Referendum 2023

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I think Australians being forced to relocate from their homes & homelessness rapidly increasing is currently more important than a referendum which no one really has an idea on what it's going to achieve.
Who do you suppose does really poorly in terms of homelessness as a group?
Should we wait until everyone gets their own house before we do anything else? Surely these aren’t zero sum game equations and we can do both these things.
Why dont we see a draft of how it will look? No drafts yet… just dot points of how it will help them. Not ALL
This is not the place for this topic , people will escalate this into a shit fight no doubt , we have a chance to vote coming up , vote and move on , no need to bring it out in public , Yes or No , it’s your chance , leave it at the ballet box
And how do you trust politicians that are compulsive liars? The past few years tell us not to trust them
I don’t understand the question. There’s plenty of legal opinion on these things including from the Solicitor general. The whole purpose of the constitution is to make clear arrangements above what politicians may decide.
I think Australians being forced to relocate from their homes & homelessness rapidly increasing is currently more important then a referendum which no one really has an idea on what it's going to achieve.

This referendum won't change the cost of rent
or the price you'll pay for truss tomatoes haha.
How about a vote on how we could make housing affordable lol
Rural and remote Australians, regardless of ancestry, perform the worst in almost every such socio-economic metric, maybe we should have a voice to parliament for rural Australians?
Last time I checked there was a major political party that serves rural and regional Australians. They were part of the government for almost 20 years since the turn of the century.

I also don’t believe rural and remote Australians have significantly poorer health outcomes compared to other Australians in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality.

But why say no to one group because another has issues? If there are genuine problems with any group we should seek solutions.
This referendum won't change the cost of rent
or the price you'll pay for truss tomatoes haha.
I never said it will bro I just think dealing with these issues that effect all Australians rather then Aboriginals are currently more important.
Who do you suppose does really poorly in terms of homelessness as a group?
Should we wait until everyone gets their own house before we do anything else? Surely these aren’t zero sum game equations and we can do both these things.
I've seen nothing to suggest how this referendum will help Aboriginals dealing with those particular issues either
Why dont we see a draft of how it will look? No drafts yet… just dot points of how it will help them. Not ALL
Why dont we see a draft of how it will look? No drafts yet… just dot points of how it will help them. Not ALL
You expect to see fully formed Bills for every policy proposal? The referendum question is very simple.
You mean like an election?
Labor governments promises for recent election:
Strengthen medicare
Create secure jobs by investing in Fee free tafe
Make child care cheaper
Make more things here

Nothing about a referendum
So you’re against it because it might not work? Having a voice at least gives the people affected a direct say on how to solve the problems.
We don’t know how much additional funding would be allocated to this Voice. That’s another detail that would only be determined after the referendum
Labor governments promises for recent election:
Strengthen medicare
Create secure jobs by investing in Fee free tafe
Make child care cheaper
Make more things here

Nothing about a referendum
Well that’s flat out false. You either weren’t paying attention or you’re being dishonest. It was clearly an election commitment.
Last time I checked there was a major political party that serves rural and regional Australians. They were part of the government for almost 20 years since the turn of the century.
Last time I checked there were political parties representing every single electorate in the country.
I also don’t believe rural and remote Australians have significantly poorer health outcomes compared to other Australians in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality.
You'd be entirely wrong then.

"A recent RFDS report highlighted the huge gaps in life expectancy of people in the most remote areas of the country, where in 2020 females died on average 19 years younger than their counterparts in major cities, with the figure standing at 13.9 years for males."

We don’t know how much additional funding would be allocated to this Voice. That’s another detail that would only be determined after the referendum
The only funding tied to the voice referendum would be the body itself. Any other outcomes would be funded and costed as they are now.
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