Signings, Suggestions & Rumours Discussion

Fox now reporting that Newcastle are going after Hastings if they can't get Brooks and that Joey Johns has called Jacko to point out advantages ? This soap opera goes on and on

Obviously trying to put pressure on
us. The ball is firmly in our court though.
Both of them are contracted to us.
I think it's more likely we get Klem
Than then Jacko getting a release
and driving from the gong to the hunter
For training every day. They're trying to agitate, good luck to them
I thought it was obvious but clearly some people believed me. It's not a habit as well.

I get your point though.
It's like drugs son. Once you've had a puff, you're hooked for life. :)
gee this Brooks shit needs to be sorted , same for Hastings , this club can’t afford to go into pre season looking like dicks .
sign one up just get it done
me i keep Hastings and swap Klemmer for Brooks
Start with Hastings at Half AD at 5/8 , Naden and Stains in the centres
Klemmer Appi , Steph up front
Pappi and Bateman back row
joffa to lock
Blore , Twal , Pole Bench + 1 more ptyats got some sting in It
Odd that we're going for another top line Winger when we've just locked up all our Outside backs long term (Not that I think they're all top line) And we have Nof and Nado for the next 3 years??
RTS is exactly what we need, A real Fullback and Decent meters from the back....
- A superstar even.

Fifita is the wrong signing for us at a time like this, We need a Capewell, Not a Fifita....
Stop doing this Bat, if only we'd signed Capewell and Nico.....
I thought it was obvious but clearly some people believed me. It's not a habit as well.

I get your point though.

I actually think how you structured it was different to your normal posts and the names are all ones we have had some form of links (rumours/news) towards as well, so well Played!

Now will change my calendar from April 1 to Nov 10
I actually think how you structured it was different to your normal posts and the names are all ones we have had some form of links (rumours/news) towards as well, so well Played!

Now will change my calendar from April 1 to Nov 10

I thought who can we sign who would actually be good signings for us. It didn't turn out that good for me though. I'm spending a lot of time telling people it was an outright lie.

I don't have inside info. I never have.

If we could get those players though it'd be game changing for us. We need a couple of quality signings. IP and Api are quality. We just need more.
I thought who can we sign who would actually be good signings for us. It didn't turn out that good for me though. I'm spending a lot of time telling people it was an outright lie.

I don't have inside info. I never have.

If we could get those players though it'd be game changing for us. We need a couple of quality signings. IP and Api are quality. We just need more.
So you're saying it's a done deal?!
Hey Earl your humour is great, but your reputation is conservative, and a bit of a fence sitter. Thats why i questioned your post, as did others, and some fell for it. At least it gave us something to read instead of the dribble and character assasinations on the site. Well done!
Hey Earl your humour is great, but your reputation is conservative, and a bit of a fence sitter. Thats why i questioned your post, as did others, and some fell for it. At least it gave us something to read instead of the dribble and character assasinations on the site. Well done!

I thought we needed something to talk about as well.

I love the fence sitter comment. I'm like that IRL.
I thought who can we sign who would actually be good signings for us. It didn't turn out that good for me though. I'm spending a lot of time telling people it was an outright lie.

I don't have inside info. I never have.

If we could get those players though it'd be game changing for us. We need a couple of quality signings. IP and Api are quality. We just need more.

It will be very funny if it all happens though.
Hastings may not get the 7 over Brooks at WTs but he may just block Brooks exit strategy- if that's his intention - by getting the 7 at Newcastle.
Oh for a transfer window so clubs could get on with preparing for next season without all this behind the scenes crap.
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I'd love to make a joke here but I don't think I'll ever do that again. Way too painful.
Haha, what was painful was the big smile that initial post put on my face. I got through the morning making the kids school lunches, getting brekky done while talking to the wife about how the Tigers are getting some sense and good direction about them.... only to read awhile later it was a joke... my heart broke💔
Not doubting your source man but how solid do you reckon it might be?

David Fifita would be a massive massive massive coup - he would be a game changer and should be targeted heavily I'd definitely put towards an 800k like deal

Caleb Clarke would be cool bit of a project - however do have my doubts about his defensive efforts wouldn't be opposed too the signing at all though

RTS is the signing if gettable we should be going extremely hard for as he's the type of player that can change a team - Benji and him have a good relationship and he's still 29

Side note: If we're going for Fifita.... the club must see either Bateman/Papalili as our lock moving forward unless Bateman deal isn't as on as the media are making it out to be?

I have heard Papi would like to play lock