OFFICIAL Jarome Luai - Official

You and I don't know what Canterbury offered but I'll bet it was a lot more than $800k. It may have been close to our offer which would mean money wasn't the deciding factor.
1.05 mill.what i heard but dont know. We needed a half the most. The dogs need a front rower the most.

Hope they get stuff all.
Great for Recruitment and Retention of our young stars.
I put a lot of this down to Api. There was nothing going on for us this year, and out of nowhere he re-commits for another three years. Sent a signal to players at other clubs that if a player of his calibre could show so much faith, something good must be going on.
This might be naive and falling for the press conference rhetoric, but it sounded more like, once he decided to leave Penrith, he wanted a new start at tigers, rather than join something like the more familiar Panthers lite at the Bulldogs. Full of appreciation for ciraldo as a father figure, but wanting the challenge of leading a new team under Benji.

If that is genuine then that's really good for us.
This might be naive and falling for the press conference rhetoric, but it sounded more like, once he decided to leave Penrith, he wanted a new start at tigers, rather than join something like the more familiar Panthers lite at the Bulldogs. Full of appreciation for ciraldo as a father figure, but wanting the challenge of leading a new team under Benji.

If that is genuine then that's really good for us.
We were in the right place at the right time.
Is the presser online anywhere?
Fox playing BS sillybuggers
From Pratten Park, Lidcombe & sadly Leichhardt Oval, the Wests Tigers need to move on. There can only be one future, sustainable home for the WESTS TIGERS and that is Campbelltown. This is where the bulk of the juniors come from. The NSW Government needs to invest in this growth area and upgrade the current stadium. Train in Concord, play all our home games at Campbelltown. BTW, why do we lose a home game in magic round to the Dolphins? Then a few weeks later we play the Dolphins at Suncorp!!!!!!!
Strange game implying people arent pumped because they offer an opinion Munster would have been a bigger name signing.

Nothing to do with levels of excitement for the Luai signing. Thats in your head.
Your right. However the offer to Munster was around 1.5million. So bigger yeah, bigger cost.
But let me say this. Munster may be more of an instinctive player but I reckon Luai has more composure and control in his game which benefits to what we want to achieve in getting a dominating playmaker to lead our team.
Luai's comments in the SMH were very interesting. It seems Canterbury were a lot closer to getting him than some of us thought. He talked about his brothers at the club and described Ciraldo as his second father. it'd be interesting to see what the clincher was for him coming to WT. Was it money or something else?
$$ for sure. Regarding the dogs, Ciraldo is on borrowed time. If the dogs are hanging around the bottom of the ladder in 24 and 25. He will be out of a job. The dogs will spit him out without a question. Benji will be given way more time to build his vision and I think Luai knows it.
Big signing for us.

He speaks really well considering the questions aimed at him & like how he wants to nip it now to focus on season ahead.

It’s clear the driver to come here was to go alone and prove people wrong.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he is future captain at one point.
So can this petty Tiger fan, I hope it has ruined Ivan Cleary’s day.
I believe that will prove to be as important, if not more important than the signing itself
I genuinely hope that Jerome Luai takes the Wests Tigers to the promised land. And yes, in his short time at the Wests Tigers Ivan did sign a few over-priced duds.