Matt Groat


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2013
Playing today for Dragons NSW Cup, Playing at lock, games televised on fox right now.

They were talking about his size, apparently he has bulked alot. Moimoi, Mossop, Williams, Runciman, Stanley and Daniella are all playing too for those interested.
Benji is there watching, Groat has taken two hit ups so far and has been dominated despite his size.
He is a shadow of what he was and what he could have been. Thanks Tim and Ben.
@magpiecol said:
He is a shadow of what he was and what he could have been. Thanks Tim and Ben.

It was a shocking shoulder charge from Ben Teo. No suspensions in those days.
He really does lumber around the field. Seems a mile off the pace fitness wise. & I'm not sure how much of that can be blamed on one tackle 4 odd years ago.
It's a shame as I really thought he had a lot of potential.