Raiders sign Tedesco - Official

@Majere77 said:
Man I am just gutted….Beyond words...

The next 10 years was meant to be the Brooks and Tedesco show.

now we go back to years more of the usual tigers programming "Dances with Nuffies."

I was always more excited for the Brooks and Moses show to be honest.
people keep bagging the raiders as a basket case, I actually think they are very much like us. They have a ton of young talent coming through and it will not take much to make them a class side. Cornish,Teddy,Ennis will do wonders for their spine. Would not surprise to see both the Tigers and the Raiders as top four teams in a couple of years
This is so dissapointing from a fan's point of view. Throughout the whole process, the idiot Ayoub said it wasn't about money. Well it clearly was. What a twit. It's sad seeing Teddy go, because all his mates were here, he would have been amazing with Brooksy, Robbie and Co. Instead I have to watch him play under the worst coach in the NRL, and in that hideous green jersey.

Furthermore, I'm shocked that Teddy refused the offer. 500k is not child's play, that a lot of money. It's a lot more money than most quality NRL players are getting. But I guess he got greedy. I honestly thought he would, after all the club gave him. They stuck by him, even through his injury in 2012\. What a s*** way to repay the faith. From now on, every time I see him in a Tigers jersey, I will cringe at the sight. I just hope there some sort of miracle and he changes his mind. I'm honestly shocked.

I am pleased with how Mayer handled it. We offered him 500k, plenty for a 21 year old guy who's played 25 games. Now we have to look for a long-term solution. I say Rowe, he's been good the past two games, and he'll be much better next year. :wtf :wtf :wtf
Did anyone else see the Channel 10 sports bulletin? Tedesco said, "It was never really about the money. I visited Canberra and saw an opportunity there…"

So if he is telling the truth (LOL), he is saying he would prefer to live in and play for Canberra under stupid head Ricky, rather than continue playing for the team he started with as a 13 year-old, where he has not only some great mates, but a bunch of talented team mates who will make him a better player with each passing season?

So, if he is telling the truth, he's not greedy. He's a moron. Perhaps that is worse, LOL.

Obviously it's BS, but I wonder who advised him to say that? I'd have more respect for him if he acknowledged that it was about the money, than giving us such filthy BS.
“I’ve invested a lot of time into the club and agreeing to terms is about me showing my appreciation to Melbourne Storm and repaying the loyalty they have shown me in the seven years I have been here,” Proctor said. “In weighing up the decision, I just knew I would be happier here and you can’t put a price on happiness.”

- Kevin Proctor, on his decision to stay with the Storm for another four years…
lol bs… raiders offerred too much money to teddy and didnt have much left for proctor.

it's funny how what teddy says is bs but what proctor says is true..
@TigersBra said:
. I just hope there some sort of miracle and he changes his mind.

x 2

Didn't papalli do the same thing to Stuart last year? Here's hoping. Either way as long as Teddy keeps putting in 100% for us this year I'll support him until he leaves.

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@tig_prmz said:
lol bs… raiders offerred too much money to teddy and didnt have much left for proctor.

Do you seriously think that happened? That they would be so unprofessional in dealing with Proctor?
@TigersFan4Life said:
@tig_prmz said:
lol bs… raiders offerred too much money to teddy and didnt have much left for proctor.

Do you seriously think that happened? That they would be so unprofessional in dealing with Proctor?

again, i dont have any sources but massive offer for ennis, even a bigger one for teddy and someone else i forgot. milford money cannot buy everything. milford wouldnt have been on big coin as he signed with raiders before becoming who he is now.

again, it's political correctedness. fifita said whatever he wishes and it cost him the dogs contract.
players come and go.
curiously I am looking forward to see how Teddy performs for rest of season. :question:
he may go into " cruise control" if so then its off to park footy, and you may as well start walking south to canberra now. :laughing:
or he may get in and have a real dig, and as a result we do not begrudged him in deciding to move on. :slight_smile:
only time will tell.
Hilarious how can he say it was not about the money but an opportunity. At least he can afford to get his choppers fixed now.

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@Ed Reschs said:
Hilarious how can he say it was not about the money but an opportunity. At least he can afford to get his choppers fixed now.

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Not about money? That's interesting. We should have offered him $150k and thrown in the word opportunity a few times. :unamused:
@Ed Reschs said:
Hilarious how can he say it was not about the money but an opportunity. At least he can afford to get his choppers fixed now.

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So what does that mean ..opportunity ! So there is no opportunity with the club that stood by him and rehabilitated him to bring him to where he is today. Opportunity with a coach with less than great credentials for coaching over the past decade , I would like some clarification of what the Raiders offer more than the Tigers other than now reported $ 2.4 mil I think Mr $edesco should clarify this!
@TigersFan4Life said:
Did anyone else see the Channel 10 sports bulletin? Tedesco said, "It was never really about the money. I visited Canberra and saw an opportunity there…"

So if he is telling the truth (LOL), he is saying he would prefer to live in and play for Canberra under stupid head Ricky, rather than continue playing for the team he started with as a 13 year-old, where he has not only some great mates, but a bunch of talented team mates who will make him a better player with each passing season?

