Goodbye Everyone

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It's with much regret that I'm leaving the forum.
A handful of members on here have broken me. They use vpn's and keep coming back posting #orn pm's to me and others cause me grief.
I've sent kul an email to remove my membership.
My health is in a dire position just weeks after brain surgery, I'm still in bed and finding I can't cope with agitators who's only agenda is to aggravate me. Today I snapped, I have no regrets though.
I am going to miss so many great friends on here that I've formed a close bond with and I pray they will be happy and healthy moving forward.
I will pm all my friends before I leave.
I had no other desire than to do the best I could for the forum members.
It's sad for me personally that it's come to this but with limited time left on this earth I don't want to spend it deleting whinging, obscene or disrespectful posts and getting upset all the time.
Thankyou to all the 99% of great members who were a joy to interact with, you are true champions.
I'll read the forum jokes thread in the future for sure as a guest.
Go the Wests Tigers. Black, Gold and White.
All the best,
This is totally poor from some grubs on this forum , Cobarcats only ever tried to keep this place going in the correct direction , KUL and others you need to weed these grubs out and shut them down so more good people don’t leave , absolute disgrace
Sad to hear that firstly how you have been treated on this forum and secondly your current health struggles. All the best on the health front and thanks for your contribution to this forum, take care.

I am saddened to learn of your decision. I watched this develop this afternoon (and liked Cobar's posts). A number of forum members thought they should not have to abide by guidelines which had been posted by mods. It is typical of the behaviour of a few who spoil the enjoyment for the majority. Perhaps it is these forum members who should be pulling up stumps.
It's with much regret that I'm leaving the forum.
A handful of members on here have broken me. They use vpn's and keep coming back posting #orn pm's to me and others cause me grief.
I've sent kul an email to remove my membership.
My health is in a dire position just weeks after brain surgery, I'm still in bed and finding I can't cope with agitators who's only agenda is to aggravate me. Today I snapped, I have no regrets though.
I am going to miss so many great friends on here that I've formed a close bond with and I pray they will be happy and healthy moving forward.
I will pm all my friends before I leave.
I had no other desire than to do the best I could for the forum members.
It's sad for me personally that it's come to this but with limited time left on this earth I don't want to spend it deleting whinging, obscene or disrespectful posts and getting upset all the time.
Thankyou to all the 99% of great members who were a joy to interact with, you are true champions.
I'll read the forum jokes thread in the future for sure as a guest.
Go the Wests Tigers. Black, Gold and White.
All the best,
Stunned ! Since day one your guidance and council has been supportive and much appreciated. Sad to think that some people forget this is a Tiger fan group and get personal.
Get your health on track brother, that’s what matters, both for you and your family.
Available anytime if you need a friendly ear.
Thank you and will keep in touch through PM.
Very best regards,
Yep some on here are just clowns and post rubbish. And it’s sad that more and more I read that they play the man and not provide any worthwhile content.
I am sorry it has come to this but must say that things have deteriorated substantially and it’s not the moderators or KUL that are at fault it’s some so immature keyboard posters.
Have never met you mate but anyone who takes on this role is a brave man and should never be subject to the things making you quit the forum . I hope you re think and still be a part of the chatter but can understand if your health comes first. To your critics all I can say is Karma will take care of them.
It's with much regret that I'm leaving the forum.
A handful of members on here have broken me. They use vpn's and keep coming back posting #orn pm's to me and others cause me grief.
I've sent kul an email to remove my membership.
My health is in a dire position just weeks after brain surgery, I'm still in bed and finding I can't cope with agitators who's only agenda is to aggravate me. Today I snapped, I have no regrets though.
I am going to miss so many great friends on here that I've formed a close bond with and I pray they will be happy and healthy moving forward.
I will pm all my friends before I leave.
I had no other desire than to do the best I could for the forum members.
It's sad for me personally that it's come to this but with limited time left on this earth I don't want to spend it deleting whinging, obscene or disrespectful posts and getting upset all the time.
Thankyou to all the 99% of great members who were a joy to interact with, you are true champions.
I'll read the forum jokes thread in the future for sure as a guest.
Go the Wests Tigers. Black, Gold and White.
All the best,

Sorry to see you go as you’ve always been fair on here with your mod duties. All the best in your recovery
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