Jackson Hastings - #251 Mega Thread

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Please - if Sheens saw him as our future 13 he would have blocked him from going, would be negotiating a contract extension and wouldn't have gone after Bateman. He is a 7 and always has been but he was never going to be our 7 while Brooks and Sheens are at the club. Newcastle going after Hastings couldn't have gone any better for Sheens - probably instigated it himself.
Does anyone really think Sheens is stupid ? He's a professional, and if Brooks or anyone else does not perform, he will ditch them. All this favouritism stuff is BS, from mentally crippled Books haters.
Does anyone really think Sheens is stupid ? He's a professional, and if Brooks or anyone else does not perform, he will ditch them. All this favouritism stuff is BS, from mentally crippled Books haters.
I dunno he is not immune to making the wrong call. Any one who could see, could identify that Andrew Fifita was a gun. He will be judged like all before him -good and bad - it goes with the terriitory.
Predictable....ask for a legit source to your BS and you come back with nothing...youre a waste of air
Are you one of those who have been spreading crap about him on here?
Are you upset I had a go at your mate earlier? He is the rumour spreader champ.
Marathon Stadium forum read the Hastings' thread about value. One figure of $700k being discussed. I don't believe locals will be happy.
Fans shouldn't concern themselves with how much players are paid. That's the club's concern. Fans don't know the facts anyway.
I dont really like this swap.
Yes, Klem is as hood a prop as Hastings is a half, an through that prism its ok.

But, you dont trade out good, organisational halves.

You stand in front of them, you stroke their hair, you kiss them, and look into their eyes and whisper in their ear 'everything will be alright uleh'.

You dont trade them out. They are rare.

And if we are in the business of swapping out halves, wtf happened to the Brooks idea? Why is he being kept? That was the original plan.

If it is because of Bateman, sure, but if not then we ###### up. Its not that hard to find a running half or whatever Adam Leb is (He feels to me like a 2nd rower in the halves) but the Chad Townsend/Cleary organisers are few and far between and Hastings was on that level and he won us matches this year.
4 and 20. It’s a good name for a pie but not a good win loss record.
I doubt the reason they've let him go is due to his personality. I think he along with Doueihi are after pay upgrades and the club saw him as a lock with probably no pay upgrade.
That is more believable than this crap that his whole persona is a show for the cameras.

I doubt the reason they've let him go is due to his personality. I think he along with Doueihi are after pay upgrades and the club saw him as a lock with probably no pay upgrade.

I don't know that would be the case either, He's only been here a year
- And just seemed to want to win?

But then, He dragged Salford to the GF over in the UK and they let him go,
Some say it's because they didn't have the money.... Others say it's because they were only 50/50 on him as a fit into the team.
I don't understand any club letting go the heartbeat of the club, Imagine the cows letting JT move on after he dragged them to a premiership force in 05... Couldn't imagine it.

Anyhow, Stranger things have happened.
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