LIVE GAME Round 19 vs. Sharks

Live Game Discussion
Pretty much poor attack everywhere. If Benji is the attacking coach they cannot seriously be talking about letting him take over the team early.
A rookie coach with an overinflated ego is the last thing we need.
Yeah current form based on whatever we are doing this year at training does nothing to build confidence for the future.
i wonder what pack of spin and lies the old fraud will try and sell this week.Disgusting every week and the old fool still has a job
Please look at the spine we fielded tonight.

I am not standing up for Sheens/coaching staff either, I'm was very suss about their appointment from the moment it was announced. It's just an awful team we are left with, Api was the biggest loss. Brooks weather people like to admit it or not is also a massive loss.

Even at full strength, we are 2-3 quality players short.
I hate to say it but these refs are killing us sharks 1st try double movement last try was not a try . Ref always on the opposition side every game . But in saying that our attack is shit flat no depth no ball players , but the boys did try hard tonight
In brooks at least we have pace and a solid defender, smith and wakeham are slower than me after two knee replacements
even with that pace and solid defender we did nothing to turn it into points and hes the halfback thats his job to set up tries and glide the team around