Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

We currently have 27 spots filled in our 30 for next season. So if we release Peachy that’s back to 26 but if we are doing the swap for Staines and Leniu that brings us to 28, so 2 spots left to fill hence the talk of Klemmer and Bateman.

I would take both as we do need more help in be the forwards but obviously that will fill up our 30 if all this happens but I think if it does happen we will end up releasing Musgrove and Gildart. Possibly Simpkin too but I think if we do Nu Brown will take his spot. Rumours of Musgrove to Dragons and Gildart back to England or possibly Dolphins.

There has been talk as well on Twitter from NWBT that we are also considering signing Nathan Brown and Parra will help chip in his salary for next year for any team willing to take him. Don’t know for sure if we will get him but just something to keep the eyes and ears open about.

Some reckon it could be a swap for Klemmer and Brooks possibly Frizell, I don’t know if we will release Brooks for next year I’ve personally accepted he’s with us for next year, but with all the talk of Munster I doubt we will get him but if we did Brooks won’t be at the Tigers for 24 onwards. Won’t be able to accomodate both players in the cap. Interesting times ahead now that the season is over we will probably hear more news after the World Cup but I am interested to see what unfolds.
Lenui would be a great get,but Klemmer worries me as being another Reynolds would go good for the dogs but might not give the same value for us
In my opinion, Klemmer was just about one of Newcastle's best which I know doesn't say a lot, but I think he'd be an awesome pick up. Exactly what our pack needs a leader who can lead by their actions and instil a bit of fear into the opposition. He's also on the right side of 30, so I think we still get a bit of footy out of him (JWH is 33).

Big yes from me.
If the Tigers are after Bateman it can only be purely on past history and reputation in the NRL. Because, as I've said, anyone who has watched half a dozen of his games knows he's a shadow of his former self. My best guess is he never recovered from that shoulder surgery during his final season at Canberra. Because ever since he's constantly being outwrestled by guys he would never lose out to. Worth comparing him with Whitehead at Canberra (who is two years older, I think). Elliot has lost that bit of explosivity in his game which made him a real handful. But that's an age-related issue. He still performs at a high level and what he loses in athleticism he gains in experience. Canberra wouldn't pay him top money. But he's definitely good value on a sensible contract. With Bateman any significant contract would be dead money because - unlike Whitehead who is old, but fit and fully capable - Jon is clearly playing at 75% or less - not through age but chronic injury.
If you haven’t noticed all of our marquee signings played at their best 3-4 years before we pick them up. It’s our type.
We currently have 27 spots filled in our 30 for next season. So if we release Peachy that’s back to 26 but if we are doing the swap for Staines and Leniu that brings us to 28, so 2 spots left to fill hence the talk of Klemmer and Bateman.

I would take both as we do need more help in be the forwards but obviously that will fill up our 30 if all this happens but I think if it does happen we will end up releasing Musgrove and Gildart. Possibly Simpkin too but I think if we do Nu Brown will take his spot. Rumours of Musgrove to Dragons and Gildart back to England or possibly Dolphins.

There has been talk as well on Twitter from NWBT that we are also considering signing Nathan Brown and Parra will help chip in his salary for next year for any team willing to take him. Don’t know for sure if we will get him but just something to keep the eyes and ears open about.

Some reckon it could be a swap for Klemmer and Brooks possibly Frizell, I don’t know if we will release Brooks for next year I’ve personally accepted he’s with us for next year, but with all the talk of Munster I doubt we will get him but if we did Brooks won’t be at the Tigers for 24 onwards. Won’t be able to accomodate both players in the cap. Interesting times ahead now that the season is over we will probably hear more news after the World Cup but I am interested to see what unfolds.
Brooks will be here for the next 4 years or be gone for 23 I think his manager will be looking to lock up his next 4 years maybe 5 it's the safe option for him
Yea i agree on Mahoney - he is a solid first grader but not the superstar he is hyped up to be. Throws more forward passes than any other DH in the comp and his defence is a bit suss if you can get him one on one.
Mahoney and Api both play in phenomenal forward packs. It’ll be interesting to see how they go in lesser sides.
Hopefully some of these signings come off. I know its slow and frustrating but when you add an Api, Papi, Klemmer and Leniu to a side containing Joffa, Stefano and Hastings it starts to resemble something competitive, particularly with up and comers Pole, Matamua and Kautoga on the fringe.

Halves are ok. For me, the backs are worry. Centre is our weakest position but hope Tupou grows into one spot. Wing spots are locked down with Maumalo and Noffa. Hopefully Naden has a strong off season. I am not sure that Staines brings a whole lot but worth the swap for Peachey.
If the Tigers are after Bateman it can only be purely on past history and reputation in the NRL. Because, as I've said, anyone who has watched half a dozen of his games knows he's a shadow of his former self. My best guess is he never recovered from that shoulder surgery during his final season at Canberra. Because ever since he's constantly being outwrestled by guys he would never lose out to. Worth comparing him with Whitehead at Canberra (who is two years older, I think). Elliot has lost that bit of explosivity in his game which made him a real handful. But that's an age-related issue. He still performs at a high level and what he loses in athleticism he gains in experience. Canberra wouldn't pay him top money. But he's definitely good value on a sensible contract. With Bateman any significant contract would be dead money because - unlike Whitehead who is old, but fit and fully capable - Jon is clearly playing at 75% or less - not through age but chronic injury.
Must still have been going well enough to get selected in the England squad. Will be watching his games with interest (once his suspension has been filled).
Reynolds was absolutely busted....
Couldn't say he gave up!!

Klemmer is a different beast, Different player - In a very different position.
Was Reynolds prepping like a professional or was he chasing around Instagram models who were conning him?