks are a mirror image of the most common criticisms I saw from Hull Kingston Rovers fans during Tim Sheens' time at the helm prior to return to Australia. That said - everything flows from the top down. If ownership isn't putting the leadership and structures in place it really doesn't matter if Craig Bellamy is in charge. And to be fair to Sheens - the issues he faced with ownership at Hull KR seem broadly in line with the issues he's facing at the Tigers. Does the club really want to succeed? This might sound like a bizarre question but many teams are happy to pay lip service to competing whilst in private they're content to empty the cash registers every week and not much else. Winning is stressful. Many owners just can't cope with such stress.
I should point out - the most common criticisms I've seen from Tigers fans over the last couple of weeks are a mirror image of the most common criticisms I saw from Hull Kingston Rovers fans during Tim Sheens' time at the helm prior to return to Australia. That said - everything flows from the top down. If ownership isn't putting the leadership and structures in place it really doesn't matter if Craig Bellamy is in charge. And to be fair to Sheens - the issues he faced with ownership at Hull KR seem broadly in line with the issues he's facing at the Tigers. Does the club really want to succeed? This might sound like a bizarre question but many teams are happy to pay lip service to competing whilst in private they're content to empty the cash registers every week and not much else. Winning is stressful. Many owners just can't cope with such stress.
Point well taken. Not everyone has this strong urge to win. Many people understand the price they need to pay for success, and are simply not willing to pay that price, or may have other priorities.
I saw in Maguire, a strong desire to win. His trigger phrases were starting to work and change the focus. His sacking at a crucial time put us back on the scratch line.
I was disappointed to see us actually play for the spoon last season. I still don’t understand the motivation behind it? Although a statement from Hagipantelis, regarding ladder trajectory, when justifying the Maguire sacking provides a clue? And buys Sheens more time.
What a circus this place is.
5 hit ups and a kick serves up the worst 4 years since 1908 and the clowns are happy with the job he did.
The new coaches are given 2 games, that's right 2 games.
You can't make this stuff up.
It’s not the fact that they have lost 2 games it’s the performance or way they have lost those games, with a team most would suggest is vastly improved from last year
If we had Wakeham at 7 instead of the myth we would have won on Sunday. If Sheens is picking the side it's 110% Sheens fault. PERIOD
So Wakeham is now a shrewd signing, it seems he and Kautoga blitzing it in KOE Cup.
Maybe they both come in, Doueihi to Centre to replace TT, Laurie to right wing, Brooks to left and Staines fb.
Couldn’t be any worse.
So Wakeham is now a shrewd signing, it seems he and Kautoga blitzing it in KOE Cup.
Maybe they both come in, Doueihi to Centre to replace TT, Laurie to right wing, Brooks to left and Staines fb.
Couldn’t be any worse.

Most of us want to see drastic changes to the team announced this afternoon,however Tim has shown in the past he is reluctant to make many changes.It will be interesting to see the reaction this afternoon and even more so when the "real" team runs on to the field.
Most of us want to see drastic changes to the team announced this afternoon,however Tim has shown in the past he is reluctant to make many changes.It will be interesting to see the reaction this afternoon and even more so when the "real" team runs on to the field.
Team or coach changes won’t make any difference. We’ve been trying that for 10 years.lol
I think once we ditch the touch footy in training, focus on completing and actually learn some set plays we'll be alright. Our forwards are making enough meters and getting us to the opposition end. Appointing benji and the hysteria around his off the cuff style from a decade ago they thought they could implement the same here, so so wrong, he was an individual talent, you either have that or dont, just stick to regular football please
Those issues are early days and barely stack up to Taylor's, Cleary's and Maguire's stuff ups.

Expectations are the issue
Hold on, neither of them had the team for 10+ years previously.

Meanwhile sheens is the only one who gets a free pass to rebuild???
We can’t keep blaming and sacking coaches. Sheens may not be the answer and he may be the answer but he’s not the problem. We have had this problem for years even when sheens wasn’t here. I think we have all said it, the club needs a clean out from top to bottom if we really want to improve.
whilst the club may need a clean out, the players still know how to play footy.
what a director is doing shouldnt make a difference to how they play, atleast not as bad as it did vs the Knights.
I think once we ditch the touch footy in training, focus on completing and actually learn some set plays we'll be alright. Our forwards are making enough meters and getting us to the opposition end. Appointing benji and the hysteria around his off the cuff style from a decade ago they thought they could implement the same here, so so wrong, he was an individual talent, you either have that or dont, just stick to regular football please
From what I've seen, all they do is light training and giggling like girls.
It's is exactly as you describe. Touch footy drills.
I'm sorry, do I have to spell it out in painful detail for the dummies?

"Maybe it is Sheens, but I need to remind you that we were shit last year, the year before that, also 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013".
No need to apologise, I was just clarifying your previous statement.