Where Does The NRL Fit In This Mess


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
port macquarie
We haven't heard boo from the NRL throughout what is probably the biggest contract upheavals in NRL history - and i'm not just talking about the WT - Why? Is there an agenda that fans are being kept in the dark about. There are record numbers of players unsigned across all clubs. Contracts being broken, players switching clubs mid season and asking for early releases. Some clubs are spending as there is no tomorrow even though the NRL has set the cap reasonably low. Do they know something that those who are being cautious aren't privy to. The whole thing is a total mess. i know i'll be accused of having a tin foil hat but something just doesn't seem right with what's happening.
Not their job to run Clubs or have any say in how Clubs recruit…spend their cap etc

Not sure what you want them to say...?
@ said:
Not their job to run Clubs or have any say in how Clubs recruit…spend their cap etc

Not sure what you want them to say...?

How about lets look at these 3rd party deals, does not seem equal across all 16 clubs.
We'll hear from them in a few years after clubs like us have drastically reduced their efforts in junior development.
The only think the NRL can fix out of this whole situation is Third Party Agreements. They should scrap them or severely restrict or cap them. Most Third Party Agreements are just a legal way of paying a player extra money to get them to sign for a certain club. Broncos, Easts, Storm and Dogs have been doing this for years. Bruno Cullen on radio one day years ago said it was a legal way of have a playing roster on more money than the salary cap allows for.

The only genuine Third Party Agreement I can think of recently is Billy Slater's Powerade tv ad. Seriously what Rooster player is on tv or radio ads but they have a very high amount of Third Party Agreements.

NRL need to stop this Salary Cap loop hole and stop it now or end up like the EPL were their are only 4 teams at most before the season starts that can win the league with the very odd fluke season like Leicester.

The only other idea I have is we should be able to go to the NRL and say we offered Tedeco for example $1 million a year, the NRL could have a rule that since his Junior club offered him that that no other rival club could put him in the Salary Cap for an amount less than that. Would stop the Roosters putting him in the Salary Cap at $650,000 and having the rest in Third Party Agreements. Would also if forced mean the team he goes to would have to cut players to fit him in the Salary Cap (thus evening out slightly the playing talent).
The NRL couldn't run a chooks raffle

I'm surprised the sport is still around with monkeys running the game
NRL have commented on these mid season negotiations. Apparently Greenberg thinks it's good for the game. He doesn't care so long as the NRL is in the news.

"NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg originally responded to Bennett's claims that he would be open to discussing a transfer window with the players, but he didn't believe it was something they would be in support of.
**He also said the ongoing contract speculation was healthy for rugby league, arguing it was a positive for the sport to dominate the headlines."**
Such a poorly administered organisation. If you saw comments like this from a fan you'd say they were trolling.
@ said:
NRL have commented on these mid season negotiations. Apparently Greenberg thinks it's good for the game. He doesn't care so long as the NRL is in the news.

"NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg originally responded to Bennett's claims that he would be open to discussing a transfer window with the players, but he didn't believe it was something they would be in support of.
**He also said the ongoing contract speculation was healthy for rugby league, arguing it was a positive for the sport to dominate the headlines."**

Well it is certainly healthy for Greenbergs old club by some massive coincidence.
The NRL should have set the cap amount at least a year ago, that would have stopped most of this. If clubs and players knew how much they could spend/earn no one would be waiting to see how far they could push it. You can't blame the players because they need to wait to see how much they could earn, the clubs held out for as long as they could before turning into seagulls fighting over the biggest chips. If the cap had been set a number of players would have signed with their current clubs before the season started or at least known their options. The club have also said this is the most we can pay you if you can get more elsewhere great. The NRL might thing any publicity is good publicity but most fans of all clubs think it's amateur hour.
@ said:
@ said:
NRL have commented on these mid season negotiations. Apparently Greenberg thinks it's good for the game. He doesn't care so long as the NRL is in the news.

"NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg originally responded to Bennett's claims that he would be open to discussing a transfer window with the players, but he didn't believe it was something they would be in support of.
**He also said the ongoing contract speculation was healthy for rugby league, arguing it was a positive for the sport to dominate the headlines."**

Well it is certainly healthy for Greenbergs old club by some massive coincidence.

Yep. Greenberg is a dead-set flog. Totally useless. Funny how you always hear journo's saying "the Bulldogs always get their man". Pretty easy to really when you have an unlimited cap to use in your rortings.
@ said:
Not their job to run Clubs or have any say in how Clubs recruit…spend their cap etc

Not sure what you want them to say...?

How are the Bulldogs allowed to recruit $2 million of players without having to offload current players first to satisfy the NRL that they will be supposedly under the cap in 2018?
They can't properly control third party agreement payments until a whistleblower comes forward so they are just quietly tinkering away in the corner with the light out.