Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Had a chat with an insider on the coaching staff (yes Tito has his sources - believe it or not). Said the Fainu brothers are coming. Brooks is gone. Fulton is a knob and will destroy the club.
Saw a report in one of the daily rags that suggested Brooks may end up at Manly especially if Schuster doesn't lift his game - said Seibold is a fan of his and would play him as a running 5/8 outside DCE.
I've had a sleep and a think about this and i really wish i hadn't but i did, im actually at a similar point to where you are. I dont care if he's well liked or ruffles a few feathers, just get the job done get players to come to our club because to be bluntly honest thats a challenge.
We will never be successful if we can't attract talent, or if we can't find talent, im sick of saying next year next year rebuild this rebuild that. Just fix the bloody issues because there has to be massive issues as we can't seem to sort our shit.
If Fulton can come in and fix whats broken i couldnt care less if some support staffer thinks he's rude, sometimes that arrogance comes from confidence just get the job done im sick of being a basket case.
If we were successful again Pascoe's hat sales go through the roof everybody wins.
Hascoes Pats … for the Folically challenged!! 😅😂🤣😆😂
So focusing on Signing Suggestions & Rumours - where are we right now?
Seems Brooks is gone and AD would have to be a long shot to play next season. Wakeham is off contract and it’s questionable whether you would offer him an extension.
Roster positions are available with the likes of Simpkin, Simpkins, Talau, Laurie, Seyfarth, possibly Blore, all being let go. There’s also a few others in our top 30 that you would question whether they are realistic NRL possibilities.
Apart from halves- we have some other weak areas in our Roster as well - we are short a decent centre, an impact prop, a genuine lock, another edge forward (if replacing Blore). If we are fair dinkum these new players have to be starting 17 quality and signed for 2-3 years whilst our upcoming crop of juniors get the necessary development.
As to Rumours- well Frizell would be a good addition, the Fainu brothers also. Sam Walker has plenty of talent, but can’t see him coming to us. Not sure what centres are available but I thought Averillo was a good pickup (not sure if we had any chance or even tried). There’s potentially Lomax who is absolutely lost at the Dragons now and has slumped. I don’t like Best much.
And what to do with Staines? We certainly need some speed in our ranks.
Food for thought and interesting times ahead.
Lomax is a real rocks and diamonds player, that makes a lot of really stupid decisions.. we really do not need any more players like that
Saw a report in one of the daily rags that suggested Brooks may end up at Manly especially if Schuster doesn't lift his game - said Seibold is a fan of his and would play him as a running 5/8 outside DCE.

Saw a report in one of the daily rags that suggested Brooks may end up at Manly especially if Schuster doesn't lift his game - said Seibold is a fan of his and would play him as a running 5/8 outside DCE.

You said it yourself he has talent. He’s backing himself to take his opportunity to pinch Hughes’ spot and stay on that talent production line. Hughes will probably end up moving on like Finucane did to get that big earn at the end of his career. It’s the Melbourne system.
He'd be a sensation outside DCE.
He'd be a sensation outside DCE.

He'll be reasonably successful outside a dominant half like DCE, because he doesn't have to think just needs to run. We've not been able to give him that because we've vocally come out and said it's his team ect ect and of course paid him accordingly to that.
Which is why I think we changed tact with the offer someone somewhere finally realised he's not that guy and needs a ton of help and pressure taken off him.
Add to that Sione Fainu started for our KOE Cup side for the first time yesterday, it appears something is definitely brewing.
Who would be happy with an instant trade Luke Brooks, Daine Laurie and Tommy Talau for Latu Fainu, Samuela Fainu and Fletcher Myers ?
I can see Doueihi becoming the new message board Brooks at this rate.

I'm not saying he's Wally Lewis reborn. But some reality is required- he's a talented athlete that covers multiple positions. He's 23 years old. And he seems to actually have an affinity with the club. Now, if he's a 5/8, fullback, centre or whatever- he's a superior TALENT to the likes of Kepeoa, Cogger, Townsend, Talau etc. These are some of the names we either have, or are contemplating having. I know who I think is the better player.
Wait, what.
Kepeoa, Talau, Cogger etc are at that class of barely first grade. all max 400k options.

Chad Townsend is a 1m per season halfback with the Queensland cowboys. A straight swap for a fit A Doueihi would be an instant no brainer. I don't particularly rate Townsend as a halfback but he can oranise a team and do the job of a halfback in a side that makes the 8. His work ethic is extreme.

Grouping those players together is like grouping a Corolla, Civic, Mazda 3 and a Lexus 450h ...
I can see Doueihi becoming the new message board Brooks at this rate.

He had a handful of poor games, when the whole team was playing poor. He's also been close to our only effective attacking option since being a Tiger. He's rated by most teams/coaches/pundits as one of the players to watch when you come up against the Tigers.

I'm not saying he's Wally Lewis reborn. But some reality is required- he's a talented athlete that covers multiple positions. He's 23 years old. And he seems to actually have an affinity with the club. Now, if he's a 5/8, fullback, centre or whatever- he's a superior TALENT to the likes of Kepeoa, Cogger, Townsend, Talau etc. These are some of the names we either have, or are contemplating having. I know who I think is the better player.

I personally hope he comes back from his injury largely uneffected. If he can be our athletic 5/8 outside of whoever we install at #7- great! Unlike Wakeham etc, he has actually SHOWN he can be a dominant player on the field. It's not like we are overflowing with talent in the club.
Fair dinkum you have zero clue!!

Doueihi is not even close to being NRL standard and was cooked after his last injury - let alone the current one!

About as "athletic" as Nikola Jokic without the "TALENT"!

He has NEVER been dominant and I am confident he will never play NRL again!

He plays with no physicality or courage in defence - and has shamed the Tigers jersey with his pea-hearted efforts in every game he played this season!

Most overrated non-performer in the NRL!!

Wake up!!
Fair dinkum you have zero clue!!

Doueihi is not even close to being NRL standard and was cooked after his last injury - let alone the current one!

About as "athletic" as Nikola Jokic without the "TALENT"!

He has NEVER been dominant and I am confident he will never play NRL again!

He plays with no physicality or courage in defence - and has shamed the Tigers jersey with his pea-hearted efforts in every game he played this season!

Most overrated non-performer in the NRL!!

Wake up!!
Tell us what you really think....
we were always going to end up with Tartak a major influence at WT. he is the manager of nearly all of our lower grade guns. we keep those and the Fainu’s and we’ll be in the premiership business very soon.
Yea, why the trash talking of someone like "Tartak"?
Some WT supporter goes to an Origin lunch. Talks to 'someone' at Manly, then it's like clearly Fulton and Tartak are bad guys worse then Issac Moses???

Right, Issac Moses who signed our "big 4" then couldn't work out how to extort us enough. So he pushed his players to Canterbury who had Zero cap space* and just offered Andrew Fifita a 800k contract that 750k was going to be TPA's.
Issac wasn't even smart enough to screw us.

I don't know who this Tartak guy is, I only know of Scott Fulton from the family name and that Manly is a Siebold/Moses Basketcase he would want to exit.

Nice bit of Skuttlebutt, with NFI if anything related to us is true at all. The only thing we can bank on is Manly being in a world of hurt due to Moses owning almost every player and Siebold cracking without Flanagan to back him.

*yea Eastwood on 900k says it all
Fair dinkum you have zero clue!!

Doueihi is not even close to being NRL standard and was cooked after his last injury - let alone the current one!

About as "athletic" as Nikola Jokic without the "TALENT"!

He has NEVER been dominant and I am confident he will never play NRL again!

He plays with no physicality or courage in defence - and has shamed the Tigers jersey with his pea-hearted efforts in every game he played this season!

Most overrated non-performer in the NRL!!

Wake up!!
Entitled to your opinion …..but that’s harsh