Favourite leichhardt Oval moment

@helmesy said:
@jirskyr said:
One of my personal favourites was 1996, when Ellery Hanley ran half the field to score on his comeback to Balmain. We were such a crap side and he had ancient legs, felt like minutes for him to finally cross the line. I was in the stands that day (99% of the time on the hill) and the crowd went beserk. I have a sneaky it was against Cronulla but I can't be certain.

In 96 we played at Parramatta Stadium.

The match you are thinking about was round one 97 when Balmain returned to Leichhardt - the game was aganist Manly and it ended in a draw (the game is on YouTube btw).

Ta. So hard to look up a specific game based on just one memory.
The Farah/Watts game was pretty special. I even won the meat raffle in the Red Lion that evening - can't ask for much more than that.
@Glennb said:
@Hubert said:
Another memorable moment was in 1982, when Garry jack scored from a Bulldogs dropout in the corner to seal a **6 nil (2 tries to nil)** victory. I was up in the new grandstand (free entry back then) in the same corner where the try was scored…

Are you sure it was 6 nil Hubert? I remember that game vividly. I was there with my uncle who used to play for Canterbury (and used to give me a lot of grief) I remember he was FILTHY because either the game before, or the game before that Canterbury had had the very first (and last?) nil all draw (I think against Newtown?). He was filthy that it looked like it was going to happen again and my memory was that the game was destined for nil all until Garry Jack took that drop out on about half way and scored that try.

Not saying you are wrong, but my memory is more lyrical & romantic :wink:

Yes it was definetly 6- nil . John Davidson scored the other try.
Cool Thanks….I loved John Davidson...he was a good and stroppy winger in the mould of Mike Fish
@simonthetiger said:
There was def a six to nil game against the dogs!!!

I was there!

Hi everyone

I think I remember a 6-0 game against the dogs. I remember (it was a long time ago!!) that David Brooks scored a penalty try to give us the game. (He did comment after the game that he really wasn't sure he scored it - haha).

How's my memory?? Someone will know….

David Brooks played in 1983,

here is a link that shows the team from 1982,

@Glennb said:
Cool Thanks….I loved John Davidson...he was a good and stroppy winger in the mould of Mike Fish

All i remember about Mike Fish is when he and Alan McMahon got in a tangle one day at Leichhardt, dropped the ball and the oppostion scored! Must have been late 70's
Winning the jersey flegg grand final against the panthers in 84
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Farah plotting the revenge against wotts with his props and then smashing his face, with the whole crowd yelling his name in a synonymous cheers! Brilliant!!! Had new respect for him wen it happend!
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Every time I go to Leichhardt is special. I have many very fond memories. The night game versus Brisbane in the mid 1990's, standing in the rain drinking cold cans with friends on the hill. I think the score was 14 all. The day after the 2005 grand final is one of the best memories ever. I don't know how I got there considering I was at the leagues club until 6am celebrating. The Farah v Watts encounter was awesome. My son running out for Leichhardat Wanderers Under 10 Div 1 for the grand final versus Dundas. It was nil all after full time, unfortunately they lost in extra time! Many more still to come!! Tigers! :sign:
Mine is from the early '80's when I was a Penrith fan. I was about 12 or 13 and Tim was playing hooker for the Panthers that day. I was being ridiculous, screaming out, and he actually unpacked the scrum, pointed at me, and put his finger over his lips "Shhhh!" … Very embarrassed, I sat down and cheered quietly ....
A Panasonic Cup match in the mid-'80s my dad took me to when the Tigers ran riot over a combined Brisbane side, winning something like 36-14\. I remember Garry Jack and Scott Gale scoring two fantastic tries in the 2nd half, length of the field efforts where the ball went through six or seven pairs of hands.
@Suzie-Q said:
Mine is from the early '80's when I was a Penrith fan. I was about 12 or 13 and Tim was playing hooker for the Panthers that day. I was being ridiculous, screaming out, and he actually unpacked the scrum, pointed at me, and put his finger over his lips "Shhhh!" … Very embarrassed, I sat down and cheered quietly ....

That is very funny Suzie
Can't wait til Liam Fulton does it to you at a Tigers game
@Suzie-Q said:
Mine is from the early '80's when I was a Penrith fan. I was about 12 or 13 and Tim was playing hooker for the Panthers that day. I was being ridiculous, screaming out, and he actually unpacked the scrum, pointed at me, and put his finger over his lips "Shhhh!" … Very embarrassed, I sat down and cheered quietly ....

