Coronavirus Outbreak

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@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

A lot of people like that in the world mate. It’s not something new. Selfishness makes the world go round. It’s the generous that life is t fair to. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to get sick and die, but please don’t blame it on the unvaxed. It’s not only them spreading this disgusting virus that has destroyed lives
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516933) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

A lot of people like that in the world mate. It’s not something new. Selfishness makes the world go round. It’s the generous that life is t fair to. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to get sick and die, but please don’t blame it on the unvaxed. It’s not only them spreading this disgusting virus that has destroyed lives

no blame here,on any 1,it is a simple question
At this point of the pandemic, not getting vaccinated is a bit like walking around with a fully loaded gun with the safety off.
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516933) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

A lot of people like that in the world mate. It’s not something new. Selfishness makes the world go round. It’s the generous that life is t fair to. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to get sick and die, but please don’t blame it on the unvaxed. It’s not only them spreading this disgusting virus that has destroyed lives

Like everyone mate, I have many things in my life I'm trying to juggle. I dont have the energy to blame people for possibly affecting covid being more deadly. I do think not getting vaccinated is not helping, but so is a hundred other things a lot of us do in this world. And Im not the ruler of the world, all I have is opinions anyway like everyone else (and my opinions could be in total opposition to everyone else anyway).

I hope you and leichhardtjunior there have a good one, get the vac or not, ultimately whatever you want. I hope this covid drama dies out with omicron knocking it out. The lockdowns were nice for a little bit, but Im over them.
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516898) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516897) said:
@shiretiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516895) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516893) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516889) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516887) said:
@nrlsurvivor said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516884) said:
@earl said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516881) said:
@hank37w said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516853) said:
@earl said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516802) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516800) said:
Sorry guys but please enlighten me, the Newcastle cluster are they all vaxed people? If they are, wasn’t the vaccine supposed to reduce transmission - it obviously hasn’t done its job well because it has spread like wildfire

I'd go so far to say it will definitely reduce transmission. That doesn't mean it will stop it.

You have to stop looking at COVID and the vaccine through this lens that the vaccine stops it completely and saves everyone's life. It doesn't do that.

So far it is been hugely beneficial though. We've done really well with Delta and it's basically because of our high vaccination rates. Without that high vaccination rates it would have been an unmitigated disaster.

As well as reducing transmission, vaccination greatly reduces the severity of the virus if it is contracted, and there is a pretty good chance that if it doesn't die out soon that we will all contract it at some stage.

Some of us may get it at some stage and not even know that we had it, which is most likely to occur in people who are fully vaccinated.

Yeah sure, case numbers are up but this is not being reflected in the number of hospital cases and especially in the all important ICU case numbers.

It makes sense that if this latest variant of the virus is extremely contagious and as we continue to open up more that the case numbers will rise.

It is also logical that many of those that contract the virus will be fully vaccinated simply due to sheer numbers involved because the fully vaccinated out number those that are not vaccinated by well over 9 to 1.

My opinion is case numbers are going to go ballistic. The question is will that lead to increased hospitalization and ICU numbers.

In South Africa the virus appears mild with most people in hospital with COVID as incidental cases - i.e. they are in hospital with something else.

I read today that the number of cases in ICU in NSW at the moment is at its lowest point since July. Vaccination is doing its job in reducing hospitalisation. If this stays the same then we don’t need more lockdowns. The big question is whether or not it will stay the same once omicron takes hold and unvaccinated people are free. It’s too early to tell.

With many people becoming eligible for 3rd dose and increased herd immunity when 5-12s start getting vaccinated from Jan 10 we should be in a good position from around Feb onwards. The concern is what happens between now and then. IMO ATAGI should consider allowing 3rd doses earlier than the current 5 month rule… I’m scheduled for a holiday in early Jan which I’ve already postponed twice. I’ll be annoyed if another lockdown stops the holiday from going ahead.

Tough times my friend. Your fellow vaxed collegues are spreading it at the moment.

How do you figure? If vaccinated people are spreading the disease because they're out and about, aren't the non-vaccinated people doing the same thing?

Look at Newcastle. It’s not the unvaxed

Cant stop the Fanny varient

I still don’t understand how the vaccine stops the spread. What happened in Newcastle proves it. The vaccine clearly didn’t have an effect on those present. However, it may help them recover quicker
and not go to hospital

By my understanding, the vaccine is all about minimising the deadliness of the disease when you catch it, and maybe to minimise you spreading it as well.

