Forum Supporter Scheme


Staff member
Forum Leader
Jul 3, 2009
Hi Everyone

Now that the season is about to start, we're re-enabled the Forum Supporter Scheme. You can now become a Forum Supporter using the link the header banner above or clicking [here](

In the past year we've carried out some really important initiatives, primarily moving everything to a dedicated Australian server which gives us more speed and flexibility to easily bump up resources when we need it. Being in Australia also means that the site can be severed to you more quickly, instead of being fed through a pipe across the Pacific from our old US based server.

Please consider a yearly or month donation.

We hope that you are enjoying your time using this website. This site has and always will be free for all fans to participate in, be it quietly on the sidelines or as a regular contributor. Our community has evolved over the past decade into a vibrant, lively and charismatic family of deeply passionate fans, spurred by the ongoing support of many people. The custodians of []( voluntarily put much time into maintaining and developing this site and as it continues to grow we’re looking for a helping hand from members of the community.

To help cover the burgeoning administrative and development costs associated with running this site, the Forum Supporter Scheme has been setup. This initiative is completely voluntary, non-compulsory and will give any registered user any advantage or disadvantage.

All monies raised through donations will be used exclusively to achieve the primary goals of this initiative, which is to ensure the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of this website and its community. To ensure that this goal is met, all contributions will be allocated to cover all running costs of the site, its infrastructure and associated expenses.

You can become a Forum Supporter by clicking [here]( or by clicking the Donate link at the top of each page.

We are now using Stripe to manage this scheme. Stripe is a global gateway used extensively around the world to manage online payments; it is secure and []( will NEVER see your details. If you’d like to use another donation method, please contact us via email at [](

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Yeah same here @Kul . Checked my account and there is an amount of $0.00 pending.
Got the following message "We are experiencing issues connecting to our payments provider. You have not been charged. Please check your internet connection and try again."
Just letting you know. I will try later.
Worked fine so done @Kul, but missed the PayPal option of last year.

Reckon that this thread should be written as some sort of "Sticky" that is at the top of everyone's topic list until at least the second round, so that all returning formers are aware. We all want it running well, particularly on game day, so please help out if you can.
Let us know when u need a little support.

Im happy to kick in my share.

Im here everyday.
Done. I see the reoccurring option is no longer there. Was that the issue @Kul why my original did not process but just kept spinning?