Another Quick Forum Update

@hobbo1 said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509494) said:
@viking-warrior said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509491) said:
@magpie_magic said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509488) said:
@viking-warrior said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509485) said:
@magpie_magic said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509484) said:
@nt_tiger said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509462) said:
@spartan117 said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509300) said:
@viking-warrior said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509297) said:
New era for the forum, let's see what the changes are.

I don't really thinks so. Th

**We all should continue to demand respect of each other and remember that we all love the Wests Tigers.** (even though they have been disappointing for the most part of 15 years)

Why else would be be on this site during the off season.

Were all Nut Jobs TBH.

Unfortunately I think that anyone with an expectation of any semblance of respect on this forum will be disappointed.
Consider for a moment, the manner in which the owner of the forum dealt with unpaid volunteers (Moderators) working to assist him in managing his site.
Was respect shown?
He is setting the standard.
Enough said.


Yes mate volunteers

I think that leads to many of the problems from every perspective.

How it works every where you go, if I'm a mod on reddit for eg I don't get paid.

People give up there own time in lots of organisations because they are passionate in what they do.

In all honesty I can't see how this forum generates a huge revenue stream especially when you have the expenses of servers etc we should all be happy we have a place we can discuss weststigers provided for us free of charge.


Never knew you were a fan of Travolta...
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.
@tiger-tragic said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509517) said:
@Kul, you posted earlier about wanting "active participation and a collective consensus" on here.

It's a forum; the participation bit I understand.

But, striving for collective consensus of opinions seems a bit fanciful doesn't it? Or, are you referring to consensus among moderators on what meets forum guidelines in terms of appropriateness or not?

I think he’s more saying that people will be able to know the rules and limits and keep within those and help out posters that stray outside of those. So the community works together regardless of thoughts and opinions to set the standard of behaviour.
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

I’m not angry about anything . It’s interesting to me that if someone expresses themselves clearly and concisely on here , the first emotion that is associated with that is anger . I’ve stated it’s the way it’s ha does that I think is disrespectful, as for the action , I am not the person who had an issue with the moderation here , so I don’t really have an understanding of it. And nothing anyone has posted in this thread or previously has made me think that it’s not just a bubble version of the divisions in the broader community ie. no one really wants to bread bread , they want to be on top. Whether that’s right, left , wokism, anti vax. , Luke brooks (lol) , whatever it is .
And I call BS on people who claim to want equality when in actuality they just want to turn the snow globe on its head .
They want thier ideas whatever they are to reign supreme. .
That’s what’s I’m posting about . And I never blamed you . I think 2 people stirred this up . And the rest fell into line . But that’s neither here nor there . The mods should have been told
Privately and respectfully . And not had people dancing in thier grave. Whether your doing it or not . Is between you and the ether. I couldn’t care less .
Just don’t pretend your for impartiality, equality . Because it’s clearly not true .
That is all said pragmatically , and objectively . No anger at all.
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

I think your point about threads like the political thread has merit. Most of the time, that thread is a dumpster fire, and disagreements in there can bleed over to other parts of the forum. As the old saying goes, 2 things you should never discuss are religion and politics. Where I disagree is you claiming the 2 mods lost their job for being too political. It’s a trend that happens everywhere these days. If something happens that you don’t agree with, blame it on the person’s political leanings, even if politics has nothing to do with it and they haven’t even stated what their leanings are. It comes across as projection.
@wt2k said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509506) said:
@kul said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509496) said:
I've read a lot of these comments. It's good to see people passionate about this place; some good points have been made but I stand by the editorial decision that's been made. In response to these I have already invited Cochie to put his hand up again if he'd like to join the fresh new group.

Perhaps one of the themes in the comments in this thread has been on active participation and a collective consensus? It would seem appropriate that the new additions can help foster this culture?
Ideally it should get to a point where the entire community is able to self-moderate with minimal input required by mods. This would be the perfect world.

And in regards to revenue, as I've stated before, this place runs a yearly loss and always has. There are some busy months in the season that help balance out the off-season, yes, but across the year the balance is in the red and it's picked up by me and always has been. To be frank, with the rise of other platforms and social media trends, the site is half as busy as it used to be and that has certainly hit the bottom line! I'd invite anyone who can help change this to contact me because that would be fantastic!