It doesn't prevent you from catching it in the first place.

Correct! Just like the flu. We have been advised this a million times already. Basically will reduce the effects. We will all get it at some time. Basically it’s simple for me. Prevention is better than Cure.
@papacito said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516939) said:
At this point of the pandemic, not getting vaccinated is a bit like walking around with a fully loaded gun with the safety off.

Dramatic much?
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516928) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

and i was hoping 4 ,8 links that i would never look at

Haha! I knew the genuine Xmas wishes were in genuine
So predictable
HEY guys,let me put a bit of perspective on the bloody argument....whether vaxxed or unvaxxed and for whatever reasons...
Lets look at this from the other several hundred angles that every body gives...Earl,Ink ,LJ.JD.myself and others..
I made a post earlier about humanity and how we shouldnt have a segregated community,irrespective if you agree with me or not,I really dont give a crap...What I do give a lot of bagging to is the way this is heading globally...Europe,UK,USA and the rest...
MY example will leave you wondering just what garbage and crap is in this world and who runs it...

Stratten Island USA...a terminally ill 4 YEAR OLD child with not long to live asked the" make a wish foundation" if he could go to see Mickey Mouses house in Disneyland....
HE WAS REFUSED because he wasnt VACCINATED.......what honestly has got into this filthy polititon beaucrat run world...if a dying child cant have their wish made come true then all I can say is stuff them all and I couldnt care who is vaxxed and who isnt...this is absolute BULLSHIT ...thanks to many caring people his wish was granted by vaxxed and unvaxxed keep argueing about who should and who shouldnt and why..absolute crap at the highest order....f this world the way it is ...
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516957) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516928) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

and i was hoping 4 ,8 links that i would never look at

Haha! I knew the genuine Xmas wishes were in genuine
So predictable

keep clutching at straw buddy
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

That’s not what was intended or what I said.
You continue to ignore the points I’ve made and proceed with your own version of my events.
Now I don’t know if it is intended but you sound like someone who doesn’t like to acknowledge the FACT that YOU could infect ME, or the FACT that I’m personally extremely unlikely to have much more than moderate symptoms due to my PERSONAL condition of health.
So I’m am saying it to you now, because you’ve made it clear you’re not actually interested in hearing or accepting my choices.
Frankly I couldn’t give a rats arse what your opinion of me is. Knock yourself out.
Your opinion is as unimportant to me as mine is yours.
Merry Xmas ?
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516965) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

That’s not what was intended or what I said.
You continue to ignore the points I’ve made and proceed with your own version of my events.
Now I don’t know if it is intended but you sound like someone who doesn’t like to acknowledge the FACT that YOU could infect ME, or the FACT that I’m personally extremely unlikely to have much more than moderate symptoms due to my PERSONAL condition of health.
So I’m am saying it to you now, because you’ve made it clear you’re not actually interested in hearing or accepting my choices.
Frankly I couldn’t give a rats arse what your opinion of me is. Knock yourself out.
Your opinion is as unimportant to me as mine is yours.
Merry Xmas ?

There's no point in conversing with someone who has your attitude. So I will leave it there.
@truetiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516959) said:
HEY guys,let me put a bit of perspective on the bloody argument....whether vaxxed or unvaxxed and for whatever reasons...
Lets look at this from the other several hundred angles that every body gives...Earl,Ink ,LJ.JD.myself and others..
I made a post earlier about humanity and how we shouldnt have a segregated community,irrespective if you agree with me or not,I really dont give a crap...What I do give a lot of bagging to is the way this is heading globally...Europe,UK,USA and the rest...
MY example will leave you wondering just what garbage and crap is in this world and who runs it...

Stratten Island USA...a terminally ill 4 YEAR OLD child with not long to live asked the" make a wish foundation" if he could go to see Mickey Mouses house in Disneyland....
HE WAS REFUSED because he wasnt VACCINATED.......what honestly has got into this filthy polititon beaucrat run world...if a dying child cant have their wish made come true then all I can say is stuff them all and I couldnt care who is vaxxed and who isnt...this is absolute BULLSHIT ...thanks to many caring people his wish was granted by vaxxed and unvaxxed keep argueing about who should and who shouldnt and why..absolute crap at the highest order....f this world the way it is ...

