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Well-known member
Jan 1, 1970
What are people's thoughts on this whole mess?

Edit: I don't see a thread dedicated to it so feel free to delete it if it's duplicated.
I think he'll win the AO.
Good luck to him.

Good tennis player, I rate him.
Waiting for @hobbo1 to send me some of the posters he has on his walls of him for my pool room.
Regardless of his vaxed status or opinions if he had a clearance to come before his flight the problem rests with Australia and appears to be sour.

This country was one of a few if any which didn't even allow it's own nationals back blaming flights when really they were trying to slowly siphon them through quarantine. A national should never be refused entry for up to a year, if necessary they can quarantine in tents in the bush.

Anyway, if the Serb is allowed to play I'd love it if he basically fails to concede a set.

Australia has a right to deny non nationals like him for any reason but since he applied through the correct channels and was made to believe he was good to go it looks poor if he is sent home.
I think he should be sent home. Why we would allow anyone into Australia who isn't vaccinated who isn't Australian.

The government and Tennis Australia completely stuffed this though.

I don't think he is any risk to society though. I think he is as safe as anyone who is vaccinated because he has had it twice.

I don't like elites getting special treatment. All those other tennis players do the right thing.
If he does play, I hope there is no issues with crowds etc at the tennis. This issue has pros and cons both ways and it could get ugly. Just like the black Audi leaving the legal teams office last night.
Im with @PJ his family have carried on like tools as well and he should never have been allowed into the country but instead of a black and white ruling the government went all grey and this crap show is what we end up with.
I think this send a really bad message internationally regarding Australian Borders. We have all known they're strict but at this stage, many skilled migrants are choosing to go to Canada, NZ, UK, Singapore etc instead of Australia due to the perceived strictness of the Australian Govt.

This will hit the small businesses and farmers hard who rely on migrants to stay afloat.

I know Djokovic shouldn't get any preferential treatment and all, but when it comes to a big public figure like this- the Govt needs to be proactive and not reactive. Speaking to a few friends in US/Canda/UK, many of them think Nole is an idiot but overall it looks like the Govt doesn't know what it's doing. Many migrants and international students don't have the luxury of fighting for their visa in the courts.
He has been given preferential treatment, it's disgusting. A month or so ago 2 grieving parents weren't even allowed to bring their dead son's body back across the border and they were both double-vaxxed. Absolutely disgraceful and shameful that this germ gets given the green light. I hope that the crowd gives him plenty of abuse and hopefully someone knocks him out of the tournament.
A very arrogant man coming from a family and country where it has been indulged and supported.His mother has claimed that he was "tortured" by the authorities here.
The whole issue has been handled very poorly by all concerned
The guy could have left anytime he wanted. He wasn't a prisoner. Once lawyers became involved, he was always going to be allowed to stay.

What irks me though is three things.
1) I can't say because as soon as you do, you are labelled as racist and and xenophobic.
2) Why the media were so desperate to turn this into an international incident. A quick check of prominent international newspapers showed it barely rated a mention.
3) Why his family had to abruptly stop the press conference when asked if he was making public appearances when he knew he was covid positive. All this points to is the fact he is a liar.
The GOAT shouldn't get prefential treatment but it is what it is he is the number 1 seed.
The Prime Minister looks like a complete buffoon on this one. Tried to act tough and gain back some ground after all his recent stuff ups but it blew up in his face internationally.

Novak seemed to do everything right and at the end of the day it looks like the justice system made the correct ruling.

Although, the claims he was a prisoner etc were a bit of a joke.
@magpie_magic said in [Djokovic](/post/1520843) said:
Regardless of his vaxed status or opinions if he had a clearance to come before his flight the problem rests with Australia and appears to be sour.

This country was one of a few if any which didn't even allow it's own nationals back blaming flights when really they were trying to slowly siphon them through quarantine. A national should never be refused entry for up to a year, if necessary they can quarantine in tents in the bush.

Anyway, if the Serb is allowed to play I'd love it if he basically fails to concede a set.

Australia has a right to deny non nationals like him for any reason but since he applied through the correct channels and was made to believe he was good to go it looks poor if he is sent home.

and ignore our laws? Anyone who intentionally brake/ignore the court decision is, in a lawful country, by default sentenced, and prosecuted! And this is what shall happen if the Judge decisions are ignored!
Or will our governments (Fed and States) continue to violate the laws which were alleged to obey and defend?
Him strutting around maskless with kids and others while knowing he was + tells me all I need to know, hearing his mother explians it as well
Regardless of his talent, he needs to be taken out bush and given a flogging.
@innsaneink said in [Djokovic](/post/1520874) said:
Him strutting around maskless with kids and others while knowing he was + tells me all I need to know, hearing his mother explians it as well

as I understand, he received two approvals, from the Feds and Victoria state medical commissions before he arrived to Australia!
EG, everything that was asked of him to present as approved by the Judge's decision!

He recovered from 2 Covids, the last in mid-Dec 2021.
According to the current science, e.g.

he is much less likely to infect anyone, as his immunity (ATM) is superior to any double/triple/quadruple/. vaxxed
He recovered in one day?
It's documented he was maskless with people immediately after testing +
Now it appears he's lied on travel documents.... And his familys coward act cutting their presser short when it got too hot

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