@compensate is one you could get a few ideas from. Runs one of/if not the biggest WT fan Instagram pages with almost 10k followers.


@compensate is a must.
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509519) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

I’m not angry about anything . It’s interesting to me that if someone expresses themselves clearly and concisely on here , the first emotion that is associated with that is anger . I’ve stated it’s the way it’s ha does that I think is disrespectful, as for the action , I am not the person who had an issue with the moderation here , so I don’t really have an understanding of it. And nothing anyone has posted in this thread or previously has made me think that it’s not just a bubble version of the divisions in the broader community ie. no one really wants to bread bread , they want to be on top. Whether that’s right, left , wokism, anti vax. , Luke brooks (lol) , whatever it is .
And I call BS on people who claim to want equality when in actuality they just want to turn the snow globe on its head .
They want thier ideas whatever they are to reign supreme. .
That’s what’s I’m posting about . And I never blamed you . I think 2 people stirred this up . And the rest fell into line . But that’s neither here nor there . The mods should have been told
Privately and respectfully . And not had people dancing in thier grave. Whether your doing it or not . Is between you and the ether. I couldn’t care less .
Just don’t pretend your for impartiality, equality . Because it’s clearly not true .
That is all said pragmatically , and objectively . No anger at all.

As i said before im not going to explain my stance again. If that leads to you putting me in the one size fits all opinion of this situation thats all well and good. I dont need to argue with you because i disagree with you. Ill leave it at that.
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509519) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

I’m not angry about anything . It’s interesting to me that if someone expresses themselves clearly and concisely on here , the first emotion that is associated with that is anger . I’ve stated it’s the way it’s ha does that I think is disrespectful, as for the action , I am not the person who had an issue with the moderation here , so I don’t really have an understanding of it. And nothing anyone has posted in this thread or previously has made me think that it’s not just a bubble version of the divisions in the broader community ie. no one really wants to bread bread , they want to be on top. Whether that’s right, left , wokism, anti vax. , Luke brooks (lol) , whatever it is .
And I call BS on people who claim to want equality when in actuality they just want to turn the snow globe on its head .
They want thier ideas whatever they are to reign supreme. .
That’s what’s I’m posting about . And I never blamed you . I think 2 people stirred this up . And the rest fell into line . But that’s neither here nor there . The mods should have been told
Privately and respectfully . And not had people dancing in thier grave. Whether your doing it or not . Is between you and the ether. I couldn’t care less .
Just don’t pretend your for impartiality, equality . Because it’s clearly not true .
That is all said pragmatically , and objectively . No anger at all.

I was reading your post in an angry voice in my head. My bad

Never said they were too political. Was not implying that they lean any way politically.

The politically correct explanation i used could have been better explained if i had used the word clinical instead of politically correct.

Clinical is what they were. Not looking at the reason for the argument starting in the first place and simply focusing on the person who broke the forum rule.

Hope that clears that up because reading your post you were off on some tangent that was far removed from what i had meant.
At the end of the day, it's Kul's backyard and we're all here playing by his rules.

Irrespective of how Willow and Cochise were perceived by members of the forum, to be told/find out via a public post was pretty unfair IMO. They deserved a lot better than that.

I've personally stayed away from the forum for around a month as this place has been pretty miserable/cyclic & the same old arguments and points were being hashed over and over again. Nothing new was really being discussed and seeing the same faces arguing the same things got boring.

Plenty of reasons as to why I think this place has started to become a little fractured. Namely the team serving up the tripe it has for a decade, COVID sending people around the bend and the general trend of social media becoming quite partisan over the last few years. I feel particularly if the team was doing better, we'd not be having the issues on here that we are seeing.

Some people will counter that opinion no doubt, it's just a general observation on my part. Some people are able to keep their emotions at bay, others aren't. Footy brings passion out in people, it's a parochial sport.
@chicken_faced_killa said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509518) said:
@tiger-tragic said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509517) said:
@Kul, you posted earlier about wanting "active participation and a collective consensus" on here.

It's a forum; the participation bit I understand.

