Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

+ Webke and Petro.
This is correct. It’s not about the spine at present. The pack, centres and wingers need upgrading to at least compete, if not dominate the ruck, and do tough carries out of our end. We have enough decent spine players for now and coming through but none of them will excel without a better supporting cast. I worry Luai’s imoact will be minimal.
Just reading about how Billy Slater not interested in the Parra job, wants to stay on his Victorian farm with his family.
Very admirable but maybe it’s more because he’s building a nice little image as the new Gus Gould, and fear of failure in a week to week role may blow that castle down.
Come on Billy, step out of the Origin cocoon and show us what you’ve really got.
Hi Hal
Why would Billy want to do that ?
Best coaching job in the world if your team is winning S.O.O
3 games a year with the best players and everyone calls you a genius.
Look at Big Mal getting paid well for a lot of years now with no stress involved.
Hi Hal
Why would Billy want to do that ?
Best coaching job in the world if your team is winning S.O.O
3 games a year with the best players and everyone calls you a genius.
Look at Big Mal getting paid well for a lot of years now with no stress involved.
He wouldn’t, that’s why he keeps knocking jobs back. I’d just like to see if he can actually coach or not.
The issue we have……

API is the only player who is prepared to work hard for the full 80 minutes and compete on every play……powder puffs like Stefano, ICE, just away from hard work when a momentum shift is needed….look how the Dogs play…..they all compete on every play….desite not being overly skilful
I think you are wrong on Stefano, he's always putting his hand up and there doing tough work at the end of the match.

It's Klemmer who has really fallen away, basically invisible.
Modern journalism is just opnion and speculation pieces.
No no no. Modern journalism is so much more than just opinion and speculation, it’s, guessing, rehashing, plagiarism, clickbaiting, forum researching, late night stalking, sewer swimming, not mention their ability to keep breweries in business and put on some good old fashioned pugilistic entertainment.
No no no. Modern journalism is so much more than just opinion and speculation, it’s, guessing, rehashing, plagiarism, clickbaiting, forum researching, late night stalking, sewer swimming, not mention their ability to keep breweries in business and put on some good old fashioned pugilistic entertainment.
Great to see Paul Kent get his runt sized arse kicked-in again.
With all his finger pointing, ranting & raving, and vitriol it turns out
‘The Man In The Mirror’ is the true villain.
I honestly hope we can keep Stefano but jeez I hope we aren’t paying anything over $600,000. He was ordinary last night and the only time he decided to step up is when the game is finished. I don’t understand why he can’t put the effort in the first 20? Maybe just start him off the bench if thats how he is gonna play.
I honestly hope we can keep Stefano but jeez I hope we aren’t paying anything over $600,000. He was ordinary last night and the only time he decided to step up is when the game is finished. I don’t understand why he can’t put the effort in the first 20? Maybe just start him off the bench if thats how he is gonna play.

When our prop rotation looked weak a few years ago ( it still does ), I posted that we should be looking at Mikolaj Oledzki from the Leeds Rhinos - he's an absolute beast, and I hope he's on Richo's radar.

What we are short of at the moments are class backs. Centre and maybe another winger. Who are the best players in the UK at the moment in those positions?

What we are short of at the moments are class backs. Centre and maybe another winger. Who are the best players in the UK at the moment in those positions?

I hope ur right , but please name 5-8 backrowers that will be on the market , then rate them on a scale of 1-10 of them coming to us , I look forward to see ur list , 😜
Stef looks unhappy but then again I just think that's the way he looks.
I've convinced myself he will succumb to the temptation of a stronger club - expect Ivan to go for the two for two with his smooth talking, and his determination to sh"_ t on this club at any given opportunity. As soon as Turuva was gone straight into poach mode - the package deal hit us where it hurts. Can see his smug pathetic grin at the very thought of it.
And I do have a massive problem with Ivan Cleary so my judgement likely to be way off and has no credibility.
latu is a good player but where will he play here ?
he won't play lock he is a halves player
We have 3 left sided halves for 2025 in Luai, Galvin and Fainu.
I very much doubt we will ask Luai to change from the side he has been playing his whole career, so Galvin or Fainu will have to change themselves into right sided players if they want to play in the halves in 2025.
Worryingly Fainu looks to struggle with his left to right pass and I don’t think a left to roght pass is a real strength for Galvin either.
It’s similar story in the outside backs with most in our top 30 heavily favouring playing on the left.
Roster imbalance is just as much an issue as a poor roster.
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latu is a good player but where will he play here ?
he won't play lock he is a halves player
Maybe he's a good player but who knows at this stage.
Until he does something in the NRL I'll reserve judgement.
He's missed a good chunk of last year and is a phantom player this year.
The NRL'S moving on and he's in a rehab room reading his junior scrapbook.
It's a different level and he's yet to even attempt to prove himself.
We have 3 left sides halves for 2025 in Luai, Galvin and Fainu.
I very much doubt we will ask Luai to change from the side he has been playing his whole career, so Galvin or Fainuvwill have to change themselves into right sided players if they want to play in the halves in 2025.
Worryingly Fainu looks to struggle with his left to right pass and I don’t think a left to roght pass is a real strength for Galvin either.
It’s similar story in the outside backs with most in our top 30 heavily favouring playing on the left.
Roster imbalance is just as much an issue as a poor roster.
Galvin plays both sides easily.

The bigger worry is the lack of running lines and shapes as he moves across field.

Last night, several times, he was looking and looking and no one ran anything. It was really, really average.

Can only hope Benji starts to realise this whole 'attack will come later' mindset is destroying our chances to win football games.
I honestly hope we can keep Stefano but jeez I hope we aren’t paying anything over $600,000. He was ordinary last night and the only time he decided to step up is when the game is finished. I don’t understand why he can’t put the effort in the first 20? Maybe just start him off the bench if thats how he is gonna play.
We’re not managing the subs properly. Stef should be on for at least 55-60 minutes.

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