Origin 2023

You're right. To'o went after him for a while but gave it up. That play said a lot about attitude right there.
Well, while we are talking about attitude, how about the usual suspects like Luai and Addo-Carr that won't even sing the National Anthem, how about not putting your hands up to play in a NSW or Australian team if you find the Anthem so repugnant.

Okay maybe Luai can argue that his allegiance is with Samoa, but still if you're an Australian citizen you can sing the Athem or you can piss off.

In Addo-Carr's case, lets not trot, run as fast as you can so you can piss off a lot quicker.
The club connection idea in Origin is a myth. It works for Qld players because they are Queenslanders first and Broncos, Cowboys, Titans and Dolphins second.

But non-Ausralian Penrith players are Islander or Panthers first and NSWers second - and they reserve their most passionate performances for their nation and their club team, not for NSW.

That's why a Penrith/NSW team will always be worse than Penrith. Pick Penrith players if they are the best in the position but don't pretend that the club connection will translate like it does for Qlders.

If we are to win, we need to be better players than them, and to have a coach who can organise a team. NSW has looked less organised than Qld throughout Freddy's time, and our wins have either come from individual brilliance or dead rubbers.
For starters, the ‘non Australian’ I.e. those born and raised here, but have chosen allegiance to an Island nation their grandpas dog came from, should not be playing Origin. The NSW ‘Samoans’ have no loyalty. Origin is just a paycheque for them.

Additionally, you need guys in your side who hate their opposition. NSW supporters always put shit on Gallen, but that dude would have busted his back for a NSW win every game. Same with a couple of others like Farah and Greg Bird. These three guys experienced great adversity right throughout their Origin careers and surely have that burning hatred inside them as a result. I would replace the current NSW coaching staff with these guys and install Toovey as coach. He is another ultra passionate competitor who will do what it takes to win.

As good as Freddy and Joey and co were as players, they were always in teams stacked with internationals and they didn’t have to scrape for victories. They continue to think this recipe will reward the squad as their philosophy is to load the team with as many top line players as possible and everything will be ok. They often forget you need mongrel tough nuts in there who don’t give up…who compete on every play, dive on every loose ball, chase every break and never backdown to intimidation or aggression. The guys I have named as coaching replacements, all played the game like this and will find the correct mix for 2024.
Had a chat with Nicho Hynes manager Adam Purcell last night. Said Nicho won't play SOO again while Freddy is coach because he spoke up about the Penrith connection and the boom box, gangster vibe in camp. Other players dislike the fact it's become a Penrith all in. Nicho is ultra professional in his preparation and thought the SOO camp was a dick measuring comp rather than a bonding excercise. Let's see what happens with the new coach.
I have no doubt this is true. Those gangster wannabee morons are just shitbag human beings. Nicho will get his chance next year and will succeed.
Well, while we are talking about attitude, how about the usual suspects like Luai and Addo-Carr that won't even sing the National Anthem, how about not putting your hands up to play in a NSW or Australian team if you find the Anthem so repugnant.

Okay maybe Luai can argue that his allegiance is with Samoa, but still if you're an Australian citizen you can sing the Athem or you can piss off.

In Addo-Carr's case, lets not trot, run as fast as you can so you can piss off a lot quicker.
Jarome Luai and Josh Addo Carr are born and bred Australians.
Their refusal to sing the anthem displays what entitled twats they both are. Same goes for the others like Latrell, Walker, To’o etc…all Australians.
For starters, the ‘non Australian’ I.e. those born and raised here, but have chosen allegiance to an Island nation their grandpas dog came from, should not be playing Origin. The NSW ‘Samoans’ have no loyalty. Origin is just a paycheque for them.

Additionally, you need guys in your side who hate their opposition. NSW supporters always put shit on Gallen, but that dude would have busted his back for a NSW win every game. Same with a couple of others like Farah and Greg Bird. These three guys experienced great adversity right throughout their Origin careers and surely have that burning hatred inside them as a result. I would replace the current NSW coaching staff with these guys and install Toovey as coach. He is another ultra passionate competitor who will do what it takes to win.

As good as Freddy and Joey and co were as players, they were always in teams stacked with internationals and they didn’t have to scrape for victories. They continue to think this recipe will reward the squad as their philosophy is to load the team with as many top line players as possible and everything will be ok. They often forget you need mongrel tough nuts in there who don’t give up…who compete on every play, dive on every loose ball, chase every break and never backdown to intimidation or aggression. The guys I have named as coaching replacements, all played the game like this and will find the correct mix for 2024.

Having read this post, I'm trying to find a brick wall to run through!
This post is all about the passion I expect as a Blues fan.
Having read this post, I'm trying to find a brick wall to run through!
This post is all about the passion I expect as a Blues fan.
It’s true.
Think back to the start of 2022 series.
Imagine Carrigan, Cotter, Nanai and Gilbert were NSW players. Would they have made the team? To those in the know, they were all junior champions but had a hard road to Origin selection.
Patty Carrigan missed most of 21 with an ACL tear
Reuben Cotter had a lot of injuries also playing just 11 games across seasons 20 & 21
Nanai was in his first proper season of first grade, debuting at the end of 21
Gilbert had less than 20 games under his belt as a backrower.

Looking back now, everyone says ‘of course they did well, they are all excellent’. NSW would not have trusted these guys. They were inspired selections at the time.
As good as Freddy and Joey and co were as players, they were always in teams stacked with internationals and they didn’t have to scrape for victories. They continue to think this recipe will reward the squad as their philosophy is to load the team with as many top line players as possible and everything will be ok. They often forget you need mongrel tough nuts in there who don’t give up…who compete on every play, dive on every loose ball, chase every break and never backdown to intimidation or aggression. The guys I have named as coaching replacements, all played the game like this and will find the correct mix for 2024.
Freddie picked Pangai in game one to add some mongrel but he's not the right type of mongrel. Like you said, we need workaholics with a bit of edge like Carrrigan and Cotter. Liam Martin has got it. Angus Crighton had it too until he got sick.
Freddie picked Pangai in game one to add some mongrel but he's not the right type of mongrel. Like you said, we need workaholics with a bit of edge like Carrrigan and Cotter. Liam Martin has got it. Angus Crighton had it too until he got sick.
Yes, Martin and Crighton are made of the right stuff. Young probably is too. Murray is but he has become a weakness due to repeated foul play causing head issues. They have a good selection of hookers. Frizell always steps up and Haas is Hass. NSW mostly get their pack right.

Its their backline that is completely hit or miss. When I see these big headed knobs presenting themselves as narcissistic gods, thinking gang culture is cool, constantly promoting themselves over the team, talking shit to guys far tougher than them because its illegal to hit them....one word comes to mind POSERS.
They are fake rep players caring more about how they look than how they play...which is a shame because they possess elite level talent.

Look at last year's world cup. They made a big deal of stating they wouldnt represent Australia...the country of most of their births by the way, and carried on about Samoa and their impact on the comp etc...until game 1 started and a dedicated English side wiped the floor with them. This made them pull their heads in momentarily and they beat some minnows well. Out came the bragging again and it almost derailed them, luckily beating Tonga and somehow doing England over in extra time.

Did they learn their lesson? nah...theyre GANGSTARS! They turned their rhetoric up to 11 and and spent the whole week leading into the final telling anyone who would listen, how good they were and how they would beat Australia...often talking shit about their own country. The country that took their parents and in some instances grandparents in and made them their own, providing opportunities and pathways to fame and fortune not even dreamt about in their ancestural lands. The game starts and the side who prepared properly and was full of hard nuts who cared about their jersey, belted seven shades of shit out of them winning comfortably.

Rep footy is not about setting records, its not about self promotion nor financial gains. It is a privelege bestowed upon a player who has earned it, to represent millions of people who would mostly kill for the opportunity themselves and be their champions in a sporting contest that although short lived, means everything.
Its their backline that is completely hit or miss.
I would still select Dylan Edards and Brian To'o. Those guys are goers. I am yet to see Cleary or Luai dominate outside of the Penrith system, and it seems that Yeo's form had dipped like Teddy's.

I'd like to see a total overhaul of the backline for the third game, but it won't happen

I think it will be the same backline. I can't see Freddy making any changes to that.
I think it will be the same backline. I can't see Freddy making any changes to that.
Sorry, but no it won’t coz Freddy will be overuled .
You have to remember that Freddy, the Alexander’s( alive and dead) along with Geyer and a few others were a real pack of original Penrith gangsters, back in the day.
For those who don’t know Brandy and Geyer could fight like threshing machines and the old hood mentality had survived.
Freddy has perpetuated the Penrith thing coz
1. They have won a couple of premierships and
2. Coz he understands it.
But now, that’s over and apart from To’o and possibly Yeo and Edwards, the rest will be gone. And hopefully JAC as well, hate that prick and rarely speak that way.
Penrith players weren't the issue. Luai potentially was average but Martin and To'o were our best players. Crichton performed well considering he wasn't in the first picked side for either game and was made to change sides etc. If Mitchell, Turbo and Graham were available, Crichton doesn't make the team. Cleary is the first picked player in any team.
Agree re Martin and To’o but rest out. And why is Cleary first picked ? Do you think he’s that good ?
I’m reading DCE favoured for Aussie team, Cleary or no Cleary.
Agree re Martin and To’o but rest out. And why is Cleary first picked ? Do you think he’s that good ?
I’m reading DCE favoured for Aussie team, Cleary or no Cleary.
Cleary will always be first picked.. no point even discussing that.

I hope Yeo picks up his game a little. Carrigan, Cotter, Collins, Yeo etc are very similar type players but Yeo has the capacity to ball play. Just because in Origin you cannot ball play as much doesn't mean you let the opposition players outshine your work ethic. Hope Yeo gets back to his strength.
Sorry, but no it won’t coz Freddy will be overuled .
You have to remember that Freddy, the Alexander’s( alive and dead) along with Geyer and a few others were a real pack of original Penrith gangsters, back in the day.
For those who don’t know Brandy and Geyer could fight like threshing machines and the old hood mentality had survived.
Freddy has perpetuated the Penrith thing coz
1. They have won a couple of premierships and
2. Coz he understands it.
But now, that’s over and apart from To’o and possibly Yeo and Edwards, the rest will be gone. And hopefully JAC as well, hate that prick and rarely speak that way.
Brandy could fight?
🤣 News to me
He never brought it into the field?!
No he didn’t but certainly won a few bouts off it ( especially a memorable one at an old pub in Mulgoa Road heading away from Leagues Club). He and his brother in law Geyer were a double act!!
I don’t think it’s there any more and for the life of me can’t remember its name.

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