Aaron Woods - Signs with Bulldogs 2018 - Sharks 2018 [Official]..

@ said:
@ said:
The worst part of Woods current contract is that he signed too early with the dogs. He wasn’t to know that JT would get the sack and be replaced with Cleary.

Fake news.

Do you not remember Cleary placing a deadline on both he and Tedesco?

And Moses chucked a tantrum about not being released.
@ said:
I can tell you 100% Woods has got interest from the Sharks, Raiders, Parra, Knights, Us and I think one other. I can tell you we are DEFINITELY not a preferred option and he has no intentions of coming back to us.

Woods to the Eels and Knights would end up like the Dogs. Both their coaches are not secure and being a high profile player on a big wage makes you a target. You'd think he or his manager would learn. The Raiders have signed Ryan Sutton from the UK. That leaves the Sharks who have a liking for WTs' props.
Wonder what this has done for his confidence….dropped from NSW, dogs going busted and the tigers performing after he left. Talk now of him possibly going to Newcastle (which is a great place), but nowhere near 2040
@ said:
@ said:
The worst part of Woods current contract is that he signed too early with the dogs. He wasn’t to know that JT would get the sack and be replaced with Cleary.

Fake news.

Do you not remember Cleary placing a deadline on both he and Tedesco?

I thought the reason they didn’t sign with us was because they had already signed elsewhere but didn’t let on.

When Cleary withdrew contracts that was when M Moses spat the dummy and wanted to go to the Eels immediately. As the story goes Woods and Tedesco wanted Des to take Moses too but Des didn’t want a bar of him. I took all this to happen well before Cleary’s ultimatum.

Yesterdays news anyway
No to Woods return to the Tigers.
Time to look forward & support the guys we have now.
Whatever the reasons our popular captain made the decision to leave the Tigers.
The door he ran out of should be shut forever.
Personally I wouldn't take him back for free.
Have told from someone high up at the Dogs that talks between the Dogs, Woods and us are really heating up. IMO I don’t want him anywhere near us… but obviously the boss does.
@ said:
Have told from someone high up at the Dogs that talks between the Dogs, Woods and us are really heating up. IMO I don’t want him anywhere near us… but obviously the boss does.

Will he be back before 30 June? :laughing:
@ said:
I can tell you 100% Woods has got interest from the Sharks, Raiders, Parra, Knights, Us and I think one other. I can tell you we are DEFINITELY not a preferred option and he has no intentions of coming back to us.

That’s good news he is not a prop we need would be a serious downgrade on Twals playing time who is already a superior prop.
King Brooks has told us that Woods doesn’t want a bar of us but WsWWt says he’s been given info to the exact opposite. Someone’s had a lend of one or both of you.
Hopefully the Bulldogs apply the ball and chain to Woods after we released the pressure valve by taking Mbye. Woods needs a life lesson and 4 years at the salt mine is a just sentence - keep shovelling Boy!
The knights have interest in everyone that comes on the market so I would read too much into that, their coach has a ‘size’ issue (a personal one)
I would prefer woods on our roster over grant, Felise and sue who are all off contract at the end of the year. If woods had never played for the Tigers we would be wanting him for our roster. It's a business it's not personal.
@ said:
Everyone's forgiven Benji and he left under bad terms too?

Woods at least has been made to eat immediate humble pie and appears to be taking that very seriously and deeply, unlike guys like Tedesco and Slimey who are still talking rubbish.

I can always appreciate a person who admits they are wrong and makes amends, and Woods did genuinely give the club 100% for the remainder of his contract.

I personally reckon it's bad advice that lead to season 2017.

X2\. i feel he is easily led and believed what his manager would have told him
@ said:
Our club had been a mess for YEARS! If we were frustrated as fans imagine being a player!

Yes Woods needs to apologise for some things but let’s not pretend the club didn’t do more than it’s share. We dished out crap for years and years and Woods was nothing but a faithful servant… except for the final year.

He played to his best year in year out. He played injuried. He was a draw card and he kept himself clean.

I would welcome him back in a heart beat.

Spot on! He lost the plot at the end. It all became too much. Can you blame him?
I wonder if Tedesco caught on to the fact there was going to be big trouble brewing and was smart enough to steer clear. We know Woods wouldn’t have.
@ said:
I wonder **if Tedesco caught on to the fact there was going to be big trouble brewing and was smart enough to steer clear**. We know Woods wouldn’t have.

….but didn't bother warning his mate?
I really don't want Woods back and would be surprised if the club had interest.

He really disrespected the club and the lower ranked players, worse then Benji in the RU jersey imo.
All managed by the same bloke who collected a nice fat comission no doubt. I wonders who's best interest he had at heart in all of this.