Wests Tigers Team v Manly Official

I would of thought Robert Jennings and Corey Thompson have enough pace to finish in space. Brooks too.
I would like to see Liddle come in off the bench and Chee Kam drop out. The speed which Liddle provides from dummy half would help considerably in balancing this team.
Neither player are fast. Over 20m or so perhaps, but if they took an intercept on our own 20 we wouldn't score. Even if we had the head start.
I would say we definitely have the slowest outside backs in the NRL. It doesn't mean that everyone else's backs are better than ours, just that if they get ahead of us they'll likely score and likewise they'll probably run us down if we make a break.
@Balmain_Boy said:
Neither player are fast. Over 20m or so perhaps, **but if they took an intercept on our own 20 we wouldn’t score.** Even if we had the head start.
I would say we definitely have the slowest outside backs in the NRL. It doesn’t mean that everyone else’s backs are better than ours, just that if they get ahead of us they’ll likely score and likewise they’ll probably run us down if we make a break.

I think Corey Thompson did against Souff's last year
yeah that is true, but even if u are not that fast, if u can step you have no problem
Mbye has a knee injury of some sort, not sure how serious. Otherwise it's a common sense team named by Madge. We still have some power out wide with Fonua and Thompson will be busy at the back. Twal starting is a good move and no surprise to see Mikeale on the bench, predicted that last year. Manly have a decent pack and will be tough but I reckon the Leichhardt factor will get us over the line.
Not filled with any level of confidence. The team list just gave me a harsh reality check. Good luck to the boys I think they are going to need it. Almost wish we were facing the Roosters again in RD1 like last year.
Good to see garlic sauce there. Twal starting over Packer is interesting, though not surprising.
I like the team, obviously injuries notwithstanding.

Luke Garner played great in reggies for a year and continues to come on, so I'm really pleased to have a hard-working bloke continue to improve into the run-on side. He could really be a valuable development for us if he keeps it up.

Momers gets a run straight up - I am looking forward to seeing what he can do given a good few weeks.

Packer to bench splits the "Packerlino" strategy that lots of people moaned about. Tom Mikaele has obviously done enough to be in the first 17, which is great for a kid who has been on the radar for some time - i.e. once he's ready, he's in.

I'm interested that Liddle wasn't picked at #14/#17, which suggests Farah for as close to 80 mins as possible. It is therefore a fairly large bench all-up, something Maguire did tend to do with Souths.

Also interested that I got some impression Madge didn't rate ET, but there he is and Hooth gets demoted.

I have a strong feeling that Matterson will be our player's player this year, I just think he's going to go to another level given the new responsibility at the Tigers.
Leichhardt hasn’t been a factor in years …
But yeah ...hopefully we’ll come away with the win .
Yes I love that he's split Packerlino up, maybe they'll actually start leading the way now they won't have the other one there to share the bludging.
Hopefully Mikaele and Twal show them how to play Footy.
Matterson most likely sees more ball than he did at the Roosters. Looking forward to seeing him run off Brooks.
I'd keep Chee-Kam and swap Liddle for Aloiai but it's a good team.
Yes splitting up the Packerlino .. more than likely Packer will come on after 20 to replace Matulino .. then 20 mins into the 2nd half Matulino will come on to replace Packer. Here's hoping Twal has a good year, showed some real promise towards the end of last season. Im really looking forward to see how young Mikaele rips into them, he's got youth on his side so go hard young man .. !!

Our 2nd rowers are both very mobile with the ball in hand so i hope to see them tearing it up out wide off Benji or Brooksy.

Aloiai must train the house down during the pre-season .. cause he didn't show much promise last season to warrant a gig in the starting 17.

Chee-Kam .. is he under any cloud of the charges against him ?? and therefore has to sit out games until his court appearance ?? he must be good to go otherwise they wouldn't have selected him.

Well here we go ladies and gents .. it's footy season .. ***let's go Tigers .. roooaaarrrr .. !!***
Hooray, the season finally commences. Jeez, the injury gods have already whacked us without even the starting whistle being blown- hope its not a portent for the season.

Good luck guys, may we get a fair share of the ref calls and the rest is up to you.
Has the #MadgeOut started yet? :rofl: