Jarome Luai

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1. I am confident that he will sign. What’s wrong with that?
2. You think its trolling (Like seriously?) I can understand copping it if I was in here everyday saying it wasn’t going to happen and that the club sucked and every marquee player knew that. What the hell? Is too much positivity a bad thing now? Must you be in a state of being somewhere between a doomer and an eternal optimist?
3. It shows that people are taking this thing way too seriously. The tension is too much. What I find, is people will believe what they want to believe. So when im talking about the club finishing at the bottom of the ladder, it strikes a nerve because people want to be optimistic. With the Luai situation, everyone is so primed to believe that we miss out on every big name, that they almost want to believe he’s not going to be here. It’s almost psychological, that they talk themselves into it so much, that anyone who feels different they get annoyed, because they don’t want to get their hopes dashed if it doesn’t happen
4. My positivity that he will sign has no less basis than everyone freaking out that Gus is going to come swooping in at the eleventh hour. But everyone wants to be paranoid, so those sorts of posts are okay. Posts that show confidence and push back at unsubstantiated BS are clearly not though. Got it.
5. He’s gonna sign.
Like this.
Finding myself agreeing with GNR, at least the sentiments. Lord help us.
Dare it I say it, but our now ex halfback who shall not be named. Man, if you did not join the pile on and want him burned at the stake, you were a down and out fan boy who thought he was a messiah. When people have a view on something that’s so passionate, if you aren’t on board 100%, you are kicked to the curb. It’s common a lot in topics like politics. Didn’t think it could ever happen in RL, but thus was the hatred levelled at he who shall not be named.

Lost many a good poster over the last few years especially from the former magpies cohort.

On other topics too there is much group think these days on here. I feel many want to post or have a different view but feel discouraged.

Many toe the line because the forum is much too Important to them.

A type of modern day peer group pressure.
We bag GNR4LIFE for being too positive in his posts/repeating himself but we give a thumbs up to posters that greatest version of a retort is to question people's age or their friend roster.

Got it.
I dont see any problem with posting opinions on here. But if you want to continually argue a point till others agree with you when clearly they dont - or have a different view - then it's up to you how many posts you want engage in to convince them.
Some people like to enter into discussion with opposing views others don't.
Dare it I say it, but our now ex halfback who shall not be named. Man, if you did not join the pile on and want him burned at the stake, you were a down and out fan boy who thought he was a messiah. When people have a view on something that’s so passionate, if you aren’t on board 100%, you are kicked to the curb. It’s common a lot in topics like politics. Didn’t think it could ever happen in RL, but thus was the hatred levelled at he who shall not be named.
I went into bat for brooks many times. I was never labeled a fanboy or kicked to the curb. If you keep the discussion about facts or observations, leave emotion out of it and stop putting words I peoples mouths, you can actually have quite a good conversation with people who disagree with you.
Look, I've never interacted with you. You have chimed in because too long went by with you getting no attention.
No, like most here, that is the reason you have imagined in your head that fits your opinion of me and in doing so proven my point exactly. Thank you for underlining it.

I have actually eloquently spelled out exactly why I "chimed in" very literally, in english. No need for imagination, words on the page.
Lost many a good poster over the last few years especially from the former magpies cohort.

On other topics too there is much group think these days on here. I feel many want to post or have a different view but feel discouraged.

Many toe the line because the forum is much too Important to them.

A type of modern day peer group pressure.
I was at a point a couple years ago, where I was taking the forum way too seriously. Didn’t help that I had issues away from the forum, but I was easily baited and got in so many flame wars (Even in PM’s), that when I got put in the cooler for six months, it was the best thing that happened to me. I got shit sorted and so when I finally came back, I was in a completely different place mentally. I will still stand up for my beliefs, but if this was two years ago, I think my replies this morning would have been a hell of a lot more snarky and emotional. I don‘t care as much these days. And that’s probably why my positivity has gone overboard in this thread. We are more than likely on the cusp of the best signing news in at least a decade and I’m just trying to have fun with it and lighten the mood. And hey, I know some probably still hold a grudge, but that’s the price you pay.
We're on the eve of Christmas. Let cool heads prevail. We know Luai is gone from the Panthers in 25 and I listened to Fletcher on Ch9 from the Panthers wish him the best with his future with his long term big $ contract. We're in this and I'd write as other posters have that if there is a TPA or the NRL involved it all takes time. Rest easy everyone.

PS Marshall is a huge draw card. If I was Luai and being offered the opportunity to play under one of the greatest 5/8s ever to lace on a boot and come out from under the shadow of the Cleary's, I'd be tempted.
Aint this a thread about Jarome Laui and his potential in signing with us. Don't mean to stick my nose where it don't belong, but if you guys are just gonna argue and debate why not make a thread for that. I'm sure many people come to see if there are any news, not read 4 pages of nothing.
I know I have been a bit hard on AHX, cos I believe most of what he writes is gibberish, but I’m sure he’s a terrific guy. Easier said than done given how emotional this club makes people, but you should never hate on someone if they are just giving an opinion on the club/game. Some seem to let it influence their perception of that persons whole personality.
I've had you on block for quite a while (with about 4 others) because you do tend to carry on a bit to much (only looking at your posts every now and then).
But at the same time I don't like the way you have been attacked recently, and I stood up for you on one occassion not long before your recent temporary departure from the Forum.

I somehow missed out on the criticism of AHX, being the reason he's not on here atm.
I hope you weren't the main reason for his current and hopefully temporary departure?
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Is anyone gonna say it?
It is much more pleasant on here without Brooks arguments. 😆😆😆
Someone I know was doing a presentation at Manly about 2 weeks and was telling me that he was sitting by his self not talking to anyone and the person I know did a 4 hour presentation
I've had you on block for quite a while (with about 4 others) because you do tend to carry on a bit to much (only looking at your posts every now and then).
But at the same time I don't like the way you have been attacked recently, and I stood up for you on one occassion not long before your recent temporary departure from the Forum.
I somehow missed out on the criticism of AHX, being the reason he's not on here atm.
I hope you weren't the main reason for his current and hopefully temporary departure?
Well, first of all, cheers. The attacks don’t bother me. FTR, I don’t consider what was said to me this morning as ”attacks”. At best they were incorrect characterisations. And TBH, if I was watching someone do a complete 180 in their posting style, id be suss too. But I happily explained my reasoning for why I have been posting the way I have

On AHX, I will admit, the dude does drive me up the wall, and I may have made a joke here or there, but I have nothing against him. He’s harmless. I will take a long walk when he’s in the building though, cos his posts are a punish to read. Apart from that, I love the dude.
There is nothing you could do to make me scroll through your childish posts, I can promise you that. So move on
All good mate. appreciate the very adult, mature grown up way you post and approach things here, making sure that GNR and I and all of us undeserving kids post in the correct manner and tone. You are doing Gods work King Sirro.
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