Human diet + lifestyle

Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out

I averaged about 4000 calories aday when I first started carnivore and the weight just fell off me

All calories are created different

Eating fat doesn't make you fat your body can not store fat with out high Leptin or insulin

Fat doesn't raise insulin and fills you and you can use it straight away as energy

So many lies and cons and the worst part is people can not get there head around it the are confirmation bias
Mate sounds like you have benefitted from the Carnivore diet and thats great.

There are loads of criticisms that can be levelled at this research though (not just carnivore but many other extreme diets). Theres hardly any randomised control trials, lack of demographical info on participants, studies are run by those with financial incentives to gain, no longitudinal research (what are the long term health effects), over stating claims, lack of replicability just to name a few.

A relationship doesnt necessarily mean causation. How have the studies accounted for the stack of other variables that come with an extreme diet? for example how do they know if some of the purported benefits come from a reduction in processed foods, an increase in exercise?

The best way around confirmation bias is not just to be aware of our own values and leanings but also those of the people making certain claims, acknowledge we all do it (even when we think we aren't) and understand the difference between good and poor quality research.

The diet and nutrition industry is flooded with poor quality research and peverse incentives.
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Mate sounds like you have benefitted from the Carnivore diet and thats great.

There are loads of criticisms that can be levelled at this research though (not just carnivore but many other extreme diets). Theres hardly any randomised control trials, lack of demographical info on participants, studies are run by those with financial incentives to gain, no longitudinal research (what are the long term health effects), over stating claims, lack of replicability just to name a few.

A relationship doesnt necessarily mean causation. How have the studies accounted for the stack of other variables that come with an extreme diet? for example how do they know if some of the purported benefits come from a reduction in processed foods, an increase in exercise?

The best way around confirmation bias is not just to be aware of our own values and leanings but also those of the people making certain claims, acknowledge we all do it (even when we think we aren't) and understand the difference between good and poor quality research.

The diet and nutrition industry is flooded with poor quality research and peverse incentives.
Mate I was a vegan for almost two years then vegetarian for 3 years but after finding out the lies went carnivore and everyone should try for 30 days
Do you know which B Vitamin specifically? Is it B12 by chance? get time listen to it don't worry about the eating meat part of it hear his story about depression it's just heart breaking and what he went through to get out of it locking himself away in the garage for many hours everyday with the lights off
Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out

I averaged about 4000 calories aday when I first started carnivore and the weight just fell off me

All calories are created different

Eating fat doesn't make you fat your body can not store fat with out high Leptin or insulin

Fat doesn't raise insulin and fills you and you can use it straight away as energy

So many lies and cons and the worst part is people can not get there head around it the are confirmation bias
"Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out"

The people of Auschwitz and Belsen say hello.
They're adamant that it really is a calories in calories out thing.
Mate I was a vegan for almost two years then vegetarian for 3 years but after finding out the lies went carnivore and everyone should try for 30 days
Im glad it worked and is working for for you, and others. There are a stack of reasons I wont try it, one being theres no way I could afford it! I have tried Keto, and found it was not sustainable. A poster on here has given great advice for anyone looking for a healthier balance.

But I think you miss my point around confirmation bias. We all fall into it, even you.

As far as vitamin deficiency and depression. There is no big conspiracy there. Drs routinely check bloods in those suffering from poor mental health. Sometimes a deficiency is the reason, sometimes the depression is the cause of the deficiency.
"Also do a leptin test if your Leptin is high you won't lose weight with all the b/s calories in calories out"

The people of Auschwitz and Belsen say hello.
They're adamant that it really is a calories in calories out thing.
Did the people in the camps get Leptin test ?

And starvation is very different such a weird place you went with this so strange
Human beings are omnivores evolved from scavengers and hunters.
Vegans are pussy losers.

Gorillas have saggital crests, strong jaws yet eat
leaves all day. Genetics and environment haha
Gorillas have saggital crests, strong jaws yet eat
leaves all day. Genetics and environment haha
And human's did not evolve from monkeys and there is about 63 species of monkeys I think it's 63 but I am 1 bottle of cab sav down and another to go
And human's did not evolve from monkeys and there is about 63 species of monkeys I think it's 63 but I am 1 bottle of cab sav down and another to go

Haha. The general consensus is we evolved from
Bonobos. We might be both right Odessa...
Haha. The general consensus is we evolved from
Bonobos. We might be both right Odessa...
Humans have a different acid in the blood then the 63 species of monkeys it's impossible unless an alien came to earth and had intermit relations with a monkey

But on my second bottle now so anything is possible

I love talking and hearing different people's ideas and thoughts every day i go for a walk and listen to different options then my own trying to learn and open my mind podcast are great
And having grand kids are great teaching how to do things
Humans have a different acid in the blood then the 63 species of monkeys it's impossible unless an alien came to earth and had intermit relations with a monkey

But on my second bottle now so anything is possible

I love talking and hearing different people's ideas and thoughts every day i go for a walk and listen to different options then my own trying to learn and open my mind podcast are great
And having grand kids are great teaching how to do things

Acid/haemoglobin levels and differences are minor,
It can be deduced that that is a form of adaption, just
like bipedalism. We share the same blood groups
as apes which is crazy when you think about it lol
I'm not arguing against carnivorous diets btw....
Definately helps a lot of ppl suffering from ailments
and deficiencies. My original point was - despite our
similarities - we are all different - what fits the goose
doesn't always fit the gander. Genetics & environment
I'm not arguing against carnivorous diets btw....
Definately helps a lot of ppl suffering from ailments
and deficiencies. My original point was - despite our
similarities - we are all different - what fits the goose
doesn't always fit the gander. Genetics & environment
I think for 90%+ of people, the normal methods of maintaining a healthy body fat to muscle ratio apply.

I have watched....particularly women, say that they work out and eat really well, but can't lose weight. These people might even go to the gym and hit a treadmill 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Btw...30 minutes on a treadmill burns between 100 and 300's not even going to move the dial.

If you ask these people how many calories they are consuming as a very simple baseline to ascertain why they may be putting on weight despite their amazing diet and exercise regimen, they can't tell you.

It means 2 things for most of us. You are eating too many calories and/or you are not working out hard enough.

For anyone trying to lose weight, 80% or more is diet related. If you can't get that right, then you won't get very far. What's my evidence? Latrell Mitchell....fat despite elite NRL training...his diet must be awful. I don't want to pick on Latrell...plenty of others in his boat.

Understand what you're consuming gents. I think you'll all be surprised how many calories are in your meals and beverages. get time listen to it don't worry about the eating meat part of it hear his story about depression it's just heart breaking and what he went through to get out of it locking himself away in the garage for many hours everyday with the lights off
Question for you...are you still working or retired?

The reason I ask is that some of these diets require a big commitment, like always cooking your own food, little to no travel etc.

Sometimes the lack of variety, commitment and difficulty of always adhering to all meat can set people up for failure.
Question for you...are you still working or retired?

The reason I ask is that some of these diets require a big commitment, like always cooking your own food, little to no travel etc.

Sometimes the lack of variety, commitment and difficulty of always adhering to all meat can set people up for failure.
Work part time but it's not hard at all

It becomes a Habit and it's not a diet anymore it's a lifestyle

I eat alot of cold cuts pastrami ham chicken breasts eggs chuck roast slow cooked and food is not a big thing like it use to be use ghee to cook with

Biggest problem for me don't laugh to hard is the old fella is like he was in the teenage years

Cholesterol is the base for all your hormones the repairman for your body all the cells in your body has cholesterol it also carries things around the body

My mood is better I have more energy fat is burn straight away blood pressure down it's great