Referendum 2023

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People need to think more about the statement of some people that the voice (as proposed) is going to improve the lot of the indigenous peoples and it seems the "right" thing to do.

That is way too simplistic a view and this referendum is not a simple situation.

It is too important and the overarching effect of the outcome is still too vague.

Lets look at it like this.....

If Yes "wins" we have a constitutional enshrined instrument (probably never to be removed) called "The Voice" that accord to proponents, is nothing more than an advisory panel. The Government of the day can do anything they want with this advice, including completely ignoring it - so as an instrument of change it is toothless in reality. And we have divided the populace, and spent, how much $360M? on a toothless tiger; not forgetting the millions that will be pumped into the Voice bureaucracy every year for the advice to be ignored.

All for politics.

If, as the No campaign say, it is the crack in the wall for reparations, land rights, Blak Sovereignty, GDP sharing etc then $360M will be but a piddle in the bucket and the full and complete ramifications of such a change to the constitution should have been clearly spelled out for all of the nation to consider and understand and not be hidden behind simplistic jingoistic "helping hands" "smiley happy clappies", let alone understanding the link between what may be and its primary proponents - who happen to be trade unionists, marxists and a whole host of white knights.
The voice is nothing more than an advisory body. We know that as the text for which we will be voting is confirmed.

There are a lot of advisory bodies, such as the Productivity Commission or the Australian Human Rights Commission whose advice is regularly ignored. That doesn’t mean those bodies shouldn’t exist.

Describing people as support it as “unionists, marxists and a whole host of white knights” is quite rude and dismissive of lots of everyday Australians who think it’s a step forward.

It’s a hard debate but let’s keep it civil.
I think it's about having Indigenous voices present in debates more than they have been to date. Currently, Australia really only talks a lot about Indigenous disadvantage with any substance around Australia Day which turns into a toxic conversation, the yearly update on closing the gap and when instances of police brutality happen (obviously not entirely true but you get my point and hats off the the NRL and AFL who are also increasingly putting these issues on the public debate a bit more but there's only so much sport can/should do).

It's not a silver bullet for dealing with disadvantage that has been caused over 200 years but it's a step forward.
There are plenty of organisations and bodies that work year round to supply services and projects working off budgets in the billions of dollars.
There are 11 indigenous reps in parliament some of whom represent communities remote to the big centres.
I see the voice as something that mirrors exactly what is already happening..just higher profile.
No one has satisfactorily pointed out how this makes things better.
Kaito. Do what you have to do. Doesn't matter you vote yes or no. The bottom line is - you want the world to be a better place. You can't lose brother.
I can understand people wanting to make the world a better place…it’s admirable.
I come from a different angle. The world is too far gone to make it better. I just want to live in it and not get walked on.
I agree as well. If the issue isn't the number of deaths in custody since it's not too many dying in custody compared to the average person incarcerated well then the question is why are so many being incarcerated.
Because they have been found guilty of a crime?
And the person that can should be our next president.

I have got a good few hours to kill in transit at SGN from Da Nang on the way back home next Wednesday, so maybe you can help me with the campaign after I sort you out on voting Yes?

Oh that's right, we stuffed up as a country by the coalition getting the people to vote no at the last referendum.
I have got a good few hours to kill in transit at SGN from Da Nang on the way back home, so maybe you can help me with the campaign after I sort you out on voting Yes?

Oh that's right, we stuffed up as a country by the coalition getting the people to vote no at the last referendum.
I suggest you enjoy the scenery. One of the most places in the world . Lucky bastard!
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