But, striving for collective consensus of opinions seems a bit fanciful doesn't it? Or, are you referring to consensus among moderators on what meets forum guidelines in terms of appropriateness or not?

I think he’s more saying that people will be able to know the rules and limits and keep within those and help out posters that stray outside of those. So the community works together regardless of thoughts and opinions to set the standard of behaviour.

That’s right Chicka, and if it should happen that posters have difficulty persuading others with their opinions, then resort to more aggressive tactics haha, Kul will need to step in again and provide the circuit breaker.
I’ve actually read quite a few of these posts. There’s a lot of emotion in many of them, which indicates to me that posters have a strong attachment to WTF and it’s community.
What I don’t understand is the continual negative appraisal of Kul’s input? Much of it appears to be based on speculation but presented as fact?
@kul said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509496) said:
I've read a lot of these comments. It's good to see people passionate about this place; some good points have been made but I stand by the editorial decision that's been made. In response to these I have already invited Cochie to put his hand up again if he'd like to join the fresh new group.

Perhaps one of the themes in the comments in this thread has been on active participation and a collective consensus? It would seem appropriate that the new additions can help foster this culture?
Ideally it should get to a point where the entire community is able to self-moderate with minimal input required by mods. This would be the perfect world.

And in regards to revenue, as I've stated before, this place runs a yearly loss and always has. There are some busy months in the season that help balance out the off-season, yes, but across the year the balance is in the red and it's picked up by me and always has been. To be frank, with the rise of other platforms and social media trends, the site is half as busy as it used to be and that has certainly hit the bottom line! I'd invite anyone who can help change this to contact me because that would be fantastic!

Thanks Kul for making this site work , i much prefer it that FB, Insta , ect. The forum is well organised, clean (easy to read & comment without all the mess). But with that comes a financial cost.
Sponsorship maybe?
Also, I am not sure if the forum software would allow for it, but a block function where users could block other users would be useful. I've never used the foe function but it sounds like you just don't see people's posts that you foe, and they can still see and reply to yours. A facebookesque block function would work better if you really don't want to engage with specific members for whatever reason.
@kul said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509496) said:
I've read a lot of these comments. It's good to see people passionate about this place; some good points have been made but I stand by the editorial decision that's been made. In response to these I have already invited Cochie to put his hand up again if he'd like to join the fresh new group.

Perhaps one of the themes in the comments in this thread has been on active participation and a collective consensus? It would seem appropriate that the new additions can help foster this culture?
Ideally it should get to a point where the entire community is able to self-moderate with minimal input required by mods. This would be the perfect world.

And in regards to revenue, as I've stated before, this place runs a yearly loss and always has. There are some busy months in the season that help balance out the off-season, yes, but across the year the balance is in the red and it's picked up by me and always has been. To be frank, with the rise of other platforms and social media trends, the site is half as busy as it used to be and that has certainly hit the bottom line! I'd invite anyone who can help change this to contact me because that would be fantastic!

If you step back and look at the result of the demotions you handed out, you will see what you have done is in the best interest of the forum imo.

Willow left straight away and deleted his account. To me this shows that being in power over the forum was more important then being part of if. Pretty sad. Add to this, we have all seen the less than complementary comments he has been making about you and the way the forum was administrated for quite some time now.

Cohcie stayed, only to throw unfounded and incorrect statements about the finances of the site. Why you have to defend if you make a profit or loss to anyone is just crazy to me.

I would say the decision to #punt them and bring a change was spot in and their actions since being punted have cemented it for mine but at the end of the day, its your site.
This would be a dull old place if there was no arguements/disagreements. I would even go as far to say that a lot of users are stimulated by disagreement far more than anything else whether they are part of the arguement or just reading it.
After scrolling through this thread my take on it all that is that some users felt the moderation seemed to be heavy handed with some, while allowing others to escape the same fate. Unless mods can be completely impartial about posters, and or loosen the rules to allow for more colourful debate for all, there will still be those at some point who will be dissatisfied.
Thanks to Kul and all mods who put their hands up past and present. Can't please all the people all the time.
@twentyforty said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509540) said:
@chicken_faced_killa said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509518) said:
@tiger-tragic said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509517) said:
@Kul, you posted earlier about wanting "active participation and a collective consensus" on here.

It's a forum; the participation bit I understand.

But, striving for collective consensus of opinions seems a bit fanciful doesn't it? Or, are you referring to consensus among moderators on what meets forum guidelines in terms of appropriateness or not?

I think he’s more saying that people will be able to know the rules and limits and keep within those and help out posters that stray outside of those. So the community works together regardless of thoughts and opinions to set the standard of behaviour.

That’s right Chicka, and if it should happen that posters have difficulty persuading others with their opinions, then resort to more aggressive tactics haha, Kul will need to step in again and provide the circuit breaker.
I’ve actually read quite a few of these posts. There’s a lot of emotion in many of them, which indicates to me that posters have a strong attachment to WTF and it’s community.
What I don’t understand is the continual negative appraisal of Kul’s input? Much of it appears to be based on speculation but presented as fact?

Exactly he’s made a couple of changes:
- no downvote
- a censor on some words
- change of mods

Everything else is just predictions
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509519) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509516) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509514) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509434) said:
@strongee said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509419) said:
@the_patriot said in [Another Quick Forum Update](/post/1509412) said:
Speaking of US politics @Kul can you kill all the non football rubbish in this forum. It does nothing but add to the overall divide.

We are not here to be woke we are here to talk Wests Tigers

Not to argue ,what are you talking about ? I’m curious which threads you want scrapped ? Or is it all threads non tigers related ?

My "opinion" is that other than music threads and other types of sports nothing at all can be gained by allowing people to argue over political and other divisive topics. It does nothing but add to the division in the fanbase and serves zero purpose in a fan forum


It’s a forum ?!!!? As in gathering place .
I find it amusing that you had a big rant about how only certain opinions were tolerated by the mods , and it created an environment where people didn’t feel comfortable contributing ,yet you are all for getting rid of any content that you don’t agree with .
The hypocrisy is mind blowing to me .
It certainly does look like , it’s not the fact all opinions can’t be equal , but rather your opinions you want to be the ones that are taken the most seriously .

In my opinion it’s not a balance that is being advocated for here , but a complete tilting of the scales in the other direction . It’s funny you bring up politics as if it’s causing divisions , yet you can’t see the forest from the trees and your own biases and desire for an echo chamber . Maybe it’s being lost in translation , but through years of arguing with you , I don’t think so .

Maybe it's text format confusing me but you seem really angry.

My issue was not the mods only allowing certain opinions. I never said that and that was definitely not what was happening.

I wont explain it all again as it was pretty clear what i was saying about mods and it also pretty clear what i was saying about the political pages causing further division.

Im all for you expressing your disappointment at Cochise being removed. Thats my point, you can have your say, its a valid opinion just dont be looking at guys like me thinking i had something to do with it lol.

I’m not angry about anything . It’s interesting to me that if someone expresses themselves clearly and concisely on here , the first emotion that is associated with that is anger . I’ve stated it’s the way it’s ha does that I think is disrespectful, as for the action , I am not the person who had an issue with the moderation here , so I don’t really have an understanding of it. And nothing anyone has posted in this thread or previously has made me think that it’s not just a bubble version of the divisions in the broader community ie. no one really wants to bread bread , they want to be on top. Whether that’s right, left , wokism, anti vax. , Luke brooks (lol) , whatever it is .
And I call BS on people who claim to want equality when in actuality they just want to turn the snow globe on its head .
They want thier ideas whatever they are to reign supreme. .
That’s what’s I’m posting about . And I never blamed you . I think 2 people stirred this up . And the rest fell into line . But that’s neither here nor there . The mods should have been told
Privately and respectfully . And not had people dancing in thier grave. Whether your doing it or not . Is between you and the ether. I couldn’t care less .
Just don’t pretend your for impartiality, equality . Because it’s clearly not true .
That is all said pragmatically , and objectively . No anger at all.

This right here is why casuals like me are reluctant to post.
Paragraphs of diatribe by posters that think they're Madame Zelda and can read minds.
Can I respectfully ask that you please give it a rest. It's tiresome.