Some mail

But we keep picking him. What’s that line about the definition of insanity ….
Our coaching team are obviously insane.
And the impact on the rest of the squad of having this mill stone around their necks ?
Complete loss of confidence and subconscious lack of full effort.
The implications of that one decision have impact right across our club. Imo it would be easier to write him a cheque for money owing and say farewell.
It would not hurt us in any way !
Yep, that is my concern too. The halves are the link between forwards and backs and the tactical decision and play makers. The forwards are doing their job and the backs have had little real opportunity as plays keep breaking down due to bad option choices by the halves. I admit our backs arent stars but they are ok.

Also linked with similar issues, is the WT spine- out of the 4 positions only the hooker is set, the other 3 are not. This should have been sorted in the off season.
Brooks has been ordinary for a far longer time and on much bigger money...So I suppose Sheens and co are starting to realise we wont win games with LB in the halves...

His contract is a massive problem but so is his ability as a half. He just isn't well rounded and his key issue which to me is creating in the attacking zone is a massive issue.

I remember years ago stating he can't keep taking the wrong option in the attacking zone. I remember the instance and it was when we were on the attack and he simply couldn't make the critical pass at a critical moment. He hasn't improved in that aspect of his game and I don't think he has it in him.

I think Sheens etc are stating that he can't be our no 1 playmaker. He could probably fill in on lesser dollars as a 6 with a marquee half beside him. In stating that I think he might be gone at the end of this season.
But we keep picking him. What’s that line about the definition of insanity ….
Our coaching team are obviously insane.

He is the best option we currently have. I think that has been the case for basically his whole career. I think that is why people get so excited about Doueihi and/or Wakeham as well. We want someone better.

I was on the Doueihi/Hastings bandwagon as well. My point was make Doueihi and Brooks fight it out for the 6 spot.

This is actually a problem as well. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

We need better options in the halves and we need the coaching staff to somehow make it work.
Sean Johnson said on radio how much he has learned from Andrew Webster as Warriors coach. Things he thought he knew about but didn't. If 30+ Johnson can be taught new tricks by Andrew Webster then maybe it come down to the coaching. Josh Curran at the Warriors also said about Webster that he makes the players believe in themselves. Hmmm!
you are overlooking so many factors. When you say our coaching team are obviously insane you sound like our clubs leaders shifting blame.

Are you referring to Cleary, who had Brooks playing well and re-signed him on a big contract? Madge, who re-signed Brooks at the club at a time when we had Josh Reynolds on 900K deal playing reserve grade (a Pascoe/Cleary initiative). Or the current coaches who chased top four halves in Munster and Moses but ultimately failed.

Cleary - signed Brooks in-form when all his mates upped and left for greener pastures. His own son was too smart to come to the club and look at the results since.

Madge - severely hampered by those contracts that were here when he arrived.

Sheens - Trying to upgrade at half but finds himself hampered by the poor reputation of the club.

The man at the wheel the whole time.

Justin Pascoe.

It’s not the bloody coaches.
Just bite the bullet, pay him his money, and p..s him off. So it impacts our bottom line this year but won’t it enable everyone to start breathing again !!!!!
Pascoe may be involved but it has been, and is, the coaches who have said, get him out. At least stop picking him in first grade. He’s just not worth it.
Put Wakeham and Doueihi together( for now) and live with it.
Brooks is a virus that taints everything around him and delivers nothing.
Sean Johnson said on radio how much he has learned from Andrew Webster as Warriors coach. Things he thought he knew about but didn't. If 30+ Johnson can be taught new tricks by Andrew Webster then maybe it come down to the coaching. Josh Curran at the Warriors also said about Webster that he makes the players believe in themselves. Hmmm!
You must stop talking subversive stuff like that.
Webster and Gardiner were hopeless, and didn’t even rate a mention( for those literal types that was sarcasm).that’s why we forced them out.
I guess Webster must have learnt man management skills by watching how not to do it at the Tigers.
You must stop talking subversive stuff like that.
Webster and Gardiner were hopeless, and didn’t even rate a mention( for those literal types that was sarcasm).that’s why we forced them out.
I guess Webster must have learnt man management skills by watching how not to do it at the Tigers.
Or was it working with Ivan and Ciraldo ?
Couple of pretty fair mentors.
Just like the jersey fiasco, Bateman will rock up, be like, iv no idea what's going on, I'm not from here, BTW Brooks has been re-signed for 5 years at 1.6 million.
If that’s meant as a joke it’s not even remotely funny.
I’d rather hear he snapped a calf muscle or hammy or leg, at training, then the decision would be made for our “leaders”.
Does anyone know who is in charge of our attack, because I guarantee if I had our team for 1 month they would be well trilled, I just don’t get how the hell they don’t know what to do , they spend every day together , can only be one of two things ,
1) they are not been drilled properly , which seems strange
2) they are to lazy to get themselves into position and no-one is calling the plays
I would love to be a fly on the fence at a Tigers training session just to see what the hell they do
Does anyone know who is in charge of our attack, because I guarantee if I had our team for 1 month they would be well trilled, I just don’t get how the hell they don’t know what to do , they spend every day together , can only be one of two things ,
1) they are not been drilled properly , which seems strange
2) they are to lazy to get themselves into position and no-one is calling the plays
I would love to be a fly on the fence at a Tigers training session just to see what the hell they do
I would assume it’s Benji but they’re playing like it’s Skando ?
I actually wonder if Benji knows the basics of backline play, or he’s trying to teach them a high risk style of play that he used. ?
If you’re going to training then be on time coz they don’t train for long, once they’ve done their 200 passes they’re off !
Does anyone know who is in charge of our attack, because I guarantee if I had our team for 1 month they would be well trilled, I just don’t get how the hell they don’t know what to do , they spend every day together , can only be one of two things ,
1) they are not been drilled properly , which seems strange
2) they are to lazy to get themselves into position and no-one is calling the plays
I would love to be a fly on the fence at a Tigers training session just to see what the hell they do
I long for the days when we use to occasionally try a block play. At least we had decoys and a chance.

We pass so far from the defensive line without any straight runners. Like a field day for oppositions outside edges to just slide
Does anyone know who is in charge of our attack, because I guarantee if I had our team for 1 month they would be well trilled, I just don’t get how the hell they don’t know what to do , they spend every day together , can only be one of two things ,
1) they are not been drilled properly , which seems strange
2) they are to lazy to get themselves into position and no-one is calling the plays
I would love to be a fly on the fence at a Tigers training session just to see what the hell they do
Yeah it would surely be Benji boy.
He should trust his gut more, it seems very apprehensive and half arsed currently.