So, if he is telling the truth, he's not greedy. He's a moron. Perhaps that is worse, LOL.

Obviously it's BS, but I wonder who advised him to say that? I'd have more respect for him if he acknowledged that it was about the money, than giving us such filthy BS.

I saw the same thing as was going to mention that here too. I'm sorry we are losing him and I wish him well, but I lost some respect for the young guy when I watched that. He is either poorly advised or he is a tool. Be honest, be a man and follow Andrew Fafita's cue when he almost signed for the dogs. It was simply a money decision. At least you could leave with your integrity intact.

With this response, its making it a lot easier for me to accept he is leaving ….
@Team Tiger said:
@lathami said:
You can bag out the sheens management as much as you like. But they would never have let this happen!!!!


Sorry, mate, but I think this post is a joke…
Sheen's management wouldn't have had us in the ballpark money wise for Tedesco or a stack of our other juniors... If Sheens was still in charge we would've wasted 1 million dollars a year on Benji.

Secondly, you seem to forget that Sheens was the man who let Fafita go but signed Utai!

Yer mate bring up fafita!!!
Great call, I was about the only one on here wanting to keep him!!
Yer what about all the great juniors we are seeing I guess mick potter found them all did he??????
The only players mp can claim are tapau and lulia, batting one up two down!!!
All the depth we have is because of sheens!!!!
Wake up!!
I like how potter is giving the juniors a start and grading them in earlier, but he hasn't made or found them!
Sheen got rid of the trash like beau the Wayneker, Gibbs and heighno look how they are going now??? I like Gibbs and hino but they were past it!
I like you five minute supporters, how many games do you go to?? How many 20's do u watch before them???
I don't think many!!!
I have watched as much as I can, and in particular our junior development…
To say my opinion is a joke, I think u should check yourself....
@TigersFan4Life said:
Did anyone else see the Channel 10 sports bulletin? Tedesco said, "It was never really about the money. **I visited Canberra and saw an opportunity there…"**
So if he is telling the truth (LOL), he is saying he would prefer to live in and play for Canberra under stupid head Ricky, rather than continue playing for the team he started with as a 13 year-old, where he has not only some great mates, but a bunch of talented team mates who will make him a better player with each passing season?

So, if he is telling the truth, he's not greedy. He's a moron. Perhaps that is worse, LOL.

Obviously it's BS, but I wonder who advised him to say that? I'd have more respect for him if he acknowledged that it was about the money, than giving us such filthy BS.

Hmmm and he couldn't see any opportunities here? Sometimes the greatest opportunities are right under your nose, in your own backyard, but I guess Teddy has 'the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence' mentality. Oh well, we'll see how that works out in the future, but I wish James all the best.

Like everyone else, I'm massively disappointed, but I am glad that he has, at least, signed with Canberra rather than the Roosters/Souths or Bulldogs, who somehow miraculously have the money and cap space to chase _every_ talented player on the market! Canberra are usually the ones who lose their prodigious young talent to every other club and it has often come back to bite them, so I can't begrudge them for actually picking one up for themselves for once.

As for WT, well I guess the question is who are we going to replace Tedesco with now? It's a perfect opportunity for Rowe to develop his skills and show us what he's got, I suppose. It's true that he is improving with every game, but I just don't have the confidence in Rowe that he will be able to reach the heights at fullback that I reckon Tedesco would've reached if he had stayed. Teddy's talent is evident, Rowe's not so much. Still, he needs to, at least, be given the chance to make the fullback position his own, imo.

On the other hand, others here have mentioned Hoffman as a replacement and I definitely wouldn't say no to that idea either, but will he want to move from that ever so wonderful northern state (so Happy and Watto keep calling it :wink: ) and move to Sydney? One thing we all know is that he desperately wants to play fullback, but with Barba onboard and now Milford moving up there, he has next to no chance of ever playing fullback at the Broncos again. So, here's an opportunity for you Josh! Why don't you come on down to sunny Sydney and join a whole heap of your Kiwi bros at the Wests Tigers! A change of clubs may help you to see an opportunity and it may be exactly what you need - just ask Tedesco!
Rowe should be given first shot until Tedesco leaves , nothing against Tedesco , the club needs to do the right thing by Rowe , I hope his form keeps improving and he holds the position until Tedesco is needed. I really don't blame anyone for going for the big bucks and wish him all the best , though lately every time Tedesco was tackled I didn't expect or know if he was going to play the ball.

So glad we didn't match that offer , Brooks will be needing an upgrade.
The kid has to be resigned in 2016 before someone else sneaks under our guard.

Good luck to the Raiders , their best result since 89.
This is a black day for the club the best and most exciting player since Benji 10yrs ago gone.

Will play for Australia within 2 yrs.

And another magpie junior gone.
Is Tedesco's manager the same one that manages Milford? Cause if it is then u can put two in two? Can anyone clarify?

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@ulluru22 said:
Is Tedesco's manager the same one that manages Milford? Cause if it is then u can put two in two? Can anyone clarify?

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Yeah it's Ayoub, but Ayoub has a fairly big stable.

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