What Annoys You

People that agree to something, and then come back days later and change their mind. Not sure I'll be a Papali'i fan.

People that say they're going to do something but don't follow through.

All of the driving scenarios previously mentioned.
Plus you don't want others to see the pain your going through I know the feeling it's better to suffer alone
It’s safer for all involved.
Same goes with test match cricket it’s a tough game when ya getting flogged over five days, the fam know to stay away.
When we were getting Cooked a few ashes back, the outlaws left a week early. It was a few days into a good Cooking and I was throwing shit at the tv, and they’d had enough of me spitting the dummy so they made the 5 hour drive home. When I say throwing shit at the tv I mean it; remote, beer bottles, fist, you name it. When punter lost the ashes in England I clean knock the tv out, 2am in the morning. I am best left alone when losing, not a fan.
I use a brewzilla for all grain brewing of beer - there is an attachment for doing spirits and you can buy all the flavours at your local home brew shop. The brewzilla is a higher end setup for home brew but saves some $. I started out with an old esky, a gas burner, aluminium pot and the standard home brew ferenter and made some good brews. The Brewzill just makes it more enjoyable - less work more beer. I'm sure there is a cheaper way to get into distilling spirits as well.

Be careful - once you dip your toe into brewing/distilling it can become one deep rabbit hole!

Cheers n Beers (or scotch for you)
Your a champ. It's a rabbit hole I seek 🤣
People that agree to something, and then come back days later and change their mind. Not sure I'll be a Papali'i fan.

People that say they're going to do something but don't follow through.

All of the driving scenarios previously mentioned.
I agree with that. I call them time wasters.
I have respect for people who give you as much notice as they can to pull out of an agreement but it seems the norm these days for people to contact you at the last minute and pull out.
A perfect eg of this is selling on Gumtree or marketplace, infuriates my missus....time wasters 🤬
What about playing this to make them go away.
I bet you can't last more that 10 seconds.

I am either a fool or a masochist (probably both) because i lasted for the full 12 mins 22 seconds.It is actually preferable to listening to Dan Ginnane doing his commentary.However Cobarcats i am a little concerned about what you do for entertainment
I am either a fool or a masochist (probably both) because i lasted for the full 12 mins 22 seconds.It is actually preferable to listening to Dan Ginnane doing his commentary.However Cobarcats i am a little concerned about what you do for entertainment
Savage 🤣
Bloody Kayo!

The 2 top annoyances:
  • Kayo ad breaks are total crap. what is it with these ad breaks, they drive me crazy. and . . . . . .
  • when you are watching a show or a game and it starts going into the next show or game that you want to watch, about half a minute into it, it just stops. You then have to exit and fumble around trying to find that show or game which is no where to be found so half the time you have to exit Kayo and then go back in before you find that game or show and by the time you have done that you have missed 2 or 3 minutes, so you have to go back to catch what you missed. Infuriating.
  • Oh, I forgot, there is more. When you watch a show on Kayo (usually happens with a replay I think) and it just ends before the actual end of the show.
Not anymore , but my biggest pet hate
a workmate reading my fresh newspaper, while I’m making a coffee,
first thing in the morning
Bloody Kayo!

The 2 top annoyances:
  • Kayo ad breaks are total crap. what is it with these ad breaks, they drive me crazy. and . . . . . .
  • when you are watching a show or a game and it starts going into the next show or game that you want to watch, about half a minute into it, it just stops. You then have to exit and fumble around trying to find that show or game which is no where to be found so half the time you have to exit Kayo and then go back in before you find that game or show and by the time you have done that you have missed 2 or 3 minutes, so you have to go back to catch what you missed. Infuriating.
  • Oh, I forgot, there is more. When you watch a show on Kayo (usually happens with a replay I think) and it just ends before the actual end of the show.
I think the gods are trying to tell you something.
I gave Kayo a big flick after trial.
Unlimited high speed NBN with Foxtel UHD/HD IQ5 - way to go. You use to have to pay for additional box in bedrooms but now IQ5 wi-fi works at no extra charge. A no mess, quick set up/package.
The only other streaming I have is Stan for Rugby and other sports+movies.
I think the gods are trying to tell you something.
I gave Kayo a big flick after trial.
Unlimited high speed NBN with Foxtel UHD/HD IQ5 - way to go. You use to have to pay for additional box in bedrooms but now IQ5 wi-fi works at no extra charge. A no mess, quick set up/package.
The only other streaming I have is Stan for Rugby and other sports+movies.
Thanks for sharing CC, didn’t know that. 👍
Drivers who don't acknowledge your courtesy or stop in the middle of an intersection so when its your turn to get green light you have nowhere to go.

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