Luke Brooks #167

Thanks Tucker.
I am not apologising for what I said or believe and not asking that of them.
I am trying to be less rigid and a more understanding person in my life.
Let’s see how the response goes.
Just like Tucker said, I wouldn't even bother arguing it further with the 4 or 5 Brooks fans that are left out there. Clearly at least 2 are family members. You made a post that any rational person would have read and moved on but because they know how bad their position is on Brooks they'll attack in packs and upvote each other for the smallest things to gain some sort of self worth.
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I am trying to be less rigid and a more understanding person in my life.

That is a good one to work on.

It'll be interesting how Brooksy goes this season. He has a lot of baggage now poor kid.
28 year old man. 18 year olds go off to war to die.

The baggage comes from being a terrible player and the club paying and playing him.
At the risk of repeating myself...I believe Brooksy has the skills of a top 10 half and since we now have an improved salary cap position, thanks mostly to Maguire, we find ourselves in a stronger position to import skill, grow some enthusiasm for some team spirit.
RL is still a team game isn’t it?
Just like Tucker said, I wouldn't even bother arguing it further with the 4 or 5 Brooks fans that are left out there. Clearly at least 2 are family members. You made a post that any rational person would have read and moved on but because they know how bad their position is on Brooks they'll attack in packs and upvote each other for the smallest things to gain some sort of self worth.
Thanks Winston
I would not know who all the Brooks lovers or haters are, I get that most are probably over him, but don’t keep tabs on it. Usually only come to the Brooks thread when bored.
Just like Tucker said, I wouldn't even bother arguing it further with the 4 or 5 Brooks fans that are left out there. Clearly at least 2 are family members. You made a post that any rational person would have read and moved on but because they know how bad their position is on Brooks they'll attack in packs and upvote each other for the smallest things to gain some sort of self worth.

You seem very rational indeed
A response I completely expected from the biggest simpleton of the Brooks cult. Trust a Brooks fan to take pleasure in things that hurt the club.

Kindly tell Brooks to try and make more than 5 metres when kicking for touch this season.
Aaahh yes the biggest simpleton of the anti brooks brigade
didn't Sheens mention fans like you yesterday...
The spine control the game, the forwards lay the platform, the wingers finish off, defence wins matches - heard it all before it doesn't undervalue the importance of your 7 if you want to succeed no matter what Sheens and every other person who has entered into one of these discussions about Brooks and his career to date says.
Sheens/ club have done their best to address some of the weaknesses No excuses for Brooks or Douehi they either have what it takes to improve our position on the back of it or they don't.
We will finish midfield this year with a more competitive roster and again it will be due to quality of the entire roster, not just the 7.
Dumb insolence is exactly right. Have seen @Alltheway refer to Madge as Fadge several times. Not sure what he means by that but it’s likely a slur. Have not seen you, or any of the other white knights come to Madge’s aid against bullying. Why’s that? Cause it doesn’t suit your argument? Dumb insolence. I like it.
I'm glad we agree on something.

I believe Madge should have gone in 2021 and at the end of the first game in 2022 against the Storm I posted on the game thread that he should go then. You can check if you're so inclined. It wasn't well received. Madge from all accounts is a good bloke. He tried but failed. Hopefully he can reinvent his career at another club.
Oh I know. I’m just pointing out that you’re so incapable of independent thought and basic intelligence that you take anything Sheens says as the gospel truth
I had independent thought when I said Brooks was not heading to Newcastle despite what most "fans" believed from the media...
As far as Sheens goes he may not be perfect but he is better than Madge
I'm glad we agree on something.

I believe Madge should have gone in 2021 and at the end of the first game in 2022 against the Storm I posted on the game thread that he should go then. You can check if you're so inclined. It wasn't well received. Madge from all accounts is a good bloke. He tried but failed. Hopefully he can reinvent his career at another club.

lol Come on bud, you claim targeted bullying on a player you (for some reason ) rate and turn a blind eye when it’s against a part of the organization you don’t like or does not suit your narrative. Show some balls and stick to your guns.
lol Come on bud, you claim targeted bullying on a player you (for some reason ) rate and turn a blind eye when it’s against a part of the organization you don’t like or does not suit your narrative. Show some balls and stick to your guns.
False equivalence,
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