Driver Beware:

AI is coming. How
They dont have to. Hence electric cars. They will drive you. Didnt pay your fine... tax... car will automatically drive you to RTA or tax office.

It is what it is. They dont have our souls and dont let them trick you into injecting stuff into your body. Its far from over. LOVE always conquers EVIL. We got this
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There is only one class of people worse than highway patrol officers

And that is Orwellian nanny state bureaucrat scum who think we need facial recognition technology monitoring us everywhere we go, on the off chance we might have momentarily forgotten a rule.
My mate is nsw highway Officer, he doesn't book people for no reason.

He has helped so many people across the years for zero appreciation.
It’s just another invasion of privacy next to nobody is not wearing a seatbelt these days. Seatbelts can also kill u, by trapping u in your car. It’s a lower risk than not wearing your belt but still a risk! They’re probably using AI to check these days what’s next??
Big brother is watching
If we're fining people for not wearing seatbelts where's the logic in even allowing people to ride motorbikes?
If safety's really the issue, why are they allowed?
Not to mention that it's usually a black motorbike ridden by a person wearing dark colours on a black road. It's brilliant camo.
Why aren't they made to wear high vis. gear?
There's no logic involved.
Now you're asking for trouble for even thinking I should lose any freedom when it comes to my motorcycle 😀
I have a fundamental issue with the government's solution to "risky" behaviour. It's always punishment and fines.

You'd think the money they spent on all these cameras could go into technology to ensure you can't hold your phone in the first place. Work with telcos, tech companies, be innovative...don't just slug people half their weekly salary for a relatively minor infraction.
It's not minor when someone kills another while using that phone.
Having said that it is inconsistent that you can eat and drink while driving. Never understood that one is ok but not the other.
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