Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

The least AFB could do is stick around for 24. Pretty lousy a player on that coin announcing in November he wants an immediate release leaving the club up shit creek. Least give them time to invest that money somewhere else.
Fair enough, though I should note that it's at least interesting that when people disagree with attempts to do objective analysis of players it always comes down to "intangibles" and the like - things that can't be objectively measured and thus can't be argued against. My personal view is that while I have no reason to think Papali'i isn't a great guy and a model professional, (a) it's pretty obvious that he didn't deliver much by way of outcomes on the field, (b) the fact that he plays in a secondary position and isn't an absolute freak physical impact machine like David Fifita means he didn't really have much chance of delivering a great deal, and (c) whatever the benefit of these leadership abilities it has to be mentioned that they weren't sufficient to raise anyone else's game to the extent that we didn't finish dead last again.

As I say, my point here isn't to bag Papali'i. It's just to note that we're one year into a three year deal for a guy who we signed as an 8/10 player but didn't give much opportunity to be anything more than a 5/10 player. That's not his fault, but it's also not money well spent - so far.
I think you would struggle to find any club to not take on Ice at $600k a year, we got in early for once and got him at that price, if we didn't he would be playing for another club on $700k plus a year.
So you get the good players when you can, which we did for a good price, then target your other weaknesses, which in our case was many.
We bought new halves, we need outside backs, but I just can't see how Ice is a bad buy for us at that price.
I think you would struggle to find any club to not take on Ice at $600k a year, we got in early for once and got him at that price, if we didn't he would be playing for another club on $700k plus a year.
So you get the good players when you can, which we did for a good price, then target your other weaknesses, which in our case was many.
We bought new halves, we need outside backs, but I just can't see how Ice is a bad buy for us at that price.
Our halves aren‘t that highly regarded.
Our halves aren‘t that highly regarded.
I am feeling more excited going into '24 with Fainu, Sezer & Sullivan than I was going into '23 with Brooks and Douehi (with Wakeham added late). Sure, we all would have loved Munster and/or Moses to sign, but the excitement of youth should make us all eager to see where we can go next season!
Liddle is not a solid first grader. And he got dropped during the year for Moses Mbye so that tells you all you need to know. Are you Russell in disguise?

Wonder what happened to that bloke he was staunch on Liddle, i wondered whether he was a relo or something. He def had the rose coloured glasses on with him.
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Been reported by multiple media organisations that he is actually on that money
yeah i have seen that. But, it was also widely reported that he signed there on 850K and no reports of an upgrade when he extended. Additionally, most contracts have a little extra per year but short term contract or a little less per year but a long term contract. So, I find it hard to believe that he got the little extra and long term and no one mentioned this when he extended.
I think it is just the usual thing with NRL media where one place reports he is on a mil then every other outlet says he is 'reportedly' on a mil.