Sheens should retire

There's a reason Sheens keeps reiterating that fans need to patient. It's not to be dismissive of our loyalty and ongoing support (and the club's stupid failures) but moreso that there's a process which requires time for pieces to fall into place.
He's been there and done it before. IDC what decades it was but he is the only person at the club who has created/implemented succession plans which have delivered results on the field.
Our board may keep reinventing the wheel, but Sheens has said over and over again that he intends to stay the course (making appropriate adjustments here and there) and build a competitive roster.
No disrespect to any players that have left (or are leaving) but their vacancy allows us to buy players that get us closer to this goal.

There's a strong likelihood our next halves pairing will be young and inexperienced but given we have the likes of Koroisau, Bateman and Klemmer the leadership is adequate IMO to help with the transition.
Competing in the NRL would be enough pressure for them to face so we need to back them (our future halves combo) without placing unrealistic expectations on them. This is where Sheens comes in handy as he's great with public relations and having players mentally prepared.
Sheens hasn’t been there and done that in 15 years.
Sheens hasn’t been there and done that in 15 years.
But he has done it before and the changes to our pack ( whether his doing or not) have been positive.
Now our need is in the backs and I would think all effort is being aimed at that.
Let’s just hope that there is some positive change on the way and we can then pull together a reasonable overall squad.
Surely not? 🤣
Did he mean this year?
The DT like to embellish a little. (It was taken from the same interview shown on Fox in reference to 2023 goals or expectations).
This article linked at bottom shows what he said during it. I wouldn't even bother answering those types of questions if I were him.
Bennett always cracks me up when he simply says "No", when they ask could he tell them why he decided this or that.

Sheens described the Cowboys loss as a "disaster" for his rebuilding side but conceded he was always expecting difficulties this season.

"We did run last last year," he said.

"So if anyone thought we were going to go from last to first ... we were aiming at trying to make the semi-finals.

"Our focus isn't on that (the finals) at the moment, our focus is just on getting through next week's game and recovering from the disaster that we dished up this week.
"We did run last last year," he said.

"So if anyone thought we were going to go from last to first ... we were aiming at trying to make the semi-finals.
Why does he always feel the need to make comments like this? It’s like when he said everyone expects Luke Brooks to score 5 tries every game it’s just stupid. We didn’t expect to go from last to first Tim we expected improvement after you promised us all pre season we were getting it & here we are…. last again.
Why does he always feel the need to make comments like this? It’s like when he said everyone expects Luke Brooks to score 5 tries every game it’s just stupid. We didn’t expect to go from last to first Tim we expected improvement after you promised us all pre season we were getting it & here we are…. last again.
Yeah not sure.
Always interpreted his quotes about Brooks being more about the scrutiny he received from the supporter base and he was more or less saying it's a team sport in which they're interdependent on each other. Somewhat suggesting that it would take a lot for people to be satisfied with his performances. IDK that's my view but we all see things differently.

Edit: also meant no offence to anyone but my response is in context with my comments about his efforts to protect players (see up thread).
Yeah not sure.
Always interpreted his quotes about Brooks being more about the scrutiny he received from the supporter base and he was more or less saying it's a team sport in which they're interdependent on each other. Somewhat suggesting that it would take a lot for people to be satisfied with his performances. IDK that's my view but we all see things differently.
Those comments came after our 0-5 start where Brooks was arguably in the worst form of his career. No one was expecting him to score 5 tries a game, just to simply perform his role as the halfback in the team.
Benji is the coach and he is getting away scott free from criticism whilst the poor old fella is copping it delux.
About time people give him a blast.
He has done a fkn shitful job this year.