I left out that Im a man of God...born and raised a Catholic and my teachings are to be caring and kind to others...I havent been an ANGEL all my life ...we all have faults....but if I was in the USA and seen what this young child was going through I would of personally carried the kid into my car and drove him to Disneyland and paid for him to have his final wish come true...

@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516936) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516933) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

A lot of people like that in the world mate. It’s not something new. Selfishness makes the world go round. It’s the generous that life is t fair to. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to get sick and die, but please don’t blame it on the unvaxed. It’s not only them spreading this disgusting virus that has destroyed lives

no blame here,on any 1,it is a simple question

Oh please you fake imposter Merlot, no blame gaming ??

“2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmass”

We see you
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516972) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516936) said:
@eyeofthetiger-0 said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516933) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

A lot of people like that in the world mate. It’s not something new. Selfishness makes the world go round. It’s the generous that life is t fair to. Anyway, I don’t want anyone to get sick and die, but please don’t blame it on the unvaxed. It’s not only them spreading this disgusting virus that has destroyed lives

no blame here,on any 1,it is a simple question

Oh please you fake imposter Merlot, no blame gaming ??

“2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmass”

We see you

did i stumble onto a dating site.xoxo
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516968) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516965) said:
@jd-tiger said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516929) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

It may not be intended, but that attitude comes across like you don't care if others get sick and die. You could be doing something to help the community at large, but you are choosing not to?

That sounds like the attitude that gives people who don't choose to vaccinate a bad reputation, and is why there is so much flak sent towards that group of people.

We'll all probably get covid eventually. You're choosing to (likely) get covid with no vaccination, with a higher chance of needing hospital services, taking up a space that another may need. And you don't care that they might miss out on that space?

That like saying up yours to everyone else. I'll do what's right for me, and fudge everyone else.

That’s not what was intended or what I said.
You continue to ignore the points I’ve made and proceed with your own version of my events.
Now I don’t know if it is intended but you sound like someone who doesn’t like to acknowledge the FACT that YOU could infect ME, or the FACT that I’m personally extremely unlikely to have much more than moderate symptoms due to my PERSONAL condition of health.
So I’m am saying it to you now, because you’ve made it clear you’re not actually interested in hearing or accepting my choices.
Frankly I couldn’t give a rats arse what your opinion of me is. Knock yourself out.
Your opinion is as unimportant to me as mine is yours.
Merry Xmas ?

There's no point in conversing with someone who has your attitude. So I will leave it there.

You can’t handle truths that oppose your opinions
Run away
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516960) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516957) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516928) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

and i was hoping 4 ,8 links that i would never look at

Haha! I knew the genuine Xmas wishes were in genuine
So predictable

keep clutching at straw buddy

Wake up to yourself
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516975) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516960) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516957) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516928) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

and i was hoping 4 ,8 links that i would never look at

Haha! I knew the genuine Xmas wishes were in genuine
So predictable

keep clutching at straw buddy

Wake up to yourself

google it
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516976) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516975) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516960) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516957) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516928) said:
@leichhardtjunior said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516927) said:
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

I wouldn’t be crippled with guilt because they can actually give it to me? And each other?
The secret ingredient to their health is the fact that they are vaxxed. That is what protects them. Not me or each other. Why can’t you stop pretending otherwise and unjustly shaming people? It’s inaccurate and unfair.
To be frank it’s discriminatory. You really should consider that.
Merry Xmas to you also, I hope it’s a good one.

and i was hoping 4 ,8 links that i would never look at

Haha! I knew the genuine Xmas wishes were in genuine
So predictable

keep clutching at straw buddy

Wake up to yourself

google it

Good boy
They should hand out Nobel prizes, and the cover of Time magazine for those that chose to be vaccinated.
They seem to think they are entitled to them.
@merlot said in [Coronavirus Outbreak](/post/1516926) said:
2 all the unvaxed,how would you cope if you past on the virus to your parents/and or partner,siblings or offspring,surely the conscious would be clearer if you did all in your powers and got faxed,stay safe ,merry xmas

How will you cope if in the coming years the unknown long term effects of these never used before mRNA ‘vaccines’ that have been rushed into use via a trial period that is 5 or 6 years less than the next least trialed vaccine in history (7yrs, most are considerably longer again) turn out to be negative to your health?
Now consider that possibility for your children who didn’t need it in the first place, but you vaccinated in your effort to help those who are unfortunately already at risk of a hideous virus.
Surely your conscience would be clearer if you’d prioritised the children’s personal risk, in hindsight?
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