Politics Super Thread - keep it all in here

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@ said:
I have been on this planet for over seventy years. I have been really hot and really cold. I've seen big floods and big bushfires. When I was a kid it got so hot we would cook eggs on the footpath.

All this stuff is called weather and seasons. Nothing much has changed. I'm all for a cleaner planet. But spare me the lectures from people who tell me that we really are bastards for not believing what they say is gospel.

These are the same zelots who fly around the world in private jets to tell people like me what cretins we are.

So, I ignore them and people like them. And I sleep pretty good at night.

That's the spirit Col

Your run on this planet is nearer the end than the start and you couldn't give a crap how you pass it on to your future generations :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy

I haven't been here as long as you Col , but this is the warmest start to a spring/summer I've ever experienced , we didn't dip below 35 degrees for 9 days straight

Coincidence maybe ….old age maybe
I communicate with a guy in Arizona and they have about doubled the record time that it has gone with raining. China is doing great things trying to reverse desertification that they had made worse due to previous excessive tree lopping after Mao took over.
If individual one doesn’t believe in Climate Change, that’s enough for me
I'm just glad we're in a democracy so the people who believe things like it's a NASA or socialism conspiracy, will be voted down.

The liberals should deservedly get smashed come election time. They're a complete rabble.
Scientists said "We're gonna destroy the world with nuclear bombs, can you believe that? No!!!
Would you believe….A nuclear winter? No???
How about about a ozone hole?......
Then Global warming's' coming!!! no more rain or snow....
Oops still getting cold wet weather.....we meant climate change, yep that's it!!!....hot, cold, wet, dry, we're always right, and we can teach all the school kids and feeble minded they're R.S. big time, because they're the ones causing it!!!
The discredited ICPCC, is just a vehicle for commie socialist stooges of the UN, and other self-loathing termites to destroy the West and transfer it's wealth to their masters. :crazy What's the bet the next one will be, we are running out of oxygen. :brick:
@ said:
Scientists said "We're gonna destroy the world with nuclear bombs, can you believe that? No!!!
Would you believe….A nuclear winter? No???
How about about a ozone hole?......
Then Global warming's' coming!!! no more rain or snow....
Oops still getting cold wet weather.....we meant climate change, yep that's it!!!....hot, cold, wet, dry, we're always right, and we can teach all the school kids and feeble minded they're R.S. big time, because they're the ones causing it!!!
The discredited ICPCC, is just a vehicle for commie socialist stooges of the UN, and other self-loathing termites to destroy the West and transfer it's wealth to their masters. :crazy What's the bet the next one will be, we are running out of oxygen. :brick:

Well we are running out of oxygen , less trees more oxygen users mean eventually no oxygen if their are no trees to convert the C02
@ said:
So, how long has the planet got?

Surely all these scientists can work out the answer.

NASA has a whole suite of information drawn from their observations, have a look at their site.

Ignorance is not a defense.
Unless you are an atmospheric scientist or climatology expert, you are deferring everything you think to be true on this topic to those experts. So the question becomes, how reliable are the experts?

Personally i am agnostic on the question. I don't know, and i don't pretend to. I know the climate is changing, but it always has. And i know man made pollution is not a good thing. That's all i know for sure and certain.

There have been enough scandals and foul ups to reasonably question the ethics and models of the people we all trust to provide us with this information. It doesn't automatically mean they are wrong, it just means i don't trust them blindly like alot of people seem to. There are legitimate conflicts of interest, and their models are never correct. But I am naturally skeptical when in comes to many things, so maybe that's just me.

Whether made made climate change is real or not, one thing absolutely certain is that getting taxpayers to pay higher taxes is not going to reduce global temperatures. Over time the technology will become available to store energy in such a manner that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels (which will eventually deplete anyway), or to store nuclear waste in such a manner that makes it a less controversial alternative, or to develop renewable energy sources that actually work. And the people who achieve this will become squillionaires, so the incentive is definitely there.

So while man made climate change may or may not be real, there is basically nothing the ordinary person can do to change it. But that won't stop governments telling us otherwise.
You don't need to be a tree hugger to realise that digging up and burning coal isn't great for the environment.

Even the mining and energy industry admit as much,
@ said:
Unless you are an atmospheric scientist or climatology expert, you are deferring everything you think to be true on this topic to those experts. So the question becomes, how reliable are the experts?

Personally i am agnostic on the question. I don't know, and i don't pretend to. I know the climate is changing, but it always has. And i know man made pollution is not a good thing. That's all i know for sure and certain.

There have been enough scandals and foul ups to reasonably question the ethics and models of the people we all trust to provide us with this information. It doesn't automatically mean they are wrong, it just means i don't trust them blindly like alot of people seem to. There are legitimate conflicts of interest, and their models are never correct. But I am naturally skeptical when in comes to many things, so maybe that's just me.

