Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

By 2024 the dogs should have a pretty good roster. If they get Moses they will have their spine covered bar fullback and Iam sure they will have a chat to Chrighton from Riff.

We are building nicely but it will take a little longer to convince the market place we are the real deal and become a attractive club to join, but I think it will happen.
A few wins next season can make a difference
A mate of mine used to work with the Roosters. Still gets a bit of oil from time to time. Had lunch with him today and he heard Sheens has put some feelers out on a George Williams return, especially with Hastings headed to the Knights.

Plan was to offer Williams 3 years as cover for 7 if Brooks rejects an extension (at a lower rate). If Brooks accepts, they’ll play Williams at 6. Doueihi asking too much and still has a lot to learn. Personally, I think Doueihi has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and thinks he’s a bit better than he is as a starting half right now.

Moses is apparently also being tabled an offer. However, I also heard through my fiancés cousin who’s good mates with Burton about a month ago that apparently Moses is/has signed with the Dogs for ‘24. He’s a bit of a loose unit though so not sure if he’s much good for a inside goss.
Only the Tigers would be stupid enough to sign a good halfback like George Williams and play him out of position and second fiddle to a bloke who can't play halfback
From a guy who gets the best and most reliable oil around here bar none and look at the date!

Sorry to disappoint, but Nanai will stay a Cowboy. Not sure where CG has received his info but it is well off the mark in this instance. Leniu and Klemmer still the most likely to join the squad for 2023, along with Bateman. Bateman will depend on transfer fee and personal terms, so there are...
  • CCTW
  • Post #144,091
  • Oct 13, 2022
Leniu is joining us for 2023? I'd eat your shoe if that's the case
Why is everyone bad mouthing people for posting even if they’re wrong?

Not everyone is going to get everything right and people should feel comfortable posting stuff without worrying that they’re going to get abused.
Nothing wrong with people posting up what they've heard whether right or wrong IMO. But why someone would feel the need to justify their status is odd. Pretty sure there is no Dally M's for oil clairvoyance on here.
Oh please …. just give it a rest.
Try to Contribute something useful instead of waisting space on here.

Have you read this place lately? Having a go at Chris saying "contribute something useful" is laughable.

I for one like he is calling fake news out. I've never understood those who say they like any "inside" info even if it isn't true. What's the point if it isn't true?

While I have no problem with how The POM operates, I do tend to think his mail is off most of the time and I certainly trust Chris in what he says. Chris has been around a long time and is proven to not toss garbage around and not engage in any crap. So if he is calling it out, it's worth taking note of.
If Woods is a done deal as Chris says then I don’t see room for Leniu at present. But you’d make room. You’d have to give someone like Seyfarth a tap on the shoulder. Or play Pole in the second row as has been mentioned.
Pole is (finally :cry:) close to what we want from a prop since Taupau.
Twal and Seyfarth shall be warried about their place in the team long before Pole.
No problem Chris, you have your opinion on the matter & that's fine, I don't normally respond to these types of comments but felt it was required when my character was questioned.

Not going to enter the pissing competition debate going on and continuing in great earnest this morning, other than to ask why, and particularly that of putting others down?

It's a RUMOURS thread for Christ's sake and whilst I cannot recall his original posting name, @compensate was the first on the Laurie WT signing news, but was harangued out of here as well.

Congratulations to the winner and move on.
Worlds are colliding.

Mail is mail, whether it comes to fruition or not. I do find it rather ironic that Chris has cracked POM for disappearing for weeks at a time then popping back in, when he, himself is as sparse as they come. The regularity of when somebody posts couldn't be more irrelevant to the legitimacy of their information.

As if it matters, I think all three have elements of truth (CCTW as well come to think of it), though only one of those tends to provide detail. And, as always, it's how one presents themselves as to how they're received/liked.
Not going to enter the pissing competition debate going on and continuing in great earnest this morning, other than to ask why, and particularly that of putting others down?

It's a RUMOURS thread for Christ's sake and whilst I cannot recall his original posting name, @compensate was the first on the Laurie WT signing news, but was harangued out of here as well.

Congratulations to the winner and move on.
Just to clarify, @compensate was a fantastic poster and the people who bullied him, no longer post here.
What is wrong with this forum, it's like an ego competition, my source is better than your source kind of attitude it's so immature we should all appreciate any input a poster tries to provide

THE POM makes this forum a better place with his input and shouldn't be shit on - just cause we don't sign a player doesn't mean there was no interest from our side we're competing with 15 other teams for signings remember

No poster will have a 100% success rate - @Chris I love your posts however don't put THE POM and Cloudy in the same sentence.... one's a clown craving attention and the other simply provides information when he can for us and doesn't seek approval

Posters I see most reliable are CCTW, THE POM, Chris, Tigerballs, Yossarian etc - I'm sure other posters will get a reliable source every now again too and shouldn't be worried about the reaction it'll get and should be embraced
If Woods is a done deal as Chris says then I don’t see room for Leniu at present. But you’d make room. You’d have to give someone like Seyfarth a tap on the shoulder. Or play Pole in the second row as has been mentioned.
If Woods is coming back...which would be dire, massive, unforgiveable certainly would not be moving current players out of their preferred positions to accommodate him.
In all likelihood, Woods would not make our best 17 until injury strikes, a couple of times.

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