GOLD!! A SHUSH from the great man himself! :roll
@underdog said:
@Suzie-Q said:
Mine is from the early '80's when I was a Penrith fan. I was about 12 or 13 and Tim was playing hooker for the Panthers that day. I was being ridiculous, screaming out, and he actually unpacked the scrum, pointed at me, and put his finger over his lips "Shhhh!" … Very embarrassed, I sat down and cheered quietly ....

GOLD!! A SHUSH from the great man himself! :roll

:roll Yes … another wise bit of advice from someone I truly admire and respect. I was also told after a game at Penrith one year that under no circumstances was I EVER to try and jump the fence again. That I could NOT actually punch Les Boyd's lights out, and that he, Tim, was quite capable of defending himself in a game of footy :blush:
Not a great moment for WT but i remember nathan blacklocks try i think around 2002-2003 on the left end of the field. It was a great try for the dragons. More positive memories would be the come from behind win against newcastle this year
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Have a few, but not necessarily game memories, although many have been mentioned already.

1) Back in the late 70's, I was only 8 or 9\. It was a Sunday afternoon and the Tigers were playing the Sharks. It was absolutely belting down and I was sitting with my dad about 3 or 4 rows back. A lone guy who was a Sharks supporter was sitting near us and had an umbrella. We were beating the Sharks but the guy could see we were getting soaked and came over and we all huddled under his umbrella. I still think of it now as a nice gesture and a reminder that we all love the footy, regardless of the team.

2) Played a few junior reps games there in my late teens.

3) Took my wife to her first ever Tigers game about 10 years ago and sat about 5 rows back in the stand, again in the rain. The first 3 rows were getting wet and this Roosters A grade tool in front of us had his umbrella up blocking the view of those behind him. The crowd were giving it to him and he stood up and turned around to give everyone a mouthful. Just then, a gust of wind came and turned his umbrella backwards. He copped it 10x worse then and he threw his umbrella over the edge.

4)In the mid 90's, very small crowd against Parra. Me and a couple of mates got on the drink. Some were Eels fans and the rest Tigers fans. We gave it to each other non stop all game, beginning with a penalty about 30 seconds in and the mandatory " Bout time ref, theyve been doing it all game". It was all good natured, those few around us joined in and it was all good fun. Nothing abusive or genuine. Just good fun.

Remember Larry Corowa down the far sideline one game. Remember running on and getting the corner posts, remember sliding down the hill on cardboard. Waiting at the gate and getting autographs off Wayne PEarce, Olsen F, Gary Bridge, Roachy, Neil Pringle, Neil Whittaker, Ben Elias, and the list goes on. I remember looking at them thinking they were absolute Gods. They still are!

Come to think of it, even when we lost or got flogged, there was never a bad memory at Leichhardt !!!
I thought maybe some of the old Maggies would remember Hodgo and Buddha ripping us a new one in 1998 or 99!

As for whoever mentioned Rowdy's injury - that was at Cambo!

While not a highlight I will mention the Danny Williams king-hit of Buckets O'Neill in 2004.

It was a horrible wet night with a tiny crowd - but when that happened the few thousand of us there erupted to a crescendo that would do Wembley proud!! And that anger remained for the rest of the game (even when Johnny Wilson took a 90 metre intercept to win the game)!!!

The venom & passion was palpable!!

Another fave is v Manly in 1988 (again in P1$$ing rain) when we won 8-4 against the reigning Premiers with both Junior Pearce & Dave Brooks returning from the bench (Junior from injury & Brooksy from Hull FC)!
@Suzie-Q said:
@underdog said:
@Suzie-Q said:
Mine is from the early '80's when I was a Penrith fan. I was about 12 or 13 and Tim was playing hooker for the Panthers that day. I was being ridiculous, screaming out, and he actually unpacked the scrum, pointed at me, and put his finger over his lips "Shhhh!" … Very embarrassed, I sat down and cheered quietly ....

GOLD!! A SHUSH from the great man himself! :roll

:roll Yes … another wise bit of advice from someone I truly admire and respect. I was also told after a game at Penrith one year that under no circumstances was I EVER to try and jump the fence again. That I could NOT actually punch Les Boyd's lights out, and that he, Tim, was quite capable of defending himself in a game of footy :blush:

Suzie, does this mean that you are a fan of Sheensy who follows him between clubs - or that you have since seen the light and supplanted Panthers with Tigers??