Politics Super Thread - keep it all in here

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There’s basically no reliable evidence to support that President Biden is guilty of anything. Maybe he lied about something when he was campaigning, I really can’t be bothered looking into this to be honest. But that’s not a crime or a reason to further investigate. Unexplained income or assets etc. A clear act of malfeasance. I’m just not seeing it based on this.


He has also been in office for years on end and has always appeared to act with integrity. I listen to Peter Zeihan on geopolitics and he rates Biden. He didn't rate Trump or Obama in different ways.

He has also been in office for years on end and has always appeared to act with integrity. I listen to Peter Zeihan on geopolitics and he rates Biden. He didn't rate Trump or Obama in different ways.

You go again

The comments on this video on YouTube are classic, people aren't taking the BS from the propaganda channels anymore, especially when the gaslighting is so in your face.

"This is another way for state media to tell us It's OK when democrats do it."

For anyone wanting the real news - Trumps appointee now gets to investigate Biden. The GOP House is going to love this.

Look this is what I hate when people can't make a good conspiracy theory.

Someone says 'no qualifications' I know they haven't done their basic 101 research. Google Hunter Biden, look him up.
What are his qualifications:
Degree in History from Georgetown university.
Degree in Law from Yale University.

Along with that he has served on several boards.

No Qualifications. Nope that is a lie. Someone is lying to you and they think you are an idiot. Because anyone saying something so basically wrong and Googleably wrong thinks you are an idiot. They are treating you like DIRT and I want to point out how insulting this is.

Upgrade your arguments.
To fight corruption, we need to insist on standards:
Family members must keep their business interests away from sitting politicians:
John Howards Brothers Ethanol company (Yes, that is why we have E10 Petrol).
Eddie Obeid and the entire Obeid clan.
Woolongong local council, Strathfield, Auburn, heck take your pick.

You don't want me to vote for Hunter Biden, OK DONE. Now pull your finger out and argue to stop corruption with real anti-corruption measures and strong arguments.
Hunter needs zero formal educational qualifications to pull off business deals or even run for politics.

The problem is he may have used his father's office and U.S. government assets which should only have been accessible to Joe to pursue his business deals which may complicate his father.

It is especially pertinent given the government's influence over Ukraine.

I believe his business partner is currently doing time for corruption so that whole family needs investigating.
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He has also been in office for years on end and has always appeared to act with integrity. I listen to Peter Zeihan on geopolitics and he rates Biden. He didn't rate Trump or Obama in different ways.
He was also VP when coups were sponsored in Egypt and Ukraine.

Maybe he likes those type of geopolitics.
He was also VP when coups were sponsored in Egypt and Ukraine.

Maybe he likes those type of geopolitics.

My impression of Biden is he is one of the good guys who has come to power at a terrible time due to right wing extremism and dumb conspiracy theories.

He handles himself so well. I think he should stand down though because he is old and all the nonsense that right wing extremists/conspiracy theorists comes up with ala 5150's silly nonsense would be annoying.

Peter Zeihan stated that Biden was great at listening to other people and managing situations well in Washington. Trump was terrible. Obama was smart and was great at getting to the crux of issues but he would do it all himself and wasn't an effective manager.
I believe his business partner is currently doing time for corruption so that whole family needs investigating.

This is ludicrous.

I'll try and explain how investigations occur. You need some issue against a specific person or company and then you investigate that specific person or company.
My impression of Biden is he is one of the good guys who has come to power at a terrible time due to right wing extremism and dumb conspiracy theories.

He handles himself so well. I think he should stand down though because he is old and all the nonsense that right wing extremists/conspiracy theorists comes up with ala 5150's silly nonsense would be annoying.

Peter Zeihan stated that Biden was great at listening to other people and managing situations well in Washington. Trump was terrible. Obama was smart and was great at getting to the crux of issues but he would do it all himself and wasn't an effective manager.
My impression of Biden is he is one of the good guys

My impression of Biden is he is one of the good guys who has come to power at a terrible time due to right wing extremism and dumb conspiracy theories.

He handles himself so well. I think he should stand down though because he is old and all the nonsense that right wing extremists/conspiracy theorists comes up with ala 5150's silly nonsense would be annoying.

Peter Zeihan stated that Biden was great at listening to other people and managing situations well in Washington. Trump was terrible. Obama was smart and was great at getting to the crux of issues but he would do it all himself and wasn't an effective manager.
Hope your best mate Yoss doesnt read that, Peter Zeihans ego was just on Rogan a few days ago. Yoss wont believe anything you say again.
He was also VP when coups were sponsored in Egypt and Ukraine.

Maybe he likes those type of geopolitics.
Ukraine was not a coup, it was a mass popular uprising against a corrupt Russian toadie who broke his promise about an economic deal with Europe and then ran away to Russia, the democratically elected parliament voted to oust him, and subsequently several democratic elections have been held affirming massive support for his ousting. Ukraine does not want to be a Russian colony, as they are demonstrating very well on the battlefield.
My impression of Biden is he is one of the good guys who has come to power at a terrible time due to right wing extremism and dumb conspiracy theories.

He handles himself so well. I think he should stand down though because he is old and all the nonsense that right wing extremists/conspiracy theorists comes up with ala 5150's silly nonsense would be annoying.

Peter Zeihan stated that Biden was great at listening to other people and managing situations well in Washington. Trump was terrible. Obama was smart and was great at getting to the crux of issues but he would do it all himself and wasn't an effective manager.
I think my impression of Biden leading in was:
A moderate, more moderated then HRC or Tim Kaine.

One exception:
more anti war. Biden as a Senator and VP was one of the few Anti-war senators, his war record is quite interesting and not Hawkish with a notable exception:

The Serbian/Yogoslavian conflict, Biden was 100% in favour of action.
Honestly from what I have read that was a conflict like East timor and 100% right course of action. The Serbs were Brutal. I like my Serbian friends, their parties are Brutal...

I think your Peter Zeihan comments are on the mark. What the Far right don't realise and some on the left is that 100% biased attacks are the opposite to critique.
@TrueTiger @Carefactor @Magpie_Magic @hugh1954 @Tiger5150

Watch this video

This is the guy Earl has been talking about. Gives Biden a D on the economy and rips Biden as being a dinosaur, never having a job his entire adult life and names Obama as being a terrible President. Great endorsement.

You can also find plenty of video of him saying good things about Trump. Cherry picking at its best.


One exception:
more anti war. Biden as a Senator and VP was one of the few Anti-war senators, his war record is quite interesting and not Hawkish with a notable exception:

The Serbian/Yogoslavian conflict, Biden was 100% in favour of action.
Honestly from what I have read that was a conflict like East timor and 100% right course of action. The Serbs were Brutal. I like my Serbian friends, their parties are Brutal...

This is interesting. Yet again he comes off as a guy who is on the ball in taking the right action.
I think my impression of Biden leading in was:
A moderate, more moderated then HRC or Tim Kaine.

One exception:
more anti war. Biden as a Senator and VP was one of the few Anti-war senators, his war record is quite interesting and not Hawkish with a notable exception:

The Serbian/Yogoslavian conflict, Biden was 100% in favour of action.
Honestly from what I have read that was a conflict like East timor and 100% right course of action. The Serbs were Brutal. I like my Serbian friends, their parties are Brutal...

I think your Peter Zeihan comments are on the mark. What the Far right don't realise and some on the left is that 100% biased attacks are the opposite to critique.
I think my impression of Biden leading in was:
A moderate, more moderated then HRC or Tim Kaine.

Mine was always a liar, a racist, insanely corrupt, war hawk, plagiariser and someone not very smart. However a layperson may not know better.

Ukraine was not a coup, it was a mass popular uprising against a corrupt Russian toadie who broke his promise about an economic deal with Europe and then ran away to Russia, the democratically elected parliament voted to oust him, and subsequently several democratic elections have been held affirming massive support for his ousting. Ukraine does not want to be a Russian colony, as they are demonstrating very well on the battlefield.
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