Manly Inclusive Pride jersey backlash

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Massive difference between those and 🌈

Spent their childhoods drawing pictures of stick figures underneath a rainbow
- Now they have a problem with Rainbows...

None of them have a problem with jamming their believes
(post game prayer, Bible quotes, lord and saviour down everyone elses' throats - every opportunity they get) with zero consideration for anyone else's believes.
No I think we'll leave it there, I have pretty fixed opinions on organised religion based on life experiences.

I am in agreeance that the institutions can be corrupted, that was the point I was making. And no, I don't believe St. Francis would have ascribed to the actions of the Church, I believe he adhered to the original message of Christ. It all comes back to the organised nature of religion (not just Christianity,) where the message is changed/corrupted/watered down.

I do appreciate the respectful and considered response. It's nice to have a civil discussion/disagreement.

No money = No organised religion.
Manly should have definitely consulted with the players- no doubt about it. What's worse is they've done it during Women in League round.

But, what are the players actually objecting to? What does wearing a jersey with a sign that says LGBTQI people are welcome in our Club have anything to do with their beliefs. So if there was a back office member at the Club who identified as being a member of that community, they'd object against that?

So if Primo wants to sponsor a team and there's a Muslim that objects to it, do they change sponsors?
I would like to see other minority groups get some jersey recognition too.
Let's not forget the biggest minority group in the world, The disabled? I'm not against recognition and support for the gays and lesbians, and we do a pretty good job when it comes to Indigenous, but how about we have a show of support for the disabled and the Chinese, whose population in Australia is similar to the Indigenous?
TF I agree somewhat but I feel our jerseys have become a walking billboard.
I want our strip to be like the old days where week in week out they are a clear representation of who we are. Like the old V and big tiger or similar to the old maggies jersey but stop all these changes.
Keep the one strip so we have an identity. It's hard enough having several home grounds to forge a culture.
Exceptions should be for calendered events like the indigenous rd.
Some of these special jerseys like the ones you mention should be respectful and a 🌈
ANYONE who compares race and sexuality is a joke and a closet racist period. Do I hate gays no, would I be annoyed if I had to wear that jersey, yes. Just as they would if they were forced to wear a jersey with crosses or bible verses on it. Wearing an indigenous jersey is not even close to the two, get a grip yall.
At the end of the day, they can believe what they want. But as employees of the Club, they have do what the club says.
Problem is that the Manly club has stated that they can stand down and not play if it is against their beliefs.

How stupid is the management of the club for allowing this to become an issue a couple of days before they play a game that, with the current log jam around 8th position could very well decide who plays finals football this season.

Did they not think to talk to the players well in advance of this, did they not have to design jerseys and have them manufactured well in advance, did they not have to run the idea past the NRL, did no one at the NRL or Manly also realize that this round is supposed to be a tribute to the Women of League and this whole thing is now detracting from that?

I'm sure the NRL would be pretty happy now because the crisis they were facing over their inept adjudication and Bunker Clunker fiasco has taken a back seat and if you didn't know any better you would think that it had been brilliantly orchestrated to achieve this very result.

Jeez and they reckon Wests Tigers are incompetent when actually in comparison they would qualify for admission to MENSA.

Wish Geo was still around so he could Kick 'em out.

About 10 years ago an Australian cricketer, Fawad Ahmed, was given permission to cover up the VB sponsorship on his playing shirt because alcohol offended his religion. He offered to forgo part of his salary, but that didn't stop sections of the media from railing against the decision.

I wonder these days whether a player could ask to have alcohol/gambling sponsorship removed from their jersey on grounds of religion or principle? The nrl has said that a team can't have players in different jerseys, but would covering up a sponsor's logo offend that rule?
I think a precedent has already been set.

Didn't they allow Sonny Bill to play in a jersey that had a gambling sponsorship covered up?
Man , if a person can’t tolerate nudity or swearing on tv, football and forums should be considered as devil worshipping right.
that’s my take on behalf of my religion.
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