Luke Brooks #167

Having a go at me suggests your probably cut or naturally an angry sad person. Just saying, its not hard to decipher

You obviously don't get out much....
Mouths who carry on with as much shite as you do -
are generally informed of it.

I read your post, And instantly realised I was replying to a being of limited intelligence....
Apologies if it comes across as short, I'm trying to keep the syllables to a minimum for you.
You obviously don't get out much....
Mouths who carry on with as much shite as you do -
are generally informed of it.

I read your post, And instantly realised I was replying to a being of limited intelligence....
Apologies if it comes across as short, I'm trying to keep the syllables to a minimum for you.
Again, such an emphasized return? Relax ya old fart. Finally completed my engineering degree though, doubt that suggests limited intelligence, a bit baseless don't you think. Something must of got you into a bit of a mood today fella, don't worry I'm sure brooksy will give you a performance on the weekend to cheer ya
The Brooks debate continues on the WTF.

Those against, rightly using the argument that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, blaming the coach and club for his continued selection all while saying the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.

Those in favour, rightly so highlighting his achievement’s and skills all while supporting a team that has achieved nothing in the last 10 years culminating in a wooden spoon.

Man it’s like watching a fight at woolies over toilet paper. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry.
Man it’s like watching a fight at woolies over toilet paper. I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry.

It's sad that so many fans want to blame one player for every loss and we have a lot of them. The stats recently posted basically confirmed that narrative is completely wrong. We win a lot more games with Brooks in the team compared to Brooks out of the team. We don't win a lot of games though.

Still he has some shockers at times and the club has rightly been playing him as a running half. You could call that a 6. I wish they'd just give him the 6 jumper and if he isn't good enough for that position punt him at the end of this season.
Brooks played well yesterday. He was close to our best (if not our best yesterday). Kepaoa, another favourite of mine, played very well also. Although we didn't play well, had Doueihi not muffed the try which Brooks laid on, we would have won. We need to take all our opportunities which Sheens mentioned before the season started. Despite all the negavity especially from the Maguire hardcore, I remain positive.

I am really enjoying the involvement of Kepaoa. He looked to be one hell of a player with his increased involvement. Full marks to the coaching team for making the change.
Also Twal dropped the ball over the line & then ran an obstruction which lead to another try disallowed. We really could’ve & should’ve won comfortably.
It's pretty funny right.
Earl I know what you have been saying about Luke and he will be better as the weeks progress,I have no argument with that,however we must draw the line on comparing Madden's games to Luke's ,Jock was an honest ressie player who did his best...he was on far smaller money and wasn't hyped up as much as Luke...I liked Jock because he tried his best with limited ability compared to Luke...
Earl I know what you have been saying about Luke and he will be better as the weeks progress,I have no argument with that,however we must draw the line on comparing Madden's games to Luke's ,Jock was an honest ressie player who did his best...he was on far smaller money and wasn't hyped up as much as Luke...I liked Jock because he tried his best with limited ability compared to Luke...

I agree. Brooks is on a ridiculous salary. If he was on half what he is now the situation changes. He hasn't performed much better than any of our halves. I thought Hastings was our best half last season then Brooks. Madden wasn't far off. Doueihi has some great moments but too many errors in him.
The one thing that keeps sticking out for me with Brooks.

WT vs Newcastle.

I reckon there is no one on the forum that wouldn't have wanted us to keep Hastings at 7, and let Brooks go to Newcastle (or where ever).
Swap Brooks for Hastings that round 2 game and I see us winning. Hands down winning.

Anyone else not see an improved Tigers with Hastings at 7 vs Brooks at 7?

Less money
Better options and a true halfback.
The one thing that keeps sticking out for me with Brooks.

WT vs Newcastle.

I reckon there is no one on the forum that wouldn't have wanted us to keep Hastings at 7, and let Brooks go to Newcastle (or where ever).
Swap Brooks for Hastings that round 2 game and I see us winning. Hands down winning.

Anyone else not see an improved Tigers with Hastings at 7 vs Brooks at 7?

Less money
Better options and a true halfback.

They made their decision though.
Another year of Brooks.

Brooks is off contract after this season...
You'd think he'd play better, being contract season and all... haven't seen it in the first two games.

I'd like us to go another direction and not re-new Brooks, but this club constantly surprises with stupid decisions.

They made their decision though.
Another year of Brooks.

Brooks is off contract after this season...
You'd think he'd play better, being contract season and all... haven't seen it in the first two games.

I'd like us to go another direction and not re-new Brooks, but this club constantly surprises with stupid decisions.
Who was your 3,2,1 last week?
I didn't participate.

Missed the first 10 mins or so because I was watching Tsyzu fight... then from what I saw, I'd struggle to pick 1 - let alone 3.
Safer - Than having to give Brooks 3?
best player for failing to orchestrate a single overlap against 12 men for 25 minutes? for constantly passing 0.5m behind his outside man and running around in circles. Beats me how a half in a losing side against 12 men over 25mins can be considered the best player
best player for failing to orchestrate a single overlap against 12 men for 25 minutes? for constantly passing 0.5m behind his outside man and running around in circles. Beats me how a half in a losing side against 12 men over 25mins can be considered the best player
It's called simply the best.

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