Whether made made climate change is real or not, one thing absolutely certain is that getting taxpayers to pay higher taxes is not going to reduce global temperatures. Over time the technology will become available to store energy in such a manner that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels (which will eventually deplete anyway), or to store nuclear waste in such a manner that makes it a less controversial alternative, or to develop renewable energy sources that actually work. And the people who achieve this will become squillionaires, so the incentive is definitely there.

So while man made climate change may or may not be real, there is basically nothing the ordinary person can do to change it. But that won't stop governments telling us otherwise.

There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.
@ said:
There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

So you're voting for the Australian Conservative Party :stuck_out_tongue:

There's hope for you yet.
@ said:
@ said:
Unless you are an atmospheric scientist or climatology expert, you are deferring everything you think to be true on this topic to those experts. So the question becomes, how reliable are the experts?

Personally i am agnostic on the question. I don't know, and i don't pretend to. I know the climate is changing, but it always has. And i know man made pollution is not a good thing. That's all i know for sure and certain.

There have been enough scandals and foul ups to reasonably question the ethics and models of the people we all trust to provide us with this information. It doesn't automatically mean they are wrong, it just means i don't trust them blindly like alot of people seem to. There are legitimate conflicts of interest, and their models are never correct. But I am naturally skeptical when in comes to many things, so maybe that's just me.

Whether made made climate change is real or not, one thing absolutely certain is that getting taxpayers to pay higher taxes is not going to reduce global temperatures. Over time the technology will become available to store energy in such a manner that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels (which will eventually deplete anyway), or to store nuclear waste in such a manner that makes it a less controversial alternative, or to develop renewable energy sources that actually work. And the people who achieve this will become squillionaires, so the incentive is definitely there.

So while man made climate change may or may not be real, there is basically nothing the ordinary person can do to change it. But that won't stop governments telling us otherwise.

There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

Excellent comments from you both.

Abraham another thoughtful intelligent posting.

CB, an honest debate in this country over the use of nuclear power has been stifled for far too long.
@ said:
@ said:
There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

So you're voting for the Australian Conservative Party :stuck_out_tongue:

There's hope for you yet.

Ahhhh no. Lib Dems support nuclear energy as well Abe.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
Unless you are an atmospheric scientist or climatology expert, you are deferring everything you think to be true on this topic to those experts. So the question becomes, how reliable are the experts?

Personally i am agnostic on the question. I don't know, and i don't pretend to. I know the climate is changing, but it always has. And i know man made pollution is not a good thing. That's all i know for sure and certain.

There have been enough scandals and foul ups to reasonably question the ethics and models of the people we all trust to provide us with this information. It doesn't automatically mean they are wrong, it just means i don't trust them blindly like alot of people seem to. There are legitimate conflicts of interest, and their models are never correct. But I am naturally skeptical when in comes to many things, so maybe that's just me.

Whether made made climate change is real or not, one thing absolutely certain is that getting taxpayers to pay higher taxes is not going to reduce global temperatures. Over time the technology will become available to store energy in such a manner that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels (which will eventually deplete anyway), or to store nuclear waste in such a manner that makes it a less controversial alternative, or to develop renewable energy sources that actually work. And the people who achieve this will become squillionaires, so the incentive is definitely there.

So while man made climate change may or may not be real, there is basically nothing the ordinary person can do to change it. But that won't stop governments telling us otherwise.

There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

Excellent comments from you both.

Abraham another thoughtful intelligent posting.

CB, an honest debate in this country over the use of nuclear power has been stifled for far too long.

Nuclear is the stop gap IMO until fusion becomes readily available.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

So you're voting for the Australian Conservative Party :stuck_out_tongue:

There's hope for you yet.

Ahhhh no. Lib Dems support nuclear energy as well Abe.

That's okay, i like them too.
@ said:
Excellent comments from you both.

Abraham another thoughtful intelligent posting.

CB, an honest debate in this country over the use of nuclear power has been stifled for far too long.

Thanks dude.

I get the feeling we will revert back to horse and buggy before any of the major parties seriously put nuclear energy on the table. It just doesn't pass the 'wokeness' test.
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
There's plenty the average person can do. For a start we could vote in a party that would advocate nuclear energy.

So you're voting for the Australian Conservative Party :stuck_out_tongue:

There's hope for you yet.

Ahhhh no. Lib Dems support nuclear energy as well Abe.

That's okay, i like them too.

The LD's is about as close to right wing as I'll go. And that's largely because they are socially progressive. Their taxation policy appears a bit light to me but everyone would have far more money in their pockets (not sure where funding for public assets and institutions comes from though, I am a proponent of public roads, health and education.) I don't agree with their stance on firearms but at the very least they still support licensing and regulation to a fair degree.
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