Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Storm is apparently subsidizing $200k annually for the first two seasons. I guess he is averaging out the 3 year contract based on that.
Wow, making it an absolute no-brainer.

Who do people think is better then Olam here?
Tupou, (who is leaving)
AJ Kepaoa

Toa is barely close with a good 2023 performance vs a poor 2023 performance from Olam. I see Olam as an upgrade on everyone above.
Wow, making it an absolute no-brainer.

Who do people think is better then Olam here?
Tupou, (who is leaving)
AJ Kepaoa

Toa is barely close with a good 2023 performance vs a poor 2023 performance from Olam. I see Olam as an upgrade on everyone above.
Was Toa that good outside of the NQ hammering? Reckon he is average; way too inconsistent.
If the Tele crap price on Olam is correct at $425, and the drizzle is chipping in $200 for the first two years. Then he’s worth the gamble.
But if he’s on $600, not worth it.
We already have Luai on big coin on a gamble of becoming a game controller.
Don’t think we should be running two gambles on big coin.
Just don’t know about Olam, Feledy and the guy from easts tigers. All the same style really all nugget players. We need height and speed, I’d be gleaning of pamfers up and comers from juniors.
No one even knew who he was two days ago.

On Faagutu, we need to take a much broader view of his career than his time at WTs because imo he is an outstanding prospect.

He was lock in a strong Marsden SHS team in the strong Alan Langer Trophy Comp in Qld. He represented both the Aust Schoolboys in 2022 and Qld U19s.

He has made The Courier-Mail’s Langer Team of the Year in both 2020 and 2021 and last season, along with Keano Kini (#7), Faagutu was named joint Langer Trophy Player of the Year in 2021.

In May he was also a member of Karmichael Hunt’s Souths Logan premiership winning Meninga Cup side.
How many tries did he set up for his wingers? That is Benji like offloading skills!
If the Tele crap price on Olam is correct at $425, and the drizzle is chipping in $200 for the first two years. Then he’s worth the gamble.
But if he’s on $600, not worth it.
We already have Luai on big coin on a gamble of becoming a game controller.
Don’t think we should be running two gambles on big coin.
600k is starting to get into the territory of normal money for a decent first grade centre whose been a mainstay of a top 4 side for 4-5 years. It’s not the mid 2000’s.
Just don’t know about Olam, Feledy and the guy from easts tigers. All the same style really all nugget players. We need height and speed, I’d be gleaning of pamfers up and comers from juniors.
I think it's fairly clear what Marshall likes in his wingers and centres. tall, athletic timber on the flanks that will bend the line coming out of trouble and can outleap their opposites, with smaller, more compact explosive centres. providing there's a mix of both on each edge (Lobb/To'a, Alaimalo/Olam for example) I can't see an issue.
600k is starting to get into the territory of normal money for a decent first grade centre whose been a mainstay of a top 4 side for 4-5 years. It’s not the mid 2000’s.
Not sure that's the case any more mate,
The last 2 centers to get that sort of big money were Jennings and Lawrence,
More recently Staggs got silly money...
I'm not sure why Olam got that money - He might have been owed it from a previous contract.
Crichton wasn't on that at the Panthers....

The regard for the centre has been dropping with the emergence of the Winger.
Wingers are better paid than centres these days
(Centres are undervalued for mine - Might be a reason there's none coming through - Better coin on the Wing or Back Row)
Just don’t know about Olam, Feledy and the guy from easts tigers. All the same style really all nugget players. We need height and speed, I’d be gleaning of pamfers up and comers from juniors.
I would say we are developing the height and speed on the wings which is more important IMO - Lobb, Solomon, Willett.
You referring to aerial threat?
Getting the ball in general...
Referring to your comment on the midget centres we're bringing through....

You can put the build of a Joey Manu up against the likes of Feledy any time you like...
The names won't matter - the mis-match in physical attributes will come up trumps most of the time.
For the same reason as the 'aerial threats' you're referencing....
Getting the ball in general...
Referring to your comment on the midget centres we're bringing through....

You can put the build of a Joey Manu up against the likes of Feledy any time you like...
The names won't matter - the mis-match in physical attributes will come up trumps most of the time.
For the same reason as the 'aerial threats' you're referencing....
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be height in the centres but in referencing your midget statement, I would say the likes of Olam have done pretty well in the past.
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