Completely unacceptable: ramifications


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2019
Been following the Tigers for over four decades and never felt as ashamed of a team.

I thought Madge should be given time, but this is completely unacceptable on **every single level.**

40-0 in a half...I don't even care if we the Storm clock off and we end up 50-20, there has to be ramifications.

I have supported them through thick and thin, way more bad times than good, but never been ashamed to be a fan.

**Tonight I am.**

There needs to be massive ramifications.
earliest ever thread for u Ellery

but this is a joke...

when does the BBL start
@thedaboss said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392332) said:
earliest ever thread for u Ellery

but this is a joke...

when does the BBL start

40-0 a half...I have never felt as ashamed to be a fan.

Heads HAVE to roll.
I think Maguire is done. He's getting nothing out of this side and he isn't an innovative coach who's able to bring about change. I think he's cooked.
I’ve seen under 14s teams with more resilience than this team

Heads must roll
@fraze23 said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392344) said:
I think Maguire is done. He's getting nothing out of this side and he isn't an innovative coach who's able to bring about change. I think he's cooked.

Lucky we got a ready made replacement.

... Tim Sheens 🔥
Glad some of you find it amusing.... OP is on the money.
I spose they are a joke so all.we can do is laugh.. But don't laugh at ellery
@bk210 said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392381) said:
Has any other team in nrl history been down 40-0 by half time?

2003, Newcastle led 48 - 0 at halftime.
I'm up for a petition or something like that. Maybe a petition that we need to have a handicap start of 10 points or something.
@earl said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392396) said:
I'm up for a petition or something like that. Maybe a petition that we need to have a handicap start of 10 points or something.

I think you left a zero off the “10”.
I turned it off after 30 minutes...

Credit due where it's deserved, Melbourne are very, VERY good
My son-in-law phoned me when it was 30-0, I keep talking to him and I thanked him for stoping me from watching this embarrassment.
If anyone can find footage of Alex Twal passing the ball I'll eat my shoe.

Madge needs to go. We aren't improving.
@elleryhanley said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392321) said:
Been following the Tigers for over four decades and never felt as ashamed of a team.

I thought Madge should be given time, but this is completely unacceptable on **every single level.**

40-0 in a half...I don't even care if we the Storm clock off and we end up 50-20, there has to be ramifications.

I have supported them through thick and thin, way more bad times than good, but never been ashamed to be a fan.

**Tonight I am.**

There needs to be massive ramifications.

Exactly right mate
@kul said in [Completely unacceptable: ramifications](/post/1392610) said:
I turned it off after 30 minutes...

Credit due where it's deserved, Melbourne are very, VERY good

I am still watching and, you know what Kul, Melb have not been 'that' good tonight. It is just a normal game / training drill.

Yes, great side...but they have barely raised a sweat.

This is entirely on us.

Our edge D is Z grade...Madge has had 2.5 years to get the edge D fixed, and has failed miserably.

We need more than rhetoric and speeches. They have their place and time, but we need a lot more.

We need a real coaching team, smart assistants, and basic skills and patterns.

This is just beyond acceptable. Anyone who accepts it at this point is part of the cultural problem we have. At any serious club that first half would have massive ramifications. Let's see what we do.