NRL. Anti-Vaxers..

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@colinbh said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505249) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505240) said:
@tiger-tarl said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505239) said:
In regards to WT, we have 5 games outside of NSW (including one in NZ). Politics aside, is it worth it to grab some of these anti-vax players like Nelson Asofa-Solomona? If they stay injury-free, they would only miss 5 games...

I wouldn't


I don't want players who will miss games for ill informed decisions. What happens if we end up playing a final and Queensland and they can't play because they are unvaxxed.

I know imagine playing finals football, but it is still an issue.
@tiger-tarl said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505239) said:
In regards to WT, we have 5 games outside of NSW (including one in NZ). Politics aside, is it worth it to grab some of these anti-vax players like Nelson Asofa-Solomona? If they stay injury-free, they would only miss 5 games...

I wouldn't because it will only take a change in the NRL to make it mandatory and you need to replace those players at short notice.I would not be suprised if that is not the case at some stage next year when the next wave of covid happens next winter(covid is making a massive resurgance in Europe now) with the Delta+ variant
I would again remind people that just because someone has decided against taking this experimental jab, it does not necessarily make them an "anti-vaxxer". I know lots of folk who have not taken these jabs but do still take real vaccines for different diseases either as a prophylactic or as a treatment.
@yeti said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505304) said:
I would again remind people that just because someone has decided against taking this experimental jab, it does not necessarily make them an "anti-vaxxer". I know lots of folk who have not taken these jabs but do still take real vaccines for different diseases either as a prophylactic or as a treatment.

No but it makes them ill informed.
From the DT: **NRL anti-vaxxers: 15 players put their 2022 season at risk**

1 Jason Taumalolo - Cowboys $1 million
2 Warriors player $725,000
3 Nelson-Asofa Solomona - Storm $675,000
4 Josh Papalii - Raiders $660,000
5 Joseph Tapine - Raiders $600,000
6 Api Koroisau - Penrith $475,000
7 Raiders player - $400,000
8 Raiders player - $400,000
9 Dylan Walker - Sea Eagles $375,000
10 Brian Kelly - Titans $320,000
11 Sharks player - $300,000
12 John Asiata - Bulldogs $180,000
**13 Tigers player - $150,000**
14 Roosters player - $70,000
15 Dragons player - $70,000
I see Fitzsimons is giving the NRL players and supporters the dumbed down version of the “official narrative” – that is, that the vaccine is very effective and we should take it to protect others.

The problem is that he can’t avoid the fundamental contradiction in the “official narrative”, which he actually alludes to in his opening remarks:

“Gentlemen, thanks for coming. And yes, I know this a pretty odd venue for a meeting – what, out in an open park and all, with me carefully standing upwind from you – but what else could I do?”

My question to Fitzy would be, if the vaccines are so effective, why are you so terrified of the unvaxxed NRL players that you will only meet them outdoors and upwind ?

And therein lies the conundrum for the “official narrative”, which is summed up best in the following:

How do you convince the unjabbed that the jab works so that they will get the jab


Convincing the jabbed that the jab doesn’t work so that they will get the booster.

Tricky !
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505307) said:
@yeti said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505304) said:
I would again remind people that just because someone has decided against taking this experimental jab, it does not necessarily make them an "anti-vaxxer". I know lots of folk who have not taken these jabs but do still take real vaccines for different diseases either as a prophylactic or as a treatment.

No but it makes them ill informed.

Well, that is your opinion. My opinion is that they may well be very well informed and have as a result of that information, come to a different conclusion. Surely you should respect that. It is insane to believe that everyone should come to the same conclusion as everyone else when confronted with the same information.
What should not be debated is the individual's right to choose without coercion of losing employment and the host of other 'policies' implemented.
We were born with inalienable rights, and no one, least of all politicians of dubious ethics and morals, nor health ministers nor un-elected health bureaucrats should behave as if those were rights they could remove or give back as they see fit.
For those who are OK with this - what happens when the next crisis occurs, (and it will). And what happens if the Government's response is to impose restrictions/sanctions/mandates, that impact you in an unacceptable way? (And they will).
Will it still be OK? Or are you just going to ignore it for now, and hope it doesn't happen? Once lost, these rights we have so carelessly allowed to be taken from us, are not easily reclaimed.
Think about it.
And for God's sake, look outside of what you are hearing on the ABC, 9,7,10. There is some amazing information from some very highly qualified and informed people who have every reason to be heard, yet are silenced by Big Tech and from the MSM.
@yeti said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505313) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505307) said:
@yeti said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505304) said:
I would again remind people that just because someone has decided against taking this experimental jab, it does not necessarily make them an "anti-vaxxer". I know lots of folk who have not taken these jabs but do still take real vaccines for different diseases either as a prophylactic or as a treatment.

No but it makes them ill informed.

Well, that is your opinion. My opinion is that they may well be very well informed and have as a result of that information, come to a different conclusion. Surely you should respect that. It is insane to believe that everyone should come to the same conclusion as everyone else when confronted with the same information.
What should not be debated is the individual's right to choose without coercion of losing employment and the host of other 'policies' implemented.
We were born with inalienable rights, and no one, least of all politicians of dubious ethics and morals, nor health ministers nor un-elected health bureaucrats should behave as if those were rights they could remove or give back as they see fit.
For those who are OK with this - what happens when the next crisis occurs, (and it will). And what happens if the Government's response is to impose restrictions/sanctions/mandates, that impact you in an unacceptable way? (And they will).
Will it still be OK? Or are you just going to ignore it for now, and hope it doesn't happen? Once lost, these rights we have so carelessly allowed to be taken from us, are not easily reclaimed.
Think about it.
And for God's sake, look outside of what you are hearing on the ABC, 9,7,10. There is some amazing information from some very highly qualified and informed people who have every reason to be heard, yet are silenced by Big Tech and from the MSM.

It is an ill informed decision, no if or buts about it. There is plenty of data out there to show the effectiveness of the vaccines, including what has happened right here in NSW.
@fibrodreaming said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505310) said:
I see Fitzsimons is giving the NRL players and supporters the dumbed down version of the “official narrative” – that is, that the vaccine is very effective and we should take it to protect others.

The problem is that he can’t avoid the fundamental contradiction in the “official narrative”, which he actually alludes to in his opening remarks:

“Gentlemen, thanks for coming. And yes, I know this a pretty odd venue for a meeting – what, out in an open park and all, with me carefully standing upwind from you – but what else could I do?”

My question to Fitzy would be, if the vaccines are so effective, why are you so terrified of the unvaxxed NRL players that you will only meet them outdoors and upwind ?

And therein lies the conundrum for the “official narrative”, which is summed up best in the following:

How do you convince the unjabbed that the jab works so that they will get the jab


Convincing the jabbed that the jab doesn’t work so that they will get the booster.

Tricky !

Now that is some twisting of reality.
15 out of 480 isn't too bad.

That's 97% vaccination. Better than Rest of Australia!
@fibrodreaming said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505310) said:
I see Fitzsimons is giving the NRL players and supporters the dumbed down version of the “official narrative” – that is, that the vaccine is very effective and we should take it to protect others.

The problem is that he can’t avoid the fundamental contradiction in the “official narrative”, which he actually alludes to in his opening remarks:

“Gentlemen, thanks for coming. And yes, I know this a pretty odd venue for a meeting – what, out in an open park and all, with me carefully standing upwind from you – but what else could I do?”

My question to Fitzy would be, if the vaccines are so effective, why are you so terrified of the unvaxxed NRL players that you will only meet them outdoors and upwind ?

And therein lies the conundrum for the “official narrative”, which is summed up best in the following:

How do you convince the unjabbed that the jab works so that they will get the jab


Convincing the jabbed that the jab doesn’t work so that they will get the booster.

Tricky !

As a doctor this is pretty straight forward to answer. The vaccine doesn't make you completely immune to it, but it certainly reduces the severity and risk of death and hospitalisation. Would you want to catch Covid, potentially give it to a family member who may have been too young, or too unwell to be able to get the vaccine and be the cause of their death? In regards to booster, it baffles me that this is brought up. A large proportion of vaccines require boosters at variable time frames. This is an argument by those who have minimal to no idea of how vaccines work.

I work in one of the major melbourne hospitals, treating COVID patients for the past 2 years. People who do not believe in either the severity of COVID or vaccinations, have been lucky to not watch someone loose the ability to breath and die. The long lasting burden of COVID on the Victorian and NSW health care system will be massive. When you are waiting years for your elective surgery now instead of months, you can thank covid. We have effectively lost 18 months of productivity as a large proportion of beds occupied by covid patients. That will be impossible to ever catch up on. The decision of those to not get a vaccination, and end up using valuable resources which could have been given to those who are responsible is a massive effect. The decision does not affect only you, it can have wide reaching impacts on many.
From DT. Wonder who the player is at WT 🤔![20211113_150832.jpg](/assets/uploads/files/1636779673862-20211113_150832.jpg)
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505233) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505231) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505229) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505227) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505224) said:
@innsaneink said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505154) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505132) said:
I work at a hospital and have gotten the vax but please stop parading about how intelligent you are for having gotten it. You've blindly followed what you've been told without understanding how mrna or spike proteins work either. Frankly if the news told you not to get it you wouldn't.

What do you do at the hospital?
It must be relevant seeing as you mentioned it in your broad generalising swipe.
The media is merely the channel many get their info and advice frim highly qualified ied experts

I said it so people couldn't accuse me of being an ignorant anti vaxxer - I wished to make it clear I have gotten it and am not against it before I then made my statement. And I work in medical research

I still find you to be fairly ignorant if I am being honest.

By assuming most people don't know how complex medical innovations work? Okay I take back "you" and instead I'll say "its likely that you".

It is incredibly likely that you don't know anything about the people you are making generalisations about.

Okay cochise you're right. Everyone who has gotten the vax knows exactly how spike proteins and mrna works. I'm an idiot for assuming that despite these being complex scientific developments researched by people with PHDs, everyone who's gotten the vaccine knows the exact mechanisms behind how it works and didn't just do it because they were told to. Happy?

 “The earth has music for those who listen.”

But when it comes to serious matters on this forum, there is no such thing as freedom of speech or that's your opinion, unless your willing and capable of fighting a tough battle.

And let's not fool ourselves, until you have settled in and become accustomed, this forum can be as brutal and unforgiving as any other social media site.

As soon as you open your mouth with a differing opinion you will immediately be labelled as the **black sheep** of the forum and that label will remain forever unless you can put in a lot of time and effort to try to remove it, if you can. And sometimes, when even mentioning just **one harmless word** can be enough to count you as a black sheep And you will not be ignored but will be rushed with your time in trying to defend that opinion.

The white sheep rule the forum, but its clear that **some white sheep aren't as white** as they appear.

@DGilly, had the courage to say some very important words but he could have been interrupted and halted very quickly by those who think themselves as only my opinion is 100% right, and had @DGilly not known how to navigate and stood up for himself, this forum would have very quickly pushed him out the window and stuck the label on him as a black sheep **social outcast**.

So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505353) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505233) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505231) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505229) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505227) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505224) said:
@innsaneink said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505154) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505132) said:
I work at a hospital and have gotten the vax but please stop parading about how intelligent you are for having gotten it. You've blindly followed what you've been told without understanding how mrna or spike proteins work either. Frankly if the news told you not to get it you wouldn't.

What do you do at the hospital?
It must be relevant seeing as you mentioned it in your broad generalising swipe.
The media is merely the channel many get their info and advice frim highly qualified ied experts

I said it so people couldn't accuse me of being an ignorant anti vaxxer - I wished to make it clear I have gotten it and am not against it before I then made my statement. And I work in medical research

I still find you to be fairly ignorant if I am being honest.

By assuming most people don't know how complex medical innovations work? Okay I take back "you" and instead I'll say "its likely that you".

It is incredibly likely that you don't know anything about the people you are making generalisations about.

Okay cochise you're right. Everyone who has gotten the vax knows exactly how spike proteins and mrna works. I'm an idiot for assuming that despite these being complex scientific developments researched by people with PHDs, everyone who's gotten the vaccine knows the exact mechanisms behind how it works and didn't just do it because they were told to. Happy?

 “The earth has music for those who listen.”

But when it comes to serious matters on this forum, there is no such thing as freedom of speech or that's your opinion, unless your willing and capable of fighting a tough battle.

And let's not fool ourselves, until you have settled in and become accustomed, this forum can be as brutal and unforgiving as any other social media site.

As soon as you open your mouth with a differing opinion you will immediately be labelled as the **black sheep** of the forum and that label will remain forever unless you can put in a lot of time and effort to try to remove it, if you can, and sometimes, when even mentioning just **one harmless word** can be enough to count you as a **black sheep**. And you will not be ignored but will be rushed with your time in trying to defend that opinion.

The white sheep rule the forum, but its clear that some **white sheep aren't as white** as they appear.

@DGilly, had the courage to say some very important words but he could have been interrupted and halted very quickly by those who think themselves as only my opinion is 100% right, and had @DGilly not known how to navigate and stood up for himself, this forum would have very quickly pushed him out the window and stuck the label on him as a black sheep **social outcast**.

So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”

I am very happy for anyone to put their opinion across on this forum, but I am well within my rights to disagree with that opinion strongly, which I will always do. I disagree with what @DGilly had to say as I often do with you @FinestTigers. Your right to an opinion does not mean others have to agree with it or support it. Put your opinion across as much as you want but if you are entitled to that opinion then I am entitled to think your it is a load of rubbish.
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505320) said:
Now that is some twisting of reality.

Not only are there some amazing researchers on this forum, but some talented (mental) gymnasts.

So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”

I am very happy for anyone to put their opinion across on this forum, but I am well within my rights to disagree with that opinion strongly, which I will always do. I disagree with what @DGilly had to say as I often do with you @FinestTigers. Your right to an opinion does not mean others have to agree with it or support it. Put your opinion across as much as you want but if you are entitled to that opinion then I am entitled to think your it is a load of rubbish.

You mentioned the word rubbish when replying to my post, i'm now just curious, did you see any rubbish in my post?
Are we still going on about this here? vax v anti vax. Are we going to segregate society because of a vaccine? I’m still friends with you lot despite you being juiced up
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505369) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505363) said:
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505353) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505233) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505231) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505229) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505227) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505224) said:
@innsaneink said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505154) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505132) said:
So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”

I am very happy for anyone to put their opinion across on this forum, but I am well within my rights to disagree with that opinion strongly, which I will always do. I disagree with what @DGilly had to say as I often do with you @FinestTigers. Your right to an opinion does not mean others have to agree with it or support it. Put your opinion across as much as you want but if you are entitled to that opinion then I am entitled to think your it is a load of rubbish.

You mentioned the word rubbish when replying to my post, i'm now just curious, did you see any rubbish in my post?

I noticed a lot of sheep.
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505371) said:
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505369) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505363) said:
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505353) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505233) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505231) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505229) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505227) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505224) said:
@innsaneink said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505154) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505132) said:
So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”

I am very happy for anyone to put their opinion across on this forum, but I am well within my rights to disagree with that opinion strongly, which I will always do. I disagree with what @DGilly had to say as I often do with you @FinestTigers. Your right to an opinion does not mean others have to agree with it or support it. Put your opinion across as much as you want but if you are entitled to that opinion then I am entitled to think your it is a load of rubbish.

You mentioned the word rubbish when replying to my post, i'm now just curious, did you see any rubbish in my post?

I noticed a lot of sheep.

How many ? White or Black?
@finesttigers said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505353) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505233) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505231) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505229) said:
@cochise said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505227) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505224) said:
@innsaneink said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505154) said:
@dgilly said in [NRL\. Anti\-Vaxers\.\.](/post/1505132) said:
I work at a hospital and have gotten the vax but please stop parading about how intelligent you are for having gotten it. You've blindly followed what you've been told without understanding how mrna or spike proteins work either. Frankly if the news told you not to get it you wouldn't.

What do you do at the hospital?
It must be relevant seeing as you mentioned it in your broad generalising swipe.
The media is merely the channel many get their info and advice frim highly qualified ied experts

I said it so people couldn't accuse me of being an ignorant anti vaxxer - I wished to make it clear I have gotten it and am not against it before I then made my statement. And I work in medical research

I still find you to be fairly ignorant if I am being honest.

By assuming most people don't know how complex medical innovations work? Okay I take back "you" and instead I'll say "its likely that you".

It is incredibly likely that you don't know anything about the people you are making generalisations about.

Okay cochise you're right. Everyone who has gotten the vax knows exactly how spike proteins and mrna works. I'm an idiot for assuming that despite these being complex scientific developments researched by people with PHDs, everyone who's gotten the vaccine knows the exact mechanisms behind how it works and didn't just do it because they were told to. Happy?

 “The earth has music for those who listen.”

But when it comes to serious matters on this forum, there is no such thing as freedom of speech or that's your opinion, unless your willing and capable of fighting a tough battle.

And let's not fool ourselves, until you have settled in and become accustomed, this forum can be as brutal and unforgiving as any other social media site.

As soon as you open your mouth with a differing opinion you will immediately be labelled as the **black sheep** of the forum and that label will remain forever unless you can put in a lot of time and effort to try to remove it, if you can, and sometimes, when even mentioning just **one harmless word** can be enough to count you as a **black sheep**. And you will not be ignored but will be rushed with your time in trying to defend that opinion.

The white sheep rule the forum, but its clear that some **white sheep aren't as white** as they appear.

@DGilly, had the courage to say some very important words but he could have been interrupted and halted very quickly by those who think themselves as only my opinion is 100% right, and had @DGilly not known how to navigate and stood up for himself, this forum would have very quickly pushed him out the window and stuck the label on him as a black sheep **social outcast**.

So, good on you @DGilly for sharing your important opinions with us and for also being courageous in standing up for yourself.
“**The earth has music for those who listen**.”

Too much Hillbilly twang if you ask me .......
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