Australia Day

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I fully support ANZAC DAY my favourite day on the calendar, the only day I celebrate really but

Playing DEVIL'S ADVOCATE if we have Australia Day on the 25th of April it could be construed that we are celebrating the invasion of another country?

Sounds familiar right

Aren't we trying to get away from that

Not an appropriate day to celebrate Australia Day - ANZAC Day is a day to reflect on the sacrifices of Australian and New Zealand forces to placate the British Monarchy, Parliament's and War Mongers

Don't sully ANZAC day by adding in Australia Day
I see your point Datsun. I didn’t think it through properly,
Ok we find another day or leave it as it damn well is !
I see your point Datsun. I didn’t think it through properly,
Ok we find another day or leave it as it damn well is !
I’ve said it before but I’ll go again, the Oz Day date answer is to not have an actual date, but to have it as the first Monday in February.
That way it stays a summer long weekend that is not affiliated with any other day or date of historical significance of any kind other than to just celebrate this Great Southern Land of Oz.
This was not directed at you either Hal. 👍🏻
Agree with you on what? I haven't read all the dribble on all the pages.

You mentioned something about changing the name, which is just ridiculously stupid and won't happen. Our name comes from a Latin word for Southern, which suits us fine and won't ever be changed.

But i do think they'll bundle the referendum with 2 questions.

1. Should Australia become a republic and get a new flag? Yes/No
2. Should Australia Day be moved to the date we formally become a republic? Yes/No
Big tick for Republic.
I don't need a day to remind me of how fortunate I am to live in Australia. I am thankful that Australians in general demonstrate both tolerance and understanding in terms of our multi-cultural society. I celebrate that I can select Thai, Lebanese, Mexican, Nepalese, Italian, Greek and French cuisine for dinner at the local shopping centre. I do wish there was an Irish pub!
I’ve said it before but I’ll go again, the Oz Day date answer is to not have an actual date, but to have it as the first Monday in February.
That way it stays a summer long weekend that is not affiliated with any other day or date of historical significance of any kind other than to just celebrate this Great Southern Land of Oz.
This was not directed at you either Hal. 👍🏻
Good point B. Makes sense.
If they do that, they're fools.

The lack of clarity and simplicity around the Voice question was a major, if not the primary reason for it failing so miserably.

Something more akin to - Do you feel Australia should become a republic? , is more likely to be successful in my opinion.

If you set the question up as a double, as per your suggested no. 1, then you need people to agree with BOTH parts in order to be confident in them voting yes. If people agree with the first, but not the second, or the second, but not the first, they will err on the side of caution and vote no most likely.

You can then have subordinate questions to follow, as you suggested doing with the Aus Day date for no. 2.
To me the two are intrinsically linked. If we're still attached to the UK the flag remains, if we're an independent republic then it's no longer appropriate to have the British flag on ours so we would need a refresh. How can we say we want to be independent but also want to keep the union jack?

But yes they could separate it into 3 short and simple questions.

State names would remain. The country name will remain. State flags may get updated in due course (not that anyone knows or cares what their states flag looks like).
Australia days on Fridays are the best. Wish they made it Aussie Friday every year. Jesus had it all worked out. Born in a Friday and laid his eggs on a Monday so plebs get a 4 day weekend every year!
And blogged on Sundays
After the horror of Gallipoli, an Aussie soldier has never been under the direction of a foreign officer.
I spent 35 years in the Australian Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan on a couple of occasions. Three of those four operations were under the command of foreign commanders. Many units have also been part of coalition battle groups and under the command of foreign commanders. Prio to that the first Battalion in Vietnam worked under US Command. 3 RAR in Keorea were Commonwealth Forces - not uder dorect Australian Comand. The real difference is that our Commanders have the right to say no. Have we in modern times? Yes. Do we often, No.
I spent 35 years in the Australian Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan on a couple of occasions. Three of those four operations were under the command of foreign commanders. Many units have also been part of coalition battle groups and under the command of foreign commanders. Prio to that the first Battalion in Vietnam worked under US Command. 3 RAR in Keorea were Commonwealth Forces - not uder dorect Australian Comand. The real difference is that our Commanders have the right to say no. Have we in modern times? Yes. Do we often, No.
Thank you for keeping us safe and free buddy .
Which brings me to think , why the hell do we fight for this country that we are not allowed to celebrate on ONE day a year , maybe these activists should show some respect , to all who have kept us safe , that includes whites, blacks and many others races . Maybe if 90% of the population sat on there arse in the next conflict and let these activists defend us , and when there over run , see how many rights u get then .
, why the hell do we fight for this country that we are not allowed to celebrate on ONE day a year ,
No one is stopping you from celebrating. Is anyone actually coming to your house, ripping down your Aussie flag and turning your BBQ off? No? I didn’t think so. When you start making such ridiculous claims like this, it’s time to turn the TV off. I guarantee you wouldn’t know who was upset about what if you didn’t consume so much news and Social Media.
No one is stopping you from celebrating. Is anyone actually coming to your house, ripping down your Aussie flag and turning your BBQ off? No? I didn’t think so. When you start making such ridiculous claims like this, it’s time to turn the TV off. I guarantee you wouldn’t know who was upset about what if you didn’t consume so much news and Social Media.
What planet u living on
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