Politics Super Thread - keep it all in here

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This thread is braindead!

In the wise words of Daniel Dumile:

"Read the signs - no feeding the baboons...,"
Nice come back.. a lame meaninglless meme.
Is anyone from the left capable of actually discussing points raised with some factual counter arguements ?
Looking forward hearing the denials about the breaking facts that Twiiter & the Democrats supressed Bidens corruption prior to the 2020 election.
Should be fun .
As usual, it has been quite funny reading a lot of the US stuff above.

The Republican party is void of ideas, having been peddling angertainment instead for years now, with one of the initial peddlers of such crap in Newt Gingrich, recently praising just how effective Biden has been in getting so much practical stuff passed with only a slight majority.

Looking forward to the persistent Hunter attacks through Congress, as it will have the same result as impeaching over fellatio, with the party in line to being decimated as a result of doing nothing productive. SCOTUS and federal judge appointments just don't cut it.
Nice come back.. a lame meaninglless meme.
Is anyone from the left capable of actually discussing points raised with some factual counter arguements ?
Looking forward hearing the denials about the breaking facts that Twiiter & the Democrats supressed Bidens corruption prior to the 2020 election.
Should be fun .
Biden's alleged corruption is entitely unproven - but you cookers back a proven crook in Trump...

Go figure...

Blocked sunshine!!
Looking forward to the persistent Hunter attacks through Congress, as it will have the same result as impeaching over fellatio, with the party in line to being decimated as a result of doing nothing productive. SCOTUS and federal judge appointments just don't cut it.
Very much looking forward to the 4 or 5 impeachments of Biden, if only for the lols and the sweet sweet revenge of being able to take away the only talking point of the braindead dolts on the left "Trump was impeached twice"........"oh yeah numbnuts, Biden was impeached 5 times" Childish I know, but the left started it and it appears you have to lower oneself to that level for a lefty to understand it.
Elon's twitter feed 🔥🔥🔥

The lefty twitter bots have taken a massive hit this week.

Elon and Taibbi dropping the Twitter Files about direct 1st amendment violations by the Biden camp through a private company. The lefts legacy media going into hyperdrive to scream out "nothing to see here" Fascinating to see the propaganda machine at work in current year. Imagine how many lies and falsities have been peddled over the last 100 years through corporate/government media without independent journalists to push back like Greenwald, Taibbi or Maté, and now with Twitter taken off them.

What would the now disproven WMD narrative have been if it was today with social media? Would have the invasion of Iraq and a 20 year war in the Middle East ever happend? Or the false statements by a 15 year old girl in front of congress in 1990 about Iraqis killing babies in incubators to push America into the first gulf war? Disgusting and really makes you think. We found out in seconds about Ukraine and FTX implicated in a money laundry scheme with the Democrats. That would have taken years to come out previously.

The next Twitter Files drops in a day or 2. Juicy
Elon's twitter feed 🔥🔥🔥

The lefty twitter bots have taken a massive hit this week.

Elon and Taibbi dropping the Twitter Files about direct 1st amendment violations by the Biden camp through a private company. The lefts legacy media going into hyperdrive to scream out "nothing to see here" Fascinating to see the propaganda machine at work in current year. Imagine how many lies and falsities have been peddled over the last 100 years through corporate/government media without independent journalists to push back like Greenwald, Taibbi or Maté, and now with Twitter taken off them.

What would the now disproven WMD narrative have been if it was today with social media? Would have the invasion of Iraq and a 20 year war in the Middle East ever happend? Or the false statements by a 15 year old girl in front of congress in 1990 about Iraqis killing babies in incubators to push America into the first gulf war? Disgusting and really makes you think. We found out in seconds about Ukraine and FTX implicated in a money laundry scheme with the Democrats. That would have taken years to come out previously.

The next Twitter Files drops in a day or 2. Juicy

Or one could bypass selected media and its narratives, and simply have taken notice of Andrew Wilkie MP who told our own government it was BS back in the day.

I really struggle to understand how anyone can be cheering on allowing of hate speech on any platform.
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