Top 5 Most Hated Wests Tiger Coach or Player

Ive got Wayne Pearce number one. Massive Balmain fan but Junior set us on the road to ruin. He had a huge salary cap and blew it on morons like Terry Hill. Whats more he had no coaching skill.

I pretty much hate everyone who has been appointed because they used to play for Wests or Balmain. every single one of them has damaged the club.

1\. Pearce
2\. Lamb ( dead set useless)
3\. Taylor ( as above )
4\. Cleary
5\. Woods
1\. JT - nothing good came while he was at he club
2\. Mitchell Moses - last game had more missed tackles than metres gained
3\. Johnny Cronk - should never had been near half back
4\. John Carlaw - just awful
5\. Shannon McDonnell - Overhyped to the max
Can’t believe I forgot Fitzy. Made an entire career out of being a passenger. I think John Wilson was a far better player, and was a lot more deserving of a spot in the 05 side.

Joel Caine was another infuriating player from the early years. Stumbling, bumbling hack.
@ said:
1\. JT - nothing good came while he was at he club
2\. Mitchell Moses - last game had more missed tackles than metres gained
**3\. Johnny Cronk - should never had been near half back**
4\. John Carlaw - just awful
5\. Shannon McDonnell - Overhyped to the max

That wasn’t his fault., blame Sheens for that. He was a hooker, who Sheens tried to mold, and failed miserably. Morris gave it his all when he played for us. Didn’t miss a game in 3 years. You don’t play 300 games if you aren’t a decent player.
@ said:
@ said:
1\. JT - nothing good came while he was at he club
2\. Mitchell Moses - last game had more missed tackles than metres gained
**3\. Johnny Cronk - should never had been near half back**
4\. John Carlaw - just awful
5\. Shannon McDonnell - Overhyped to the max

That wasn’t his fault., blame Sheens for that. He was a hooker, who Sheens tried to mold, and failed miserably. Morris gave it his all when he played for us. Didn’t miss a game in 3 years. You don’t play 300 games if you aren’t a decent player.

I know - I probably would have disliked him less if he missed a few games
No one has mentioned Roycie Simmons!

He moved those witches hats around with so much arrogance, I wanted to jump the fence and put one on his chin. It was so infuriating!

I also hated the way he tucked his polo shirt into his trackie pants. He actually thought he was someone of importance!

1\. These three all rank equal to me, That sook moses, show me the money tede$co, cheap short merchant and useless coach lamb.
4\. Could not coach shizenhausen to stink JT.
5\. Bwaith
@ said:
Ive got Wayne Pearce number one. Massive Balmain fan but Junior set us on the road to ruin. He had a huge salary cap and blew it on morons like Terry Hill. Whats more he had no coaching skill.

Good call.

I know someone who played under him in origin who said he couldn't coach.
By far and away - Jarrod McCracken

- Signed for a fortune as a 30 year old.
- Played like a busted for eight games
- Retired after appearing to milk a spear tackle situation, then sued the opposition
- Did zilch for the club

Not to forget, he took a former club to court and is now bankrupt after dodging business dealings.

Heaven help you if you were ever stuck in the trenches with this bloke.
1\. Woods - horrible representative of our club AND as Captain! Yuck!
2\. Moses - not wasting words.
3\. Anasta - just bad all round. A tool.

1\. Ivan - Get rid. Now. Maybe he is at number 1 only cos the wound is open. Time will tell.
2\. Lamb - still baffled by that one
3\. JT - hated his tactics and his antics
1\. Ivan Cleary
2\. Nathan Cleary ( according to Brent Read)
3\. Beau Ryan
4\. Braith Anasta
5\. Shannon McDonnell (only graded because of his dad)

Dishonourable mentions:
1\. Hopoate
2\. Lamb
Keep this thread open for 2 years.

I would have (at the moment)

Ivan is making a play for top billing, and some of his recruits can climb the charts.

Incompetence or lack of ability are much less impact (and beyond your control) than pursuing self interests and denigrating the club to enhance your standing or protect your reputation
@ said:
@ said:
@ said:
Why’s Payton get an honourable mention?

White ant. As a player, he’s probably in my top 3 as my all time favourite WT’s players. Doesn’t have a good reputiation as a coach though.

Fair enough haven’t watched his coaching efforts closely or heard of the white anting but I guess it is there.

Plus he urinated on a war memorial in Sydney's Hyde Park
@ said:
1\. Ivan Cleary
**<big>2\. Nathan Cleary ( according to Brent Read)</big>**
3\. Beau Ryan
4\. Braith Anasta
5\. Shannon McDonnell (only graded because of his dad)

Dishonourable mentions:
1\. Hopoate
2\. Lamb

What did i miss here?
1\. Ivan Cleary - what a dodgy man with no integrity. Talked about being on the bus, being here for the long run and sold the dream to the players. Only to turn around and stab us in the back the first chance he got. Make no mistake if he didn’t legally have to be here he would have left before the season even ended.

2\. Anasta - the worst buy in our history. Took our money and gave us nothing back. Then has the nerve to put the tigers down any chance he gets.

3\. Moses - players come and go, but the way he went about it was disgusting. I reckon he purposely threw at least 2 games to get his way.

4\. JT - don’t hate the bloke but he couldn’t coach, couldn’t manage players and couldn’t pick players. Cost us any chance of re signing Tedesco, woods or Moses. Cost us ado Carr by continuing to play rankin. Ran this place to the ground.

5\. Woods- was captain and carried on like a pork chop. Again players come and go but as captain just set such a bad example.
@ said:
@ said:
1\. Ivan Cleary
**<big>2\. Nathan Cleary ( according to Brent Read)</big>**
3\. Beau Ryan
4\. Braith Anasta
5\. Shannon McDonnell (only graded because of his dad)

Dishonourable mentions:
1\. Hopoate
2\. Lamb

What did i miss here?

Brent Read stated a few weeks ago that Nathan Cleary would play for Tigers. A bit of poetic license from me!