Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

No mate. I honestly will not support another character assassination at this club. It’s very clear to me who the problems are and if they keep acting selfish and treating coaches as the fall guy I’m done. It’s time for real change in the club or it’ll be change for me.

Thanks for your kind words if they were sincere.
Quite honestly BAGNF05, there may be many times on here where 2 people can disagree on issues but still 'respect' each other's point of view.
On the other hand, there's a lot of disrespect on here.
I currently have 5 posters blocked that just annoy me, nothing more than that, but it should be 6, as I have zero respect for and therefore a total lack of trust in this 6th person.
And being realistic, I realise there is probably a lot on here who have me blocked, as I just plain and simple 'piss em off' :eek: 😂 but that's ok, as we cant like or be liked by everyone.
We won 3 out of 4 games in a month including beating two top four sides. I’d call that improvement.

We then lost two of our most important players and our admin shit the bed.

I remember beating Penrith. Who was the other top 4 team we beat? We haven’t beaten Broncos, Storm, Raiders, Warriors, Sharks, Eels, Rabbitohs....
It's a fair point but I'll counter with stakeholder management with player managers is a critically important component of recruitment and retention. If they can't do that they shouldn't be in that role.
No argument on that from me.
Couple of things to keep in mind with the current bout of "Bad Tigerisms":

While it is reported (perceived perhaps?) that player managers are contacting the Tigers due to concerns over player development- in the ACTUAL article written by Buzz, he states that HE contacted the agents of Api - who said that it's not a happy place right now- and the agent of Utoikamanu, Papali'i & To'a- who wouldn't comment.

This is VERY different from agents calling the Tigers saying they have no faith in the Tigers coaches.

It was RAY HADLEY the week Fulton was brought in, given credit for his appointment. It is RAY HADLEY & his mate PETER PETERS now saying Sheens has to go. The news report also said it was MARIO TARTAK that brought Fulton to the Tigers. Take this for what it is- but for mine, this smells bad for Fulton & his mates more than Sheens & Benji.

Also, this 'secret meeting' between Marshall & Fulton is to 'hash out the issues between MARSHALL & FULTON.' Now, anyone that deals with HR, do you also bring in the co-workers around you in these situations? The fact the Sheens isn't being brought in could simply be because Lee & Pascoe want...Fulton & Marshall to hash out their issues. It's only the media, and then those that buy into it, that want us to believe Sheens is on the outer.

The argument is apparently over COGGER vs SEZAR. The same people selling us this story, told us COGGER rejected the Tigers weeks ago. Someone got the stories wrong.

This last bit I took right off a post on Facebook- so no credit to me- but....Fulton comes to the Tigers & we are instantly linked to Schuster (managed by Tartak). Report is he will cost $1.2m Benji says no thanks & Schuster re-signs with Manly for $800k, a loss of $400k. It is FROM THAT MOMENT that the Fainu's, who were just about written in ink at the Tigers, are suddenly looking at their options. Now the Dolphins don't want the Fainu's- and we start hearing that managers (read- Tartak) have no confidence in Sheens/Marshall & all the Fulton buddies are out saying that the Tigers coaches don't have the confidence of player managers. Fulton tells Benji to sign the Fainu's. Benji gives it the green light. Yet, no Fainu signings. Putting the pieces together- Fulton is trying to get Tartak looked after, probably some kind of agreement between them to get his star players looked after away from Manly, and now that Benji & Sheens don't WANT these guys are the value they are being told- we have a disappointed player manager trying to get his star players a big payday. This 'secret meeting' they are having today, Pascoe & Lee need to bring in Tartak separately as well. This smells. Benji & Sheens have done nothing BETTER than promote player development. For the report to come out saying managers have doubts on their player development the same year Bula, Tupou, Pole & Da Silva emerge, as well as 2 U19 SOO representatives, plus a number of players stepping into the Top 30 from the juniors next year...doesn't add up.

Lastly- weird how Bula's $120k contract suddenly comes up. Before we bag the club on this- he is an 11 game veteran who wasn't a Top 30 player at the beginning of the year. $120k is good coin for an absolute rookie. No doubt he gets a contract extension. So before we pitchfork Pascoe, Lee, Sheens, Marshall, Santa or the Easter Bunny- let's just remember that this was his first professional contract, signed before he even made the field.
I was there in 2012 and letting him go was one of the few correct decisions this club has made.

In any case his coaching record ain't that flash imo.

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If this record is supposed to support a case for Sheens being not that great a coach...I think someone is reading the room wrong. There wouldn't be too many coaches comparable. And how many have his GF success rate?

Sheens is, and always has been, a revolutionary coach.
If this record is supposed to support a case for Sheens being not that great a coach...I think someone is reading the room wrong. There wouldn't be too many coaches comparable. And how many have his GF success rate?

Sheens is, and always has been, a revolutionary coach.

The French and Russia revolutions ended up with a lot of people losing their heads or lined up against a wall and shot …
Couple of things to keep in mind with the current bout of "Bad Tigerisms":

While it is reported (perceived perhaps?) that player managers are contacting the Tigers due to concerns over player development- in the ACTUAL article written by Buzz, he states that HE contacted the agents of Api - who said that it's not a happy place right now- and the agent of Utoikamanu, Papali'i & To'a- who wouldn't comment.

This is VERY different from agents calling the Tigers saying they have no faith in the Tigers coaches.

It was RAY HADLEY the week Fulton was brought in, given credit for his appointment. It is RAY HADLEY & his mate PETER PETERS now saying Sheens has to go. The news report also said it was MARIO TARTAK that brought Fulton to the Tigers. Take this for what it is- but for mine, this smells bad for Fulton & his mates more than Sheens & Benji.

Also, this 'secret meeting' between Marshall & Fulton is to 'hash out the issues between MARSHALL & FULTON.' Now, anyone that deals with HR, do you also bring in the co-workers around you in these situations? The fact the Sheens isn't being brought in could simply be because Lee & Pascoe want...Fulton & Marshall to hash out their issues. It's only the media, and then those that buy into it, that want us to believe Sheens is on the outer.

The argument is apparently over COGGER vs SEZAR. The same people selling us this story, told us COGGER rejected the Tigers weeks ago. Someone got the stories wrong.

This last bit I took right off a post on Facebook- so no credit to me- but....Fulton comes to the Tigers & we are instantly linked to Schuster (managed by Tartak). Report is he will cost $1.2m Benji says no thanks & Schuster re-signs with Manly for $800k, a loss of $400k. It is FROM THAT MOMENT that the Fainu's, who were just about written in ink at the Tigers, are suddenly looking at their options. Now the Dolphins don't want the Fainu's- and we start hearing that managers (read- Tartak) have no confidence in Sheens/Marshall & all the Fulton buddies are out saying that the Tigers coaches don't have the confidence of player managers. Fulton tells Benji to sign the Fainu's. Benji gives it the green light. Yet, no Fainu signings. Putting the pieces together- Fulton is trying to get Tartak looked after, probably some kind of agreement between them to get his star players looked after away from Manly, and now that Benji & Sheens don't WANT these guys are the value they are being told- we have a disappointed player manager trying to get his star players a big payday. This 'secret meeting' they are having today, Pascoe & Lee need to bring in Tartak separately as well. This smells. Benji & Sheens have done nothing BETTER than promote player development. For the report to come out saying managers have doubts on their player development the same year Bula, Tupou, Pole & Da Silva emerge, as well as 2 U19 SOO representatives, plus a number of players stepping into the Top 30 from the juniors next year...doesn't add up.

Lastly- weird how Bula's $120k contract suddenly comes up. Before we bag the club on this- he is an 11 game veteran who wasn't a Top 30 player at the beginning of the year. $120k is good coin for an absolute rookie. No doubt he gets a contract extension. So before we pitchfork Pascoe, Lee, Sheens, Marshall, Santa or the Easter Bunny- let's just remember that this was his first professional contract, signed before he even made the field.
I agree with all of this and suspect it is far more accurate to what is happening than what is being reported.
I would like to know what assurances were provided to Fulton when the bobble heads brought him aboard.
Something along the lines of "we'll get the coaches onside, you just get Mario to commit"?
Our coaches have made a lot of mistakes this year for mine. Rejecting a huge salary for Schuster is not one of them.
It looks like we have gone way off topic from this signing suggestions & rumours topic.
Very few of us posting on this forum can agree on which players should be signed or retained and very few of us can agree on whether or not Sheens, Marshall, Farah, Fulton should stay or go either.
I know Justin Holbrook doesn’t do much for me as a proposed replacement coach.
You've just suggested Sheens is not a good coach. What makes a good coach? I'd suggest being a very good player manager, a strategist and being able to impart knowledge to players. Sheens more than ticks the boxes in these areas. What you're suggesting is ageist based. I am not willing to comment on this issue but what I do know Bula is just another fullback in a long line of very good fullbacks to emerge under Sheens. I posted Sheens' comments on Bula during pre-season and he was 100% correct. Is this coincidence?
For starters a good coach can win games, his record since 2011 is abysmal. A good coach is smart, flexible, gets buy in from all players and devises tactics that suit the strengths of his players and nullifies their weaknesses. He doesn't do this.

He was a good coach, he just isn't up to it anymore. Which is also why he moved out of coaching and into back office roles.