Alex Seyfarth #232

If Seyfarth is picked next week I am done and not investing anymore time into this dopey club, after 55 years a fan c ya
I don't understand what Benji and Morris see in him that everyone else with eyes not painted on doesn't see.
And for the hundredth time, why is he skinnier and weaker every year? Why can a winger like JAC put on 7kg's of muscle in an off season but a guy who obviously needs to build looks like he doesn't know what a weight is?
I don't understand what Benji and Morris see in him that everyone else with eyes not painted on doesn't see.
And for the hundredth time, why is he skinnier and weaker every year? Why can a winger like JAC put on 7kg's of muscle in an off season but a guy who obviously needs to build looks like he doesn't know what a weight is?
He even had a fan club in February. The members of it have disowned him as fast as they joined.
The thing is signing a player here or there isn't gunna cut it... As we saw today our problems run deep right thru the club
Been saying this for years. Everyone thought that once we finally got rid of Brooks and Noffa, the real reason why we were rubbish, that we were finally home free. Im afraid not.
It’s either Seyfarth, Kepaoa or Matamua who have to be in the team every week, more than one of them if we get any injuries in the forwards, purely as we have nobody else.
We have short memories if we think back to late last season and saw Seyfarth play ok for us in short periods off the bench, this was mentioned by the commentary team a few times.
Obviously after a sub par trial game and a sub par round 1 he will likely go back to NSW Cup to work on his involvement, impact and one on one defence, particularly when covering for others, but the point is it’s not the last time he will be in our NRL 17 this season and if he’s selected off the bench there is every chance he can reproduce some of the games he played off the bench late last season.
It’s either Seyfarth, Kepaoa or Matamua who have to be in the team every week, more than one of them once we get any injuries in the forwards, purely as we have nobody else.
We have short memories if we think back to late last season and saw Seyfarth play ok for us in short periods off the bench, this was mentioned by the commentary team a few times.
Obviously after a sub par trial game and a sub par round 1 he will likely go back to NSW Cup to work on his involvement, impact and one on one defence, particularly when covering for others, but the point is it is not the last time he will be in our NRL 17 this season and if he’s selected off the bench, there is every chance he can reproduce some of the games he played off the bench late last season.
I’d play Matamau
Haha only round 2....didnt take long
Though I do feel your frstration
Frustration yes and not sure why I should keep aligning with a club recruits and selects players to perform so badly although the clubs colours are in my blood. The Maguire era was a low point which just continues
It’s either Seyfarth, Kepaoa or Matamua who have to be in the team every week, more than one of them if we get any injuries in the forwards, purely as we have nobody else.
We have short memories if we think back to late last season and saw Seyfarth play ok for us in short periods off the bench, this was mentioned by the commentary team a few times.
Obviously after a sub par trial game and a sub par round 1 he will likely go back to NSW Cup to work on his involvement, impact and one on one defence, particularly when covering for others, but the point is it’s not the last time he will be in our NRL 17 this season and if he’s selected off the bench there is every chance he can reproduce some of the games he played off the bench late last season.
Are you his uncle?
Are you his uncle?
No just stating facts that many often forget about.
If you thought our NRL side and Seyfarth were bad, did you also watch our NSW Cup side ?
The forwards were atrocious, only Matamua who made any impact in attack or defence. Sukkar was half decent, but I don’t think we need another young rookie in our NRL side just yet,
It’s either Seyfarth, Kepaoa or Matamua who have to be in the team every week, more than one of them if we get any injuries in the forwards, purely as we have nobody else.
We have short memories if we think back to late last season and saw Seyfarth play ok for us in short periods off the bench, this was mentioned by the commentary team a few times.
Obviously after a sub par trial game and a sub par round 1 he will likely go back to NSW Cup to work on his involvement, impact and one on one defence, particularly when covering for others, but the point is it’s not the last time he will be in our NRL 17 this season and if he’s selected off the bench there is every chance he can reproduce some of the games he played off the bench late last season.
Seyfarth was swatted away by an 18 year old kid.
Until he spends a couple of months developing a post pubescent man body I've seen all I need to see.
I'll even drive him down to Rebel to purchase some of those 2kg lady weights .
Pole is my prop. Samuela has the engine.
Pole and Stef start at prop.
Samuela at lock.
Klemmer and Twal off the bench.
Sullivan off the bench into a small forward role / 2nd dummy half. I.e take lots of scoots!
Sullivan nowhere near NRL. He will only disappoint.
TDS or Simpkin would be 100% better than Sullivan on the bench
No just stating facts that many often forget about.
If you thought our NRL side and Seyfarth were bad, did you also watch our NSW Cup side ?
The forwards were atrocious, only Matamua who made any impact in attack or defence. Sukkar was half decent, but I don’t think we need another young rookie in our NRL side just yet,
The only forward in that team that made any impact is also one of our smallest. Sione Vahiu. Not saying we play him but if a backrower pushing 90kg is out playing our props and locks we have a serious problem.
It’s either Seyfarth, Kepaoa or Matamua who have to be in the team every week, more than one of them if we get any injuries in the forwards, purely as we have nobody else.
We have short memories if we think back to late last season and saw Seyfarth play ok for us in short periods off the bench, this was mentioned by the commentary team a few times.
Obviously after a sub par trial game and a sub par round 1 he will likely go back to NSW Cup to work on his involvement, impact and one on one defence, particularly when covering for others, but the point is it’s not the last time he will be in our NRL 17 this season and if he’s selected off the bench there is every chance he can reproduce some of the games he played off the bench late last season.

He has a maybe 5 game positive stint in 48 games. That’s a 10% positive rating for games he has played.

His fans always say he tries hard. That’s the issue his effort actually costs him and his talent ceiling is below average.

He had a good trial game against reggies warriors pack and then his last 2 hitouts have been terrible not even nsw cup level.

His level is a NSW Cup player.

He trained as a lock and was puffed out after 10mins. Like seriously it’s bad. He is out of his depth. He isn’t a lock not even close and Morris/Benji have it wrong.

He is off more than he has been on over his career and regular gives up a hold down infringement & trails the middle after it. His work rate with the ball is one of the most ineffective in the league for a forward.

To start as a 13 and be hooked & play only 22mins is a disaster. He looked gassed and off the pace. That’s not a sign of a nrl level good trainer either.

We need to stop looking at mediocre players living in hope and reality is some of these players just don’t have it to be a consistent NRL player.

He is 2 games off 50 games, is 25 - he should be improved & ready to go, hungry to hold a starting spot. He yet again failed and is plain and simply a wasted roster spot.

Our squad depth sucks big time we could pick any kid ahead of him and they will at least be equal to influence but at least have a chance to improve.

This season was never the play to challenge a final run so might as well try something for 1-2yrs time rather than right now.
We replaced Brooks with Sullivan. Hopefully for just one game, not 10 years?
Very disappointing debut, he played like he was scared of contact in attack and defence.
There is every reason to believe he has the attacking game to be effective, but huge doubts about his defence.

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