LIVE GAME Round 9 vs. Bulldogs

Live Game Discussion
If Richo doesn’t think we need to recruit and we have great players coming through…he doesn’t know the game….our NRL side is KOE standard and our KOE team is Ron Massey standard…we show no urgency in every play and eventually we get worn out….we need a lot of NRL standard players….look at what Gus did to the dogs the last 12 months…got rid of crap players and brought in players who WANT to play for 80 minutes
I agree. We look so unfit. Benji is a little soft to be first grade coach. He may learn quickly, I hope, as he is quite smart. The boys need tough love .This is the NRL!
I was so happy after we beat the Sharks and the next week the Eels … five losses later and I really don’t give a shit anymore. What the hell is going on with this team? Most of those losses we didn’t get out of first gear until the second half when it was too late to win. Now we go alright in the first half and leave all the effort and attitude in the sheds. Baffling. Wooden spoon number 3 incoming.
I think the sooner we stop saying we have great kids coming through the better we will be , YES we have bula , galvin , the two fainu bothers , pole , but after watching the NSW cup team there ain’t much there , go hard at the end of the year and cut the dead wood and bring in some hard heads like dogs have done , Curran , salmon , Mann blokes who do the dirty work , tackle there arse off and hit the line
Curran yes. Salmon and Mann are garbage and for that reason would actually fit perfectly in at our club.
Did we sack Gavin Badger? Or did he leave?. Pretty sure today was a little payback for the Badgers. The fact we had to use a captains challenge on kikau hitting Ice’s knee explains how inept the ref was from the start. She became so focused on the ruck she forgot they had to be back 10, even if she got them back 7m would have helped. Her touchies really let her down as well. Its easy watching on tv and smashing our poor attack in the second half but when your at the ground and see the dogs continually offside and off by a long way it becomes extremely frustrating. On the Sezer thing did he actually land on his legs? On the big screen looked like he landed to the side on the ground. I hate blaming refs and if she didn’t cost us the game she was a major contributor.
Bateman, Klemmer and Seyfarth - The dumbest [This word has been automatically removed]s in the NRL.

Bateman has to go. Gives away too many penalties.

I’ll fall on my sword - Sezer is terrible
The team has lost the belief we had in the first couple of games….t players are just not displaying the energy we had at the start of the year…..Benji and coaches had a big task ahead of themselves
Sorry Yosh but if they had lost belief, then Samuela would have just rolled over and copped The Blind Badger's knock-on call. He didn't roll over - he blew up and good luck to him for standing up to that crap ref.

The call on Papalli's knee hitting Kikau's melon wasn't just a minor call of knock-on - handover - it was a bloody penalty that could have destroyed our 1st half right there and then. The players backed themselves to challenge such a blatant error.

As it was, Seyfarth airswung at Kairuz? Yet Mahoney rushes to make the mele worse than it was and no action was taken to him. Klemmer gets marched for what was "dissent" - She had lost control of the game well before that. Our team were offsided out of the game by the Dogs rushing D. But they didn't give up belief. Down to 11 men with 8 minutes left The Dogs did not score again.

So plenty of frustrating moments do not mean they have lost belief. It is time for some real serious questions to be thrown at The NRL Refereeing. Badger was rubbish.
Blaming the ref is easy. We were so bad in that 2nd half. The attack is dreadful, discline is worse. Maybe I dont get it but I dont see where our points are coming from on their line. We were out muscled and out worked. Things are grim
Our defence has improved ( John Morris ). attack is atrocious ( Benji ?)
It looked dangerous, and with everything going on with hip drop tackles he was stupid for doing what he did. However the way the contact unfolded meant it wasn't even worthy of a penalty. That was not a hip drop tackle at all. Looked awkward, but at no point did Sezer's body weight or hip make contact with the legs. It was just awkward twisting.
Sutton in the box. If it was a bin, he wouldn't have missed the opportunity. There was nothing stupid about it imo. Players shit themselves if they do anything remotely dodgy. I still haven't looked a 2nd time, and may be proven wrong, but again, you have to be able to use bodyweight, just not directly on the legs.
Sorry Yosh but if they had lost belief, then Samuela would have just rolled over and copped The Blind Badger's knock-on call. He didn't roll over - he blew up and good luck to him for standing up to that crap ref.

The call on Papalli's knee hitting Kikau's melon wasn't just a minor call of knock-on - handover - it was a bloody penalty that could have destroyed our 1st half right there and then. The players backed themselves to challenge such a blatant error.

As it was, Seyfarth airswung at Kairuz? Yet Mahoney rushes to make the mele worse than it was and no action was taken to him. Klemmer gets marched for what was "dissent" - She had lost control of the game well before that. Our team were offsided out of the game by the Dogs rushing D. But they didn't give up belief. Down to 11 men with 8 minutes left The Dogs did not score again.

So plenty of frustrating moments do not mean they have lost belief. It is time for some real serious questions to be thrown at The NRL Refereeing. Badger was rubbish.
And some real questions of the players...
Ref killed is no doubt . But why don’t we keep going to naden and Staines when we killed them in the first half. Sezer is not first grade standard. Stef must be believing his own hype back to normal for him.
Naden x Staines combo looks likely two weeks in a row but we starve them of the ball...

Same as Olam.
No backline player plays.

All just very predictable and boring.
I was so happy after we beat the Sharks and the next week the Eels … five losses later and I really don’t give a shit anymore. What the hell is going on with this team? Most of those losses we didn’t get out of first gear until the second half when it was too late to win. Now we go alright in the first half and leave all the effort and attitude in the sheds. Baffling. Wooden spoon number 3 incoming.
The worst part is the experienced players are the ones letting the team down.

Your right though. I turned it off after 50 minutes. Just to hard to watch them play. Maybe next year it might improve. Need more dead wood to go though.
Sezer is frustrating because he did play well early in the season …

The Dogs did well today though to harass him all game … Kikau just lined himself opposite him all game ..
Sutton in the box. If it was a bin, he wouldn't have missed the opportunity. There was nothing stupid about it imo. Players shit themselves if they do anything remotely dodgy. I still haven't looked a 2nd time, and may be proven wrong, but again, you have to be able to use bodyweight, just not directly on the legs.
Without heart n soul the body is useless
Some of the individual efforts in the 2nd half were diabolical, they've already mostly been mentioned.
I don't see the value in having Fainu on the bench he's not a good 9 he'd be better served playing some 6 in cup. Simpkin although im not a huge fan was decent and showed he is a better bench option than Latu.
Once again Benji bringing Seyfarth on way too late despite his brain snap he adds enthusiasm which was lacking most of that 2 nd half.
Badger was a disgrace she shouldn't be a ref in the Nrl period, she had no idea what she was doing and lost control of the game. Has to be one of the worst ref's performance all season.
Someone said it earlier and its been evident all year if we can get a trade for Ice i would do it he is not interested in being here.

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