Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

And apparently that reality gives little people like you the misguided justification to say things, that say far more about you than him.
Isn’t it funny when people who spend half their lives on a ‘fan’ forum talk sh!t about those actually doing the things at a level that they themselves never (and only dream they) could.
Yes he’s an introvert and that generally doesn’t work for a halfback. Not sure if he has photo of (insert nominee) with a goat or not, but fair to say he’s being asked (and payed a lot) by his employer to wear the 7.
AND MORE TO THE POINT, I’d bet my left AND right that little old you wouldn’t say any of this sh!t to his face, for obvious reasons.
Moral of the story.
Work it out 👍
Hope the bro goes well 😆💯
Yeah ! He's got over 4 mill in the bank , and he mumbles, jeese, you must be envious ,Ha !

He has certainly got a fair bit of money out of the club,i just wish we had better results on the field to show for it.It is not just Luke but the entire club has failed miserably since we became a JV 3 times in the semis in 20+ years is abysmal
Even if you pay me $1m, I will still be incapable of running 100m in under 10 seconds. Cos I'm fat, 65 with a gouty knee. Herzberg's Hygiene factors apply - it's a business model reality:
  • pay. If you don't pay enough I won't play enough.
  • quality of supervision. The coach & staff must be top-notch
  • company rules. The culture must be squeaky clean.
  • physical working conditions. COE is in place!
  • co-worker relationships. Oil & water don't mix! e.g. Hastings Bateman!
  • job security. 4 year deal for 28-year-olds!

Hygiene factors, according to Herzberg, cannot motivate employees but can minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly. In other words, they can only dissatisfy if they are absent or mishandled. So as long as the Weststigers Admin has all the hygiene factor ducks lined up correctly we ought to be OK in 2023 and beyond.
Thanks for pointing to Herzberg's Hygiene factors.

We have definitely got many of these wrong:
Physical working conditions -- Many have said our grounds Sucked. Not an Anasta fan, but he did say "hey I want some tape to tape my injuries and none is around". Seriously? Our grounds needed a huge overhaul and this has been lacking.

Some we got right:
Co-worker relationships. We have tried to put players with like players. I.e. Laurie and Naden. Sometimes this hasn't paid off Mats and Packer for example. Yet when it works it works well.
Company rules -- Honestly we have cleaned out the grubs and don't seem to be getting stupidity in our ranks like St George, Bulldogs and Manly are getting.

some are more of a fine balance:
Job security, we want players to belong to be part of the club. Yet we don't want them to feel TOO secure. I.e. Russell Packer style.
Too much pressure and we end up with a Chris Sandow, Brett Kimmorley, Pearce or any number of league halfbacks trying to force a play that isn't happening.
You're right happy. All good, just
having a laugh all banter my bro ..
All good mate

I just see a lot of people getting angry about others thought on 2023

Everyone wants success ..some just can't agree when it will happen .....

But we all pray it happens in 2023 ..I'll even cop a 1st week semis exit at this stage

Desperate souls cling to desperate hopes
He has certainly got a fair bit of money out of the club,i just wish we had better results on the field to show for it.It is not just Luke but the entire club has failed miserably since we became a JV 3 times in the semis in 20+ years is abysmal
Well ,for once ! You have included other players, unlike some of your ilk. We have been bad all over , except for a few, but they get little mention. I propose a question, Would Munster,Cheese, Cleary. DCE, or any of those, looked great in a Tigers jersey in the last 5 yrs,?
I'm not saying Brooks is great, how he goes this year is 50/50, and you can throw the rest of the side in the same category. We have not a acheived anything yet.
After many , many , hours of perusing games, the coaches have not extended 3 of our key players from last year, and exited others., Then bought 4 new players, it's an 8 player turnaround.
Give them all a chance !
He has certainly got a fair bit of money out of the club,i just wish we had better results on the field to show for it.It is not just Luke but the entire club has failed miserably since we became a JV 3 times in the semis in 20+ years is abysmal
Jad, only a complete idiot would not take the most money he could get. That is the clubs problem,not his. His form for the dollars,is questionable, But AD on big dollars , and others do not get a mention, Brooks for all his critics, always gave for 80 minutes, he never dogged it like Mbye , Packer ,the listless Tamu,and a few others.
Leichhardt is the most successful, by a considerable margin. More importantly the crowds are also the highest.
Amco / Panasonic Cup anyone?
Mid week knock-out comp that ran fro 1974-1989.
I won’t guess at how many times I jumped the back fence and scrambled up the hill under the old fig tree behind the posts… but I do remember how the Tiges owned that comp.
3 x titles - 76, 85 & 87 and finalists in 80, 86 & 88. Easily the most successful team over the 15 yrs.