Luke Brooks #167

I feel for Brooks, really I do, I'm one of his harshest critics, that'd only cause we all know the potential is there he just isn't suited to what we need now. What we need right now is an Adam Douhi who ball plays and doesn't run. An on field general. Brooks abilities are to just go with the flow of the game and play what he sees. Where the Tigers have failed is its been clear for ages he was like that but every coach bar Cleary has tried to readjust his game to make him a leader but he doesn't have the temperament for it. You are born with it, you are a leader or your not it can't be taught. Brooks suffered because the club have tried to force a square peg into a round hole. The frustration lies in Brooks not even looking like he has developed and at the moment looking like a broken player. This is all on the Tigers though, if it's true he asked for a release twice and was refused its on the club. If he didn't ask then the club should have told him to go for his well being when Newcastle were interested, for his own good. No matter the cost, were still paying mow are are in a bad spot anyway. At the end of the day I'll criticise the guy but I don't wish harm on anyone noone on this forum does, we just passionately want to win. What the Tigers have done in this situation is diabolical to this guy. At the end of the day he is a human being not a piece of 💩. The moment he asked for a release or the club caught wind Newcastle were interested we should have paid him to go. It's not about football it's about his well being, he looks miserable, I'm concerned for his mental health.
Check this out.
Patrick Carrigan mic’d up for our biggest loss this year.
Complete rubbish he’s had 10 years of excuses and now the final one of no decent pack to play behind has finally been crossed off.

This is a tough one. I get your response in the context of someone who feels that Brooks has been given too many excuses. I've never bought into that line.

Doueihi was excused for his poor form due to injury and Hastings poor record with us just disappears in the wind.

I disagree though with your assessment this season that he has been rubbish. That to me is nutters but it's cool.
To beat Brooks at that game you just need to go Paper every single time.
He can only serve up Rocks.

Like this:-

or this:-

Is that what you are talking about ?
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Check this out.
Patrick Carrigan mic’d up for our biggest loss this year.

That was awesome. One of the things that I don't understand is when people say player x can't organize or they don't talk and I wonder how they know that for a fact and even then how much talk is really required etc. Even when it comes to position that is a lock forward talking a lot. It's just not something that is clear cut about what is right and wrong. It's very subjective.
So first we had Sam Walker dropped for a couple of poor performances.... Now another 7 not performing to expectations in Kyle Flanagan has been dropped by Ciraldo at the Dogs
If we had Sam Walker or Kyle Flanagan at Wests Tigers we would probably drop them as well.

The difference here is that we have Luke Brooks.

It's got to be someone on the board.

Our forwards are good. They dominated against Manly. Our attack remains the worst in the NRL. It surprises me that over the years - loss after loss after loss - the WT never at least experimented with a team without Brooks. It's not as though they could go much worse in attack. I thought halfbacks had the responsibility to organise the attack.
You'd think that would be common sense but reading through these threads with the attention seekers, the old saying shines through that common sense isn't that common. After a decade long losing career and at 0-7 behind a rep forward pack some apparently seem to think he is doing just fine. They're the ones with velcro shoes.
Tigers wont be resigning him...if he was in their plans, he'd have a contract offer already...
368 days since he has sung the team song and counting
HOWEVER…It is 620 days and counting since he won a game as the halfback….long drought.
Yep, one of our defenders changed his line whilst trying to provide protection on a high kick and it was taken advantage of to draw a penalty kick at goal, which was converted and lost us the game.
Except a Cowboys player was offside at the kick restart and it was missed by the officials.
We should have got the penalty and the game right there.
Just read through a few anti Brooksy posts here guys and thinking he has run over everyone’s cat?
Because when I look at the stats on NRL halfbacks it seems we have an ok number 7?
Some of the crap put on here to justify the hatred is just plain wrong.
Check your facts people before joining the Congo line and singing to the tune. 😂
The crap you Brooks stans come up with to defend him is breathtaking.
I suggest you check those stats again but this time, try to do it without being 10 pints in. There are zero statistics to suggest he is an ok 7 and I'd love to hear your moronic defence.

He's not even top 50 of players for try assists or line break assists, and the only starting halfback with less try assists than him is Kyle Flanagan. Not to mention the eye test showing that he is still completely incapable of directing a team around despite have a really good forward pack which you Brooktards claimed would unlock his game.

Either back up your nonsense with the stats or stop posting lies because you Brooks fans are only embarrassing yourselves more and more.

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