WFH - Work from Home

Unfortunately there’s some that can’t control themselves
My wife worked from home for a few years and did too many hours
Even after shutting her computer down she’d go back in and spend half hour doing something that she said would benefit her work the next day
Atm she’s working an 8 day fortnight away for 6 months
Yep that’s what I was saying…the old “I’ll just get this done then I’ll finish up”. An hour and a half later you come out to the lounge room and find everyone has gone to bed.
She’s home every 2nd weekend for 4 days. Can’t say it’s really bothered me yet
With footy training and running my daughter around for work, tutoring and drama practice there’s only time for a couple of quiet beers
Hope everything goes well since you’re op
Ok, that’s not too bad. I like having Mrs BF around way too much for her to be away for too long. Yeah thanks, the op has prolonged my life so gotta be happy with that.
When it come to WFH, I reckon having young kids around might be hard bcoz they don’t understand the lines set. But, I don’t hate, my life, wife, home or location I live at, so I don’t have that feeling of I gotta get out this place that some may feel.
I lead a large team at work.

I get to chat, scheme, get schmoozed and leave a fraction early if needed.

Technically we may actually get more of the work done at home, but collaboration, culture is the really winner in the office.

I do 2 days in Sydney cbd which is the highlight of my week. The right balance IMO.
Collaboration is difficult, but teams and screen share, etc. can help with that but then those guys go and have lunch together and come back with input from chats over lunch. It’s workable but I hear what you’re saying Sparto.
Yep that’s what I was saying…the old “I’ll just get this done then I’ll finish up”. An hour and a half later you come out to the lounge room and find everyone has gone to bed.
Being diligent about WFH hours works both ways. You have to have a go, but you need to switch off and not go and check your work phone. Mrs BF doesn’t like me working around dinner time and too late at night.
I don't think it's a matter of one is better than the other.

Neither method is perfect and it just depends on what imperfections the employer is willing to accept.

WFH is, however, far cheaper for the employee to avoid the travel and far superior for introverted types.
I've never had a job where I could've ever done that and I worked in IT in all areas for 20 odd years. Someone has to look after the server/s and sure you can do minor updates and general admin remotely but when/if the shit hits the fan and it does fairly often that can't be looked at when you're sitting on the throne at home.
The work from an office campaign is a scam, pushed by the real estate industry and loser managers with fragile egos who need to be seen but offer little else.

I lead a team of five, they pretty much all work from home. Most days we're voice chatting or text chatting over Slack or Teams on projects. It's slightly less efficient than chatting over a desk but also better in that you're not distracting the rest of the team.

Anyone who isn't productive is found out pretty quickly.

At this point the only reason I go into the office is to have lunch with friends.
The work from an office campaign is a scam, pushed by the real estate industry and loser managers with fragile egos who need to be seen but offer little else.

I lead a team of five, they pretty much all work from home. Most days we're voice chatting or text chatting over Slack or Teams on projects. It's slightly less efficient than chatting over a desk but also better in that you're not distracting the rest of the team.

Anyone who isn't productive is found out pretty quickly.

At this point the only reason I go into the office is to have lunch with friends.
I find Teams more efficient than face-to-face communication when managing a team of 20+ - and with rotating hybrid arrangements some of my staff will be in the office and others at home on any given day.

So I still use Teams rather than shuffle the office-based staff into a conference room for any group meetings...

My team's performance stats individually prove many are less efficient when in the office - because they use their days in the office to socialise with colleagues and other teams.
I've never had a job where I could've ever done that and I worked in IT in all areas for 20 odd years. Someone has to look after the server/s and sure you can do minor updates and general admin remotely but when/if the shit hits the fan and it does fairly often that can't be looked at when you're sitting on the throne at home.
Most businesses don't have servers on site anymore though...

Our ICT team also work on a hybrid rotation.
I find that office based work often leads to too many unscheduled “catch-up” meetings. “Can I pinch you for 15 minutes mate”?…do that 4-5 times a day.
Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of working for the DOD recognises this.
Collaboration is difficult, but teams and screen share, etc. can help with that but then those guys go and have lunch together and come back with input from chats over lunch. It’s workable but I hear what you’re saying Sparto.
For staff that are the very important Doers, Collaboration tools help, but

as decision maker, nothing like face to face time for establishing relationships, influencing and driving forward.

2 days in town is perfect
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For staff that are the very important Doers, Collaboration tools help, but

as decision maker, nothing like face to face time for establishing relationships, influencing and driving forward.

2 days in town is perfect
Everyone has to establish that balance that works for the individual and the team. I read Uzzy talking about how the new more individual style where everyone prepares and trains slightly different and how they let them do that in a team environment, and how he reckons that has prolonged his career. In our case it’s just not feasible to have an office in every town and we have a man on the ground there that only come into one of the main offices for training purposes. But as you say those key moments to building relationships are done face to face, eye to eye. Without your sunglasses on. 😎