I agree with u 100% , even if the forced his hand u don’t don’t let people walk unless u are 100% certain that u have a replacement lined up
But I don't think that's what happened here.
At all.
The whole Papalii thing was "I don't want to be here in a bottom team. But my manager wants me to sign a fat contract".
The whole Bateman thing seems to be "I am going to tell Marshall what to do and he seems like an amatuer coach".
In all those plus Stef, I don't think we were in the drivers seat. We may have wanted Bateman gone due to high salary/cap space/lack of performance. But it wasn't our driving and we don't have a 2RF lined up for his spot.
Honestly, I think it's all an accident:
Turuva/Skelton - We need a winger, your free lets make an offer.
Luai - prime half becomes available and remembers us offering large money to Moses.
May - surplus to roosters requirements.
I agree with your thrust "you can let a player go, if you have someone better coming" Wayne Bennett.
Look, we seem to have some great players coming our way. But it doesn't seem